Favourite Games

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. Hsing Moderator

    No, not computer games - this time.

    I'm looking for games, actual games you have to play on the table, with friends who are in the same room with you. Like chess, or backgammon.

    I love "Settlers of Catan" and its siblings. I like Scrabble, because its the only game I have a small chance of winning against my husband. That one, and the "Munchkin" card game. :) I like that one too.
    I'd like to play Chess, or Go, or Mah Jongg. But I have yet to learn them.

    Any recommendations (especially if its for two players, but otherwise too)?

  2. Electric_Man Templar

    I like chess, but haven't played in a long time, the last time I did was probably when I beat Doors online. But I used to play fairly regularly at school.

    I also play snooker, if that counts as a game - it is at a table , so meets that criteria!

    I played card games with my parents and siblings a lot whilst growing up, played poker among friends at uni too, which was fun. When my brother was home (he's 6 years older than me), I used to play a lot of other board games with him, things like Game Of Life and Go For Broke. Then there was Subbuteo if we had the time to set it up. Oh, and the glory of Pop-Up-Pirate

    Sometimes when I visit my grandparents, we'll play a game. It might be cards or Tiddlywinks or Kniffel. (Yahtzee in english, my grandparents have the german version).
  3. spiky Bar Wench

    I'm a trivia buff, so my favourite is Trivial Pursuit, especially the 20th Anniversary edition that has questions I know the answers to.
  4. allthatjazz New Member

  5. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba enjoys a rousing game of Russian Roulette.
  6. sampanna New Member

    [quote:7560a210e4="Ba"]Ba enjoys a rousing game of Russian Roulette.[/quote:7560a210e4]
    With pie.
  7. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    for larger groups, Cranium. players make up teams and they go round the board, getting a certain type of question based on the color space they land on. there's four types of cards/questions available, ranging from general knowledge and trivia to word puzzles (spelling, anagrams, and definitoins) to performance tasks like charades and impersonations, and then creativity tasks including scuplting (modling clay is included) and drawing (like pictionary)

    it can be great fun.
  8. edster New Member

    [quote:59b7356b04="Garner"]for larger groups, Cranium. players make up teams and they go round the board, getting a certain type of question based on the color space they land on. there's four types of cards/questions available, ranging from general knowledge and trivia to word puzzles (spelling, anagrams, and definitoins) to performance tasks like charades and impersonations, and then creativity tasks including scuplting (modling clay is included) and drawing (like pictionary)

    it can be great fun.[/quote:59b7356b04]
    yeah cranium is great. also i like oh hell which is a card game
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Cranium is a great favourite of my friends, but so far I haven't had the opportunity to actually play it, it does sound fun.

    I personally love the werewolf game, for groups over 8 people, it's great fun and always has us laughing our socks off.

    Elixir is a neat game where you have to collect ingredients to cast spells on the other players, such as having to hop 3 times round the table or call someone else master for the whole game, or worse giving everyone a nickname and having to stick to it, or speaking third person (à la Ba) throughout the rest of the game. Any forgetting these spells' effects, and you lose an ingredient to the person who spotted you.

    Another quite recent one is Time's Up, players pair up and have to make their partner guess the names of celebrities in 30 seconds each time, a pack of 40 cards are selected from the big pack and the game takes part in 3 rounds. In the first round, you can basically say anything you like, but you can't pass, in the second, you are only allowed to use one word, and in the 3rd, you can only use gestures/mime and small sounds (no singing). It's best to play with someone who has the same sort of culture as you, playing as a couple is almost cheating :D The associations that ossur after the second round are sometimes incredibly funny, and it doesn't half show up a lack of general knowledge sometimes :D

    Among the classics, I love Trivial pursuit, we have the starwars version (which is quite easy, 90% of the questions can be answered by the names of the main characters, you don't have to have seen the films more than onee to win... of course, you can always show off and answer the tricky ones :D ) but we have a deck of normal family edition questions too... The board is really nice and the figures are rather neat...

    I'm lousy at Jungle speed, and I hate Uno for reasons I'm not quite sure about. And[b:48c1b92e95] no-one[/b:48c1b92e95] will ever get me to play Monopoly [b:48c1b92e95]ever [/b:48c1b92e95]again.

