Dwarf Bread and Trolls

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Lochinvar, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. Lochinvar New Member

    Given the chemical nature of dwarf bread, wouldn't trolls be lining up to buy it? I guess it would need a label stating that is was 100% Troll Free.
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    Do trolls eat stuff, I can't remember what they normally eat if they do?
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    They eat minerals. Dwarf bread is surely organic material, even though it's hard and may contain gravel... Trolls can't digest organics...
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    Of course, what's that stuff they'do' to make them all high?
  5. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I think it was 'Slab'.
    Young Brick (Thud) seemed addicted to it. Carborundum (Monstrous Regiment) ordered a beer which dissolved silver and copper that also seemed effective in putting trolls on their backs. Unfortunately, it wasn't actually named. There are one or two other troll drugs mentioned in various books, but they slip my mind at present. :rolleyes:
  6. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    In MAA, Detritus orders a molten sulphur on coke with phosphoric acid, the joke being that Coca Cola actually contains phosphoric acid. It's fairly regularly mentioned or alluded to that trolls eat minerals.

    Dwarf bread, however, is baked out of organic materials, just like human bread, so it is not digestable for trolls - although we know that trolls sometimes try out eating things they can't digest, which included humans in the past. They're a bit thick really.

    I always understood dwarf bread to be a joke about the 'cram' and lemnas bread of The Hobbit/LotR and standard hard tack/army rations type stuff.
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    It's lembas, isn't it ?
  8. McLaren New Member

    b abd n are bext to each other on the keynoard, we should pronanly give Nuzz the nebefit of the dount and bot questiob her LOTR kbowledge! ;)
  9. TamyraMcG Active Member

  10. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    It is lembas, and that was indeed a typo. It can happen, people - just stay alert and be careful out there!

    Actually, I like the word lemnas better than lembas.
  11. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I xasb't quztionibg her LOGR lnowledge, I was quedtioning mibe.

    Hang on this is getting silly :D I was questioning my memory rather than her knowledge, and of course hoping to have spotted a rare Buzzfloyd Typo™. Yay, that's 2 in my personal collection ! One day, I'll have enough to open an exhibition and go touring the trendy museums of the world !
  12. mr_scrub New Member

    Other troll drugs are Slide, Scrape and Sliver.
  13. Angua_rox New Member

    So they're easy to remember!
  14. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Maybe trolls also do Slap, Slut, Slobber and Scones. ;)
  15. HalfJack New Member

    I think the folks are right, dwarf bread is mostly organic. In Thud! it mentions the Scone of Stone having currants in it.

    In any case, would trolls WANT to buy something that was Dwarf made?

    Slab always reminds me of the slogan Detritus has in one of the books... I can't remember which. Goes something along the lines of:

    "Slab- Just say aaargharrrghnononopleeeeaseno!!!"
  16. mr_scrub New Member

    Don't you mean TFE? Thud! has no mention of the scone. And I think think the slogan is "takes out Feet of Clay"

    Slab jus' say AarrghaarrghpleeassennononoUGH :D :lol:
  17. HalfJack New Member

    :shock: Bugger!

    I always confuse those two. I think it's because I read the one after the other. And they both have dwarfs.

    I knew it went something like that, but I couldn't be bothered walking ALLLL the way over to the bookshelf, haha.

    Thanks for the correction though. *makes mental note*
  18. Pepster New Member

    Not sure on Coca Cola containing phosphoric acid, but it does contain carbonic acid (from dissolved carbon dioxide) and a surprising amount of copper (I've tested it ;) ).

    The copper may explain why, dry coke syrup used in slurpy machines smells a bit like blood.
  19. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I have a bottle of Coke sitting next to me, and it says 'phosphoric acid' right there on the label. Hence Pterry's joke. :)
  20. Katcal I Aten't French !

    So do you glow in the dark if you drink coke ?

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