England: It's always bloody raining

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, May 16, 2006.

  1. Electric_Man Templar

  2. Guest Guest

    and yet there is always a leak at the bottom of our road that severn trent do bugger all about.....i think its disgusting!
    We pay a fortune for our water rates and now we can't even use it how we want to!
  3. spiky Bar Wench

    Thats because you have a crap water system and rely on rain rather doing the Australian thing and finding water in all sorts of odd places... dams, bores and big plastic sheets stretched over the ground that if you lick in the morning can satisfy anyones thirst...

    Come live here and you'll know what water restrictions are about... You may get less rain this summer but it'll be 100 times more rain than we'll get...
  4. fairyliquid New Member

    Heh...know how you feel spiky.

    I remember living in Dubai...it rained for the first time in 6 years the day they organised a big food festival....outside.

    I've redeemed the situation though. I moved to the tropics...now I wish it would stop raining!
  5. spiky Bar Wench

  6. Pixel New Member

    Towing icebergs around to get fresh water is something that pops up in some SF stories from time to time - but has anyone worked out the technology of how to handle an iceberg once it reaches its destination - it is no good if it simply sits in the sea melting - the fresh (presumably) water has to be collected without getting brine mixed in!
  7. Watchman New Member

    Grief, a summer in England without rain... the sheer thought should be considered heresy. It's traditional. I [i:d8dc92a2a2]like[/i:d8dc92a2a2] rain, especially in summer. Damn global warming, damn it to heck!

    **Goes off to sulk and think about cold grey showers of rain**
  8. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:2371ff2b9f="misswhiplash"]and yet there is always a leak at the bottom of our road that severn trent do bugger all about.....i think its disgusting!
    We pay a fortune for our water rates and now we can't even use it how we want to![/quote:2371ff2b9f]

    Well, currently you can, as you're in the Trent region oop north* and the hosepipe ban (currently) is only in the south east.

    Though it would be nice if they could save the water from the leak and send it down for us!

    *I'm sure you'll say it's midlands but if it's north of watford gap...
  9. Guest Guest

    **goes to the bottom of our road with a 2 litre bottle and stands in the middle of the road, watching out for the traffic, filling the bottle with the water from the leak**
  10. Delphine New Member

    [quote:3dc1940360="Electric_Man"]Or is it?[/quote:3dc1940360]

    >looks out window<


    Oh how will I cope with not being able to use a hose to clean my private aircraft. She will have to fly dirty! :(
  11. Electric_Man Templar

    It's raining here too at the mo, think it's just building up for a good downpour when I start playing football tonight.
  12. Guest Guest

    i'm stuck in an awful call centre listening to the rain hitting the roof!

  13. Victimov8 New Member

    Meh - there is only a water shortage in the South - must be because they add too much to the Beer!
  14. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:8b1d46d178="Electric_Man"]It's raining here too at the mo, think it's just building up for a good downpour when I start playing football tonight.[/quote:8b1d46d178]

    I was completely and utterly............................... right.
  15. Hsing Moderator

    You have to play more often, and in the South of England!
  16. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:bb4a9d8dfc="Hsing"]You have to play more often, and in the South of England![/quote:bb4a9d8dfc]

    I do and I am!

    edit: added quote due to new page

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