dreaming about pie

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by plaid, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. plaid New Member

    i just read this:

    • To dream of pastry, denotes that you will be deceived by some artful person.
    • To eat it, implies heartfelt friendships.
    • If a young woman dreams of cooking it, she will fail to deceive others as to her real intentions.

    • To dream of pies, you will do well to watch your enemies, as they are planning to injure you.
    • For a young woman to dream of making pies, denotes that she will flirt with men for pastime. She should accept this warning."


    does the witdan church have any statement on this kind of thing?

    or failing that, maljonic the dream specialist guy?

    speaking of dreams, i dreamed i inexpertly dyed my hair red. what might that mean? no matter what i did i couldn't get the dye into all the brown splotches left.

    [edited to add one letter]
  2. KaptenKaries New Member

    What colour is your hair now?

    Edit: Ahh brown splotches would imply brunette hair. Damn my impatient curiosity, not finishing to read the post.
  3. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    • To dream of pies, you will do well to watch your enemies, as they are planning to injure you.[/quote:d9aea99835]
    Say it like it is, sister!
  4. Hsing Moderator

    What I found: Hair expresses the state of your soul. Especially women express themselves over their hair.
    Red hair associates with being dangerous, but also popular, energized.
    Dying your hair is a warning of dissapointment and wrong expectations, failing at dying it red would mean, if you combine all this, that your dream warns you of trying to look something that you aren't, because it will lead to dissapointment as you fail fulfilling the unfitting role.

    That's not my work, mind you. :)
  5. Ba Lord of the Pies

    The Witdan church holds that dream interpretation is an amusing party game, but in the absence of a devoted psychiatrist or counselor to examine the dream against the backdrop of the patients psyche, is not going to yield any useful information of Plaid's inner self. It's a hold-over from Freud's time, and fails to measure up to the wonderfully complicated instrument that is the human brain.

    Dreaming of pie might signify that crap Plaid read, but could just as easily (or even more easily) signify that the dreamer saw some pie that day, or wants some pie, or had their brain free-associate to pie while it filed away the day's memories. Sometimes a souffle is just a souffle.
  6. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I tend to agree with Ba on this.

    Most people seem to develop their own personal symbolism, anyway. If I dreamt about pie, it's just as likely it would mean something to do with these messageboards as actual pie.
  7. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Grace, sign onto AIM or MSN.
  8. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    • To dream of pies, you will do well to watch your enemies, as they are planning to injure you.[/quote:fb4decdbf9]
    Say it like it is, sister![/quote:fb4decdbf9]

    I chose to believe my enemies are planning to Heal my wounds.

    It's a new approach they're taking, and even though they are my enemies, I repect them for taking the brave decision to go agianst the grain.
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Nah, they just want to make sure you last longer...

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