Firefly and Serenity

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by edster, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. edster New Member

    Now that i see im not the only one on this board that likes Firefly and Serenity,
    i thought that i would make a thread about it. So if you like them please post your thoughts about Firefly and/or Sernity, and if you don't then say why.

    I love both the show and the movie, but i hate Fox their bastards.
    edit ask buzzfloyd
  2. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Amazing. It has the best characters. I watched serinitity before firefly. I loved that every time it looked like getting cheesy they turned in to a joke.

    The character development in the series was very good too. River espiecally.
  3. Nester New Member

    The thing I liked the most about the series and movie was the mixing of western and sci-fi. It really was perfectly done. Yes, they're flying around in a spaceship, but someone riding a horse, or a stagecoach robbery seems totally plausible.

    Plus the music rules. The opening song for the series is great :)
  4. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Edster, you know it's called Serenity, right...?
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    One day, to give you guys a proper opinion on this, I will have to sit down and make myself watch a full episode, or even the film, in English. As I have said before, the couple of episodes I have seen in dubbed French version seemed so lame I just mentallly switched off after 10 minutes. And I didn't get to see the movie because it didn't even last a full week at any cinema anywhere near me... And there are about 10 cinemas in this city, there were posters and adverts all over the place for weeks before it came out, and still no-one went to see it... :shock:

    On the other hand, I know a lot of English-speakers who say it's great, so I just don't know what to think...

    The French version of Buffy was great, it really translated all the ironic comments and stuff, and the dubbing of Angel was good too, both series were really popular in France, so I don't really think it's a translation thing... Oh well, we'll see...
  6. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:3229e90b6f="Buzzfloyd"]Edster, you know it's called Serenity, right...?[/quote:3229e90b6f]I wondered about that the first time I saw edster mention it, but I've never heard of it so I thought 'Sernity' was somebody's name. :)
  7. edster New Member

    [quote:a2d78cdc72="Maljonic"][quote:a2d78cdc72="Buzzfloyd"]Edster, you know it's called Serenity, right...?[/quote:a2d78cdc72]I wondered about that the first time I saw edster mention it, but I've never heard of it so I thought 'Sernity' was somebody's name. :)[/quote:a2d78cdc72]
    look im sorry but thats what happens when you don't sleep
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Tell you what, edster, next time sleep first, edit next... 3 edits and there's still one left :D
  9. edster New Member

    [quote:501cc1e0ec="Katcal"]Tell you what, edster, next time sleep first, edit next... 3 edits and there's still one left :D[/quote:501cc1e0ec]
    im very lazy katcal just so you know, so can't you just leave it.
  10. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Edster, are you actually upset? I can't tell from your tone.
  11. edster New Member

    no im not upset, maybe a bit annoyed

    edit spelling
  12. chrisjordan New Member

    I did the same after about 20 minutes of the English version. It seemed like a generic space opera with an ill-fitting, twangy soundtrack that was trying too hard to force the Western feel into it. When the title sequence came on, I was staring at the screen aghast. And that opening battle scene, where they're all huddled and discussing their next moves, really struck me as kids playing a game. All they needed was colanders on their heads.

    But then a couple of days later I gave it another chance. Once you get used to it, the soundtrack becomes less obtrusive and actually pretty good in places (and even the title sequence gets slightly less bad each time...I just found it cheesy). And while I still think the Western elements seem forced sometimes (halfway through it now, I'd appreciate a change of scenery on those planets), I'm really enjoying it. Its strongest point has to be the characters, and the Joss Whedon-style humour helps a lot in keeping it going. For the most part, it manages to pull off the ideas it presents pretty well.
  13. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:6f68005412="edster"]no im not upset, maybe a bit annoyed

    edit spelling[/quote:6f68005412]
    Sorry edster, it wasn't meant to offend, it was merely intended as a friendly joke... I won't do it again, promise ;)
  14. edster New Member

    [quote:b193494906="Katcal"][quote:b193494906="edster"]no im not upset, maybe a bit annoyed

    edit spelling[/quote:b193494906]
    Sorry edster, it wasn't meant to offend, it was merely intended as a friendly joke... I won't do it again, promise ;)[/quote:b193494906]

    a joke hey, well i guess it's okay.
  15. spiky Bar Wench

    I enjoyed them immensely. They are great fun but I've already had my argument with Kat about this show and I still say the psuedo-French need to watch the english version before giving up entirely...

    Their needs to be a next installment, I'm going to be very upset if another movie or series never manages to be made... In the meantime while I wait with unbaited breath (I have the feeling I would suffocate before the next instalment is made) I have gone all Stargate mad and am happily watching all of the episodes back-to-back.
  16. Garner Great God and Founding Father


    lack of sleep can lead to snappish tempers. always remember folks: sleep is your friend... unless you're driving or performing surgery.

    and, as for being too lazy to spell properly...

    if you're THAT lazy (and lord knows i am), then you should probably be asleep right now.
  17. edster New Member

    i'm not the one that goes around saying "i'm a god" and so on.
    And i'm not to lazy to not spell i'm just bad at it.

    edit added thing about spelling
  18. Ba Lord of the Pies

    There will almost certainly never be another Firefly series. Fox owns the rights for that, and Joss Whedon has stated that he will not work with them again.

