Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Rincewind, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. Rincewind Number One Doorman

  2. Dane New Member

    I've downloaded a number of trailers. some of them say that it's due to be rleased summer 2004!

    I have a cool one of Linken Parks song "faint" with advent children clips for the video. It's really good
  3. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Linky Mc Link Link?

    I hread that it will be out in Japan on 15th of september. Not sure about over here though.

    It looks great.
  4. Mooseman New Member

    It doesnt work for me. Just a black screen and no sound.
    I was looking for that as well!

    Bob time :(
  5. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Link works fine for me.

    I the only reason I can think that it wouldn't work for you is that your a loser who is hated by god and has cursed to screen to exact a petty revenage upon you.
  6. mowgli New Member

    Doesn't work for me either :(

    (And I KNOW that Ba loves me, for I conduct unspeakable culinary acts on a daily basis)
  7. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Download apple quicktime. Check to make sure it's updated. Then try it again.
  8. mowgli New Member

  9. Pepster New Member

    THe US and japanese release dates are within days of each other apparently, whether its for the PSP's movie format only or the DVD version aswell I'm not particully sure.

    The release date will probably be pushed back a bit though. Christmas if we are lucky.

    I've been patiently getting all the trailers over the last few months, the best place to find them.

    Edit to add: 07/12/05 for the land of oz, my day has just been made :)
  10. colonesque10 New Member

    I couldn't get your link to work either Rinso, so I used Mowgli's. The film looks cool, it will definatly be one i'll go to see in the Cinema, then again I go to see most films in the cinema now. :)
  11. Mooseman New Member

    Yeah Mowglis link works for me, looks great! :D

    Anyone noticed anything... Odd about the name of this thread?
  12. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    lol 'fimal'.

    Kenny, I probably won't get a cinema release, not after the last one.

  13. Electric_Man Templar

    I'm hoping you won't get day release either, [i:c7d7cf28ac]from the prison you got put in for your crimes against beards![/i:c7d7cf28ac]
  14. colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:8cd3222bf7="Electric_Man"]I'm hoping you won't get day release either, [i:8cd3222bf7]from the prison you got put in for your crimes against beards![/i:8cd3222bf7][/quote:8cd3222bf7]

    This is indeed true, also the community service he does for cromes against mullets. :D

    So FF will be a straight to DVD film for us ove will it Rinso?
  15. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    After the last movie, which nearly bankcrupted Square I think it's going to be on DVD everwhere. Which is a shame becuase it looks a billion times better. It's a movie sequal to a game though, so it'll make more sense to those who have played it. But FF7 is one of the best games ever so this is good excuse for all you losers to play it.
  16. Dane New Member

    Love to but the graphics deter me. Your a blob running around on a screen for the magority of the game.

    I don't understand why the last film did so badly. I loved it. I went to the movies to see it twice and bought it on DVD. Infact it was because of that film that I started playing FF. I'v got and completed X and X-II. I loved them. I'm considering getting an emulation of FF IX and possibly IIX. however IIX is almost 2GB! so I'll have to delet some shit first.
  17. Mooseman New Member

    What would be your favourite (and worst) FF?

    Mines FF VIII, great graphics, (for its time) great storyline, and the whole system of magic worked well I think.

    Worst, definatly FF X-2. Not like any of the others, and suffered because of it. Not much improvement on graphics from FF X either.
  18. QuothTheRaven New Member

    FFVII is my favorite as well
    Edit to add:
    Dane: you should try VII. Its graphics might be out dated, but its story surpasses even the MGS games.
    Also, it was the first game to get to get me interested in gameing.
  19. Dane New Member

    I hate the MGS series and the Sam Fisher ones for that matter.

    But I will download an emulator for it. It sounds good.

    I've only played X and X-2 but X was certainly the better game
  20. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Dane you gotta download it, it's one of the most amazing games out there. It's story and characters far surpass FFX. If you liked that, you'll love VII. Don't let the graphics put you off. It still has some excellent cut scenes. Start it tonight!
  21. Dane New Member

    I'll get it now
  22. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    It's out to download now. I don't think it's getting a uk DVD release so unless you speak japanese you'll have to download it if you want to watch it.

    I've heard the story is abit forced but the action is great.
  23. Bob New Member

    FF VII, I was half way through that on my PS1 and when I went to play it one day my playstation asks for credits.
    Where exactly I am to insert money, I'm not sure, but it is certainly bizarre. Anyone else ever heard of a PS asking for money ? :?
    So, I never got to finish it. :(

    FF VIII was great tho, I never played any others

  24. Willmolly3 New Member

    I know it is an older topic but I am a huge FF Fan!

    Final Fantasy VII is by far my fav game, even though the graphics are indeed outdated the storyline is amazing.

    The film Advent Children is amazing, I have watched it all the way through, but in Japenese. To be honest if you are already a big FF fan you will follow the storyline with ease. The action scenes are out of this world. I for one will definatly be getting it on UMD when it is released for my PSP! I completed FF VII as recent as two months ago for the 7th time since its release. It never gets boring for me!
  25. Smoking_GNU New Member

    The movie was brilliant. I watched it on sunday. We downloaded it from our network. Our's had subtitles. They talk fast so we missed some of the lines, but the graphics were still totally breathtaking. It reminded me of the intro graphics they had in warcraft III, only more so.

    Where can you download a mivie within 10-20 min totally free?
  26. Willmolly3 New Member

    I have it without subtitles. But the Characters look superb, Especially Barret, who is my Fav in the game. Vincent plays quiet a promenent part which is interesting as he is one of the characters that dont feature as much int he main game. I would have liked to see more of Tiffa and Barret!
  27. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    The effects where great. I heard they're remaking the game for the PS3.
  28. Willmolly3 New Member

    I herd they were making a sequal to FF VII with the same characters! New storyline and all that.
  29. Bob New Member

    Yeah the film is beautiful, but I'm not sure the subs I have are quite correct.. There are a few lines that aren't translated, and a lot of lines were over the sides of the screen (so had to go thru and insert carrige returns)

    Having the repetitive battle music on his phone as ringtone was funny touch, I thought :)

    But a lovely well made film, hopefully they will be more successful with this film than the last, and I hope they will continue to make them.

  30. Dane New Member

    I have it :D It is subtitled but as everyone said it is amazing. I loved the fight scenes and even though i havn't played the game i did kinda undertsand the story line.

    It was an amazing film and if they do bring out a remake for the PS3 I will so be getting it :D I have allready Pre-orderd the PS3 witha few games etc etc.

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