    Edit : is "oh hell" the same as "bloody hell" just slightly less rude ? If so, it is a good game ;)
  10. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I have some brilliant language-based games that no one will ever play with me: such as the Oxford Game of the English Language (which now appears only to be available on Amazon.de), a Trivial Pursuit type game with questions about the meanings and spellings of words; the superb Ex Libris, a Balderdash type game in which you have to make up the first or last sentences of different books and try to pick the correct one out of everyone's attempts; Lost for Words, in which you have to come up with a list of words by changing one letter every time, and various others. Sadly, I have only been able to play some of these games once, because people then refuse to play with me. :(
  11. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:341eabbd35="Buzzfloyd"]I have some brilliant language-based games that no one will ever play with me: such as the Oxford Game of the English Language (which now appears only to be available on Amazon.de), a Trivial Pursuit type game with questions about the meanings and spellings of words; the superb Ex Libris, a Balderdash type game in which you have to make up the first or last sentences of different books and try to pick the correct one out of everyone's attempts; Lost for Words, in which you have to come up with a list of words by changing one letter every time, and various others. Sadly, I have only been able to play some of these games once, because people then refuse to play with me. :([/quote:341eabbd35]
    :D Sorry Grace, I just had to laugh at that :D

    One of the ones my parents like is picking up a dictionary in turn (if you can find a complicated specialist one, it's better) and picking the first word you don't know the meaning of, then the other people have to make up the best definition they can. This can be quite funny, and of course, you learn new words... like sterncastle.
  12. Rincewind Number One Doorman

  13. redneck New Member

    My family used to play King's Court a lot. The link has a lot of information on it, but here's a brief synopsis. It's almost like a combination of chess and checkers, but is not as complicated as chess. The pieces look like checker pieces. They surround an open "court yard" that is the official playing ground. To win the game, one player has to remove all the pieces from the opposing player from "court yard". It is very fun and tournament play is often quite amusing.
  14. Faerie New Member

    Cranium is good and so is Risk: The Game of Global Domination.
    For card games I like war, a friend and I played a two deck game for 5 straight hours on the flight to Hawaii and the game still wasn't over when we landed. Rummy, Spoons, and Uno are also good. Uno can get interesting if you buy a specialist deck, I have a Harry Potter deck and there is an Invisibility Cloak card for cancelling other action cards and a Howler card to see another players hand. Bop It is also great fun, especially when intoxicated. We pass it around to see how long we can do it or 3 people can each take on of the actions and play together, we've gotten over 100 points doing that.
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:fb055365ab="Rincewind"]HUNGRY HIPPOS![/quote:fb055365ab]

    Reminds me of when my sister and I were young, we had a game called Puff, and you played a sort of tennis with an ultra-lite "ball" made of foam sections and puffer-pigs... I don't think we ever really played it by the rules, but it was fun :D
  16. Watchman New Member

    I always used to love Cluedo and Risk is still a favourite. Munchkin is a great card game but I've not been able to find anywhere that sells it in my area so I've only played that at friends. Trivial Pursuit is a family favourite and usually gets carted out at clan gatherings as the evening draws in :)
  17. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Watchman, if you're in London, you should go to Shaftesbury Avenue and visit [i:2a2642c607]Forbidden Planet[/i:2a2642c607]. You should take plenty of money, as well as survival rations, as you may not come out for days if you are as big a geek as some of us here.
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **writes that down for the next time she goes to London**

    **and crys because it probably won't be for some time :( **
  19. Perdita New Member

    'tennis doubles' over our kitchen table with a balloon. (kind of like keepy uppy)

    cause we had good imaginations. :?
  20. Watchman New Member

    [quote:678047ce7e="Buzzfloyd"]Watchman, if you're in London, you should go to Shaftesbury Avenue and visit [i:678047ce7e]Forbidden Planet[/i:678047ce7e]. You should take plenty of money, as well as survival rations, as you may not come out for days if you are as big a geek as some of us here.[/quote:678047ce7e]

    Thanks, noted down and will be hopping in there soon :)

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