    There will likely never be another movie like Serenity. Serenity did all right, but not well enough to justify the cost of making it into a franchise.

    Where Firefly will likely live again will be in made-for-TV or direct-to-DVD movies. Joss Whedon has spoken with the Sci-Fi channel about working with them on this.
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:cf2e117a02="spiky"]I enjoyed them immensely. They are great fun but I've already had my argument with Kat about this show and I still say the psuedo-French need to watch the english version before giving up entirely...

    Their needs to be a next installment, I'm going to be very upset if another movie or series never manages to be made... In the meantime while I wait with unbaited breath (I have the feeling I would suffocate before the next instalment is made) [b:cf2e117a02]I have gone all Stargate mad [/b:cf2e117a02]and am happily watching all of the episodes back-to-back.[/quote:cf2e117a02]

    Ah, glad to see that you have seen the light spiky, and that you are now watching Kat-approved sci-fi :D
  20. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    [quote:9e894c7e78="edster"]i'm not the one that goes around saying "i'm a god" and so on.
    And i'm not to lazy to not spell i'm just bad at it.

    edit added thing about spelling[/quote:9e894c7e78]

    dude, your attitude is unwarranted. i urge you to take a time-out session and relax a bit, because there's no reason for you to be so defensive with us.
  21. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    [quote:ab2a1f3cfd="edster"]i'm not the one that goes around saying "i'm a god" and so on.
    And i'm not to lazy to not spell i'm just bad at it.

    edit added thing about spelling[/quote:ab2a1f3cfd]

    Dude, you need to chill. Garner's 'I'm a God' joke, has nothing what so ever with spelling. Neither would my 'I'm a Doorman' Or Mals 'I'm a time travelling monk joke.' So best not start on things that are totally off topic.

    And If you don't what people to think your too lazy or sleepy to spell things right, you probably shouldn't post things like this:

    im very lazy katcal just so you know, so can't you just leave it.[/quote:ab2a1f3cfd]

    [quote:ab2a1f3cfd="edster"]look im sorry but thats what happens when you don't sleep[/quote:ab2a1f3cfd]

    If you don't want people to think your lazy you shouldn't call yourself VERY lazy. It might give the wrong impression.

    Correct spelling isn't a massive deal here. They've put up with me for five years. But it is always nice to try to do the best you can. And if people gently mock you for comic typos there isn't any harm in just laughing with it?
  22. Hsing Moderator

    *hails Rinso*
  23. QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:55a4fdd61f="spiky"]In the meantime while I wait with unbaited breath (I have the feeling I would suffocate before the next instalment is made) I have gone all Stargate mad and am happily watching all of the episodes back-to-back.[/quote:55a4fdd61f]

    [i:55a4fdd61f]Stargate[/i:55a4fdd61f] just hasn't been the same since Col. O'Neil left.
  24. Electric_Man Templar

    *sleets rinso*
  25. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Cursed sleet!

    Back to firefly, the first hour long one is a little hokey but it's worth watching past. One you get to know the characters it's wicked!
  26. Hsing Moderator

    The series has never been broadcast here, but I watched -and liked- the movie. I think I posted somewhere why... I don't remember clearly right now.
  27. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:ee2f7f9cfa="Katcal"][quote:ee2f7f9cfa="spiky"]I enjoyed them immensely. They are great fun but I've already had my argument with Kat about this show and I still say the psuedo-French need to watch the english version before giving up entirely...

    Their needs to be a next installment, I'm going to be very upset if another movie or series never manages to be made... In the meantime while I wait with unbaited breath (I have the feeling I would suffocate before the next instalment is made) [b:ee2f7f9cfa]I have gone all Stargate mad [/b:ee2f7f9cfa]and am happily watching all of the episodes back-to-back.[/quote:ee2f7f9cfa]

    Ah, glad to see that you have seen the light spiky, and that you are now watching Kat-approved sci-fi :D[/quote:ee2f7f9cfa]

    pffft your approval is unneccessary, however, I can't stop you from giving it. So approve away and I will continue to watch what I like :cooler:

    As to Stargate without RD Anderson I don't know if its worse. It IS different but the storylines are just as strong so I forgive it. Besides Michael Shanks (Daniel Jackson) is the dream-boat for me... so as long he's there I'm happy :heart:

    Back to Firefly - I can only hope that Sci-fi channel gets it and makes it work... or that Fox sells its rights to the series. Its happened before... I think.
  28. QuothTheRaven New Member

    Fox recently sold the rights to [i:42f6853562]Futurama[/i:42f6853562] to Comedy Central, so it would not be without precedent.
  29. edster New Member

    Sorry Garner I was I bit piss off that day and I took it out on you sorry, and as for the sleeping it's called Xbox with halo.

