Favourite dreams?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by KaptenKaries, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. KaptenKaries New Member

    Clicking around on the boards I ended up in Maljonic's profile which led me to his site about dreams, where I found this quote:

    [quote:51db772eb1="J D Malory"]The dreams in which I'm flying are the best I ever have.[/quote:51db772eb1]

    I've had dreams about flying twice. To this day, there has been nothing, while awake or asleep, that has beat the sensation of soaring the skies.

    I've flown with two different techniques. The first technique involved hurling my body against the ground in such a force that the air cushion against the ground would lift me. Once that first lift has been achieved, the skies were mine to conquer. I reckon I got a good 10 minutes of flight before I woke up.

    The second technique was running so fast that each step was longer than the previous one, until finally I didn't need to put my feet down on the ground at all. I think this only lasted half a minute or so before I woke up.

    Interestingly, when I took classes in paragliding, and did my first takeoff, I realised the sensation of a paraglide takeoff isn't that far from the second technique, but paragliding never got me that free flight sensation, since you feel your body is suspended by wire and not levitation or air. Nevertheless, paragliding is fun and I recommend it to anyone who'll get the chance. :)

    So, here's my questions. Have you ever had dreams of flying? If so, what technique did you use to get airborne? Are your favourite dreams not of flying, and if so, what are they about?
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I have sort of had flying dreams, but they are kind of like sliding turning into weightless sliding... There was a coca cola advert here where the character just slides along the pavement, not really touching it, just flowing past, and that's kind of how I start flying... it then just turns into a step further up, and off we go, but never that far up...
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    I usually just fly whenever I feel like it, with no effort at all - sometimes for fun, sometimes to get to somewhere quicker and sometimes to avoid something on the ground.

    There's no real technique, a bit like Superman I suppose, but I have woken up before with the knowledge of how I managed to fly just beyond memory, or so it seemed. :)
  4. Watchman New Member

    Always been rather envious of people who can remember their dreams, the only ones I remember seem to involve work. Even my subconscious is a dull work-aholic pen pusher. How do you manage it?
  5. Maljonic Administrator

    If you don't naturally remember dreams very well, you can sometimes force your brain to remember them better by writing down the tiny bits that you [i:d6caa9b48a]do[/i:d6caa9b48a] remember. If you keep doing this you sort of train your mind into thinking that remembering dreams is important to you, in the same way that you train your mind into thinking that remembering algebra is important to you when you revise for exams at school.
  6. Watchman New Member

    Hmm, thanks, I'll certainly give it a go :)

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