DVD sercurity devices

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Pepster, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. Pepster New Member

    Right now I am quite pissed off.

    I just purchased a DVD, and when I got home I noticed the the security slide has not been disengaged. So I cannot open the case short of cutting it open* and have to return to the store to open the case.

    A security device that annoys your paying customers and is really not that effective, you could cut through it easily with a hack saw(so no real theft deterent then, actually I may give that a go if I can find a decent replacement case).

    Smart business eh. Bugger, I wanted to be watching Babylon 5 right now.

    *[i:2a671df5fe]now if it was a single diisc movie I would have and just replaced the case but it is a boxed set and I reckon i would damage some of the disc's[/i:2a671df5fe]
  2. Saccharissa Stitcher

    I remember a comedy act in some MTV music awards a long time ago, where Paul Reiser I think it was, nagged about how the wine gets warm, the girls gets called and you still haven't opened the damn CD wrapping.
  3. redneck New Member

    [quote:d854058f7b="Saccharissa"]I remember a comedy act in some MTV music awards a long time ago, where Paul Reiser I think it was, nagged about how the wine gets warm, the girls gets [i:d854058f7b]called[/i:d854058f7b] and you still haven't opened the damn CD wrapping.[/quote:d854058f7b]

    Did you mean "cold"? I read it a few times before I figured it out.
  4. Angua_rox New Member

    Yeah. . . I think I saw that and it was cold. . . not sure though.

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