    Any way back to one of the best shows, I wish [quote:0f683a6073="SPOILER"][color=white:0f683a6073]Wash hadn’t died in Serenity, he was my favorite character.[/color:0f683a6073][/quote:0f683a6073]

    EDIT: Edited by Ba!
  30. Tephlon Active Member


    Not everyone has seen the movie yet. That includes me, as I was waiting to see the whole series before seeing the movie (Only just finished it). You just posted what is commonly known as a SPOILER. Don't.
  31. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    or at least adda warning.
  32. Tephlon Active Member

    **note to self: don't post angry**

    Like Rincewind said, whenever you post a spoiler it would be nice to either give a spoiler warning (usually done by adding ***WARNING: SPOILER*** or something similar before the actual spoiler) or, if you are willing to get slightly more technical, you can also use the quote function and change the text to white. (While still including the spoiler warning)

    Like this:


    [quote:1acd295494="SPOILER"][color=white:1acd295494]Peter Parker is Spiderman[/color:1acd295494][/quote:1acd295494]

    Spoilers include deaths of characters of recent* books and films. Big events in movie adaptations that are different from the book can also be considered spoilers. Basically anything that can spoil a surprise should be considered a spoiler (hence the name...)

    * Please note: "Recent" is very relative. Not only do films in non-english speaking countries take longer to get to the theatre due to licensing and translations (and/or dubbing), they will get to DVD even later. So untill you are relatively sure that the film has been out on DVD in Andorra for at least 6 months, it's better to not post something like "I can't believe they killed off XXX...

    Edit: deleted double post...
  33. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:1356559b39="Tephlon"][quote:1356559b39="SPOILER"][color=white:1356559b39]Peter Parker is Spiderman[/color:1356559b39][/quote:1356559b39]

    (....) So untill you are relatively sure that the film has been out on DVD in Andorra for at least 6 months, [/quote:1356559b39]

    OMG, He's Spiderman ??? :shock:

    Thanks for saying this phlon, I was to pissed off to do so politely ;)

    Edited to say that Andorra isn't necessarily the last place to get movies, as a tax haven, it's duty-free low-priced shops are quite well stocked with everything you could imagine. OK, mostly cigarettes and booze :D
  34. edster New Member

    oh sorry so much, I didn't think of that
  35. Hsing Moderator

    @edster, and on behalf of Garner:

    Garner says:
  36. Tephlon Active Member

    Apology accepted here too.

    Edster, would you mind editing your post with the spoiler in it?
    I know there are other people that haven't seen the movie yet...
  37. Hsing Moderator

    It was the first ending of a sci fi movie in a long time that managed to creep me out a little. Plus, the dialogues in Joss Whedons productions usually help a lot with getting over the slightly trashy look.

    I also loved the takeouts. On the DVD.
  38. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba has fixed it.
  39. Tephlon Active Member

    Ah. I already sent Edster a PM too. Thanks, Ba!
  40. fairyliquid New Member

    Loved firefly, loved serenity.

    I'll agree that the combination of old western and future technology really mixes in well. I think it's to dotwith the fact that all the settings are not amazing, gobsmacking, seemingly state-of-the-art technology. However advanced it is, the ship they work in is very beaten and out-dated.

    Plus who doesn't love cheesy western shoot 'em ups....
  41. jaccairn New Member

    I never really watched firefly when it was in the TV, but caught the odd episode so I knew who the characters were. Went to see Serenity at the cinema (one of only three people at the screening) and really enjoyed it so got the series on DVD. Still have the last DVD to watch then I'll watch Serenity again. I do hope that they make more.
  42. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:8340ee5c02="fairyliquid"]Plus who doesn't love cheesy western shoot 'em ups....[/quote:8340ee5c02]

    Well only if there's no actual blood involved, the deaths are slow from random gunshots that no-one bothered to aim and the bad guys all look strangely Italian... Then I love a cheesy Western shoot 'em ups.
  43. Tephlon Active Member

  44. Ekke New Member

    Loved both the movie and the series. :D I got myself the movie on dvd but is still struggeling to get the series on dvd. I can't find it anywhere in my country! :roll: Gonna have to get it on E-bay.
    I would be very happy if they could do another season and I read an article where Nathan Fillion, who plays Mal, said that he would always be open for another one! What I like most is the humor.
  45. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:56ec7b293c="Tephlon"]for the North Americans/USA people[/quote:56ec7b293c]

    That posts added bit about the other places you can see the actors from Firefly reminded me that I saw the guy who plays Jayne in SG season 6 as a member of one of the other teams... Kind of weird as he was talking about his family and his kids... Not Jayne like at all really.

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