funniest thing in the world ever... well, except for rinso

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

  2. Electric_Man Templar

    Ben says:
    hmm, clay copied my lj post
    CJ says:
    what lj post?
    Ben says:
    about 'funniest thing ever'
    CJ says:
    i don't remember it
    Ben says:
    about the whose line richard simmons clip
    CJ says:
    CJ says:
    wow, same video
    Ben says:
    CJ says:
    comment that you found and posted it first and that he is an attention whore
  3. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Thankyou anyway, Garner :D

    Electricman :lol:
  4. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    dude, I totally saw this on tv when it first came out. it was hella funny then, it''s hella funny now. richard simmons rocks!
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Never. Watch. This. When. You're. High/Stoned/Drunk/Rinso*.

    *Delete where appropriate. Never attempt all options at the same time.
  6. spiky Bar Wench

    It was very funny and it amused me greatly. Who new Richard Simmonds was so very camp...
  7. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I don't get why this is referrenced to me??
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **points stoned finger** GAAAAAAAAAAAAY !

    **runs away, tittering stupidly**
  9. Electric_Man Templar

    Because Simmonds isn't Irish either.
  10. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I hate you all.
  11. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:33a46bf96b="Katcal"]**points stoned finger** GAAAAAAAAAAAAY !

    **runs away, tittering stupidly**[/quote:33a46bf96b]
    I feel a bit mean for posting like this in three different places, but...

    If you are actually drunk, stoned or high, advertising it is fairly tedious to everyone else. I recommend posting only when sober, to be honest. If you are [i:33a46bf96b]not[/i:33a46bf96b] actually drunk, stoned or high, please don't post as though you are.
  12. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I disagree. Some of the best threads/posts in my memory have been posted by some of our drunken members (maybe me). The moral is it doesn't matter if your high or drunk, as long as you make for posts funny/interesting.
  13. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    true. i made some brilliant posts while stoned off my ass several years ago.

    the lesson is: do not post crap. if it's pointless and annoying and crap? don't post it.
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Sorry Grace, this wasn't meant to be annoying, and stoned was rather the wrong word for it, as I eventually managed to explain elsewhere, it was more the medecine making me feel rather weird... by the time I posted the message in question, it was more or less over, but as being "stoned" seemed to fit the stupidity of what I was going to post, I went with the joke. I'm not exactly tolerant with drunk or stoned people myself, so I do apologize if this annoyed you.

    I'm afraid I'm just plain silly (oh, ok, I'm silly in a special way of my own, but silly all the same), the main drawback being that it doesn't wear off, and I still get hangovers. On the up-side, I don't wake up in strange places with strange people (unless I choose to) and throw up over people.
  15. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Katcal, apology accepted, and sorry if I was unnecessarily stroppy.

    I think now would be an appropriate time to discuss two topics. First, posting while drunk or stoned.

    Rinso, some highly memorable posts have been made by drunken board members, but I have rarely found them funny. A notable exception would be Garner, who used to regularly post while drunk or stoned - the difference being that he was drunk or stoned so often, and could handle it so well, that there was virtually no difference from when he was sober, except that his sober posts were usually more depressing. Which is kind of depressing in itself, if you think about it.

    Aside from that, you may have found drunken posts amusing, but I have found them irritating, even when the person making the post is a good friend. I feel that, if you must be online while out of your head, it would be better to keep it on MSN or AIM where people can avoid talking to you if they want to. Now, it may be that I'm absolutely in the minority here. If I'm the only board member who finds drunken/stoned posts irritating and antisocial, then I'll just bite my tongue - but I'd like to hear some other opinions.

    For the record, Katcal, I understand that you were not truly stoned, only being silly. But that leads me to my next point.

    Katcal, you're a likeable person, but it would be nice if we could see the serious side of you more often. Silliness is fun in moderation, but not as a permanent feature. Even Doormen get asked to cut down on the flipping piss jokes when they're making them in every thread. Nor do serious posts have to be mitigated (perhaps ruined by?) a quip or 'humorous' comment at the end.

    I'm not saying that we must always be po-faced and never make jokes, but hyperactive tomfoolery gets annoying VERY quickly. I know I'm not alone in asking for some temperance. Thanks.
  16. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    for the record, i think i rarely posted while stoned, if only because i'd get so absolutely hammered that i couldn't concentrate long enough to even play video games a few days into a bender. i'd just kind of sit in front of the television and drool occasionally. really not a pleasant way to live, but a down right shameful way to let other people see ya, so i tried to avoid posting.

    as for drunk... i dunno, i can tend to tell hwich posts i made while halfway or three quarters of the way through a bottle of wine. by the time i was finished with the bottle, i'd usually stopped posting and was trying to find out how i fell out of a winged armchair.

    ultimately... i gotta agree with grace, if you're only able to say 'mmmmm, lesbians' because you got that shitfaced, then hold off on posting till the morning, when you can instead describe your hangover coherently. (on that note, kenny come back! we miss you and your drunken mumbling about lesbians!)

    if, on the other hand, you can have a few pints and still post as normal, then hell, who's gonna notice?
  17. plaid New Member

    [quote:ce9580f760="Buzzfloyd"]hyperactive tomfoolery gets annoying VERY quickly. I know I'm not alone in asking for some temperance. Thanks.[/quote:ce9580f760]

    i thoroughly second that.

    as for drunkeness, in my own ideal universe people wouldn't ever get in such a state, but as it is, they all have their own universes and they can do what they like. garner's rule of not posting pointless drivel should suffice. surely we all can evaluate our posts by that standard.

    if you think a single other person on the boards cares what you're about to say, go for it. if not, just shush. simple enough, eh?
  18. inwig New Member

    Having never been stoned through chemical abuse, or too drunk to remember what I or others were doing the following day, I'll try to lay off the hyperactive. Unfortunately that is difficult for me because I've realised over the years, my mind just works too fast for most people to keep up with.
    Slowing down so others can catch up is just soooo tedious.
  19. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    *Sigh* right... going to be blunt now, as i was flippant earlier and that didn't seem to work, nor was it really fair.

    Inwig, I don't know if your mind works too fast for others or not, but I think your mouth works a bit too fast sometimes. I've received a massive number of complaints in recent weeks about two posters, yourself and katcal.

    Those complaints about katcal have mostly included words to the effect of "it's such a shame that she's being annoying and posting while stoned, because katcal's a lot more interesting when she's being serious".

    The complaints about you have debated if you even realize how annoying it is when you include a reference to how smart you are in EVERY SINGLE POST that you make. Some of us think you don't even know you're doing it, others suspect you might be doing it on purpose.

    Either way, the patronizing attitude has got to stop. If it's "soooo" tedius for you to slow down with the posting so that us others can catch up, then maybe you should find a community populated by eliza programs run on dual core processors?
  20. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ok, Shut up duly noted. Sorry. :(

    Edited to add that for the record I for one was not being annoying on purpose, and any reference to me being smart was absolutely and totally unintentional or 100% ironic. Sorry again.

    Edited again to add that seriously, if there are that many complaints, an mp to the people in question would have shut us up weeks ago, or it certainly would have done for me, and we wouldn't be having this conversation, and I wouldn't be feeling so shitty. *gone*
  21. Hsing Moderator

    Edit to add: I was referring to a lot older post which somehow got lagged (sp?), on the page before.

    Irony in heavy dosis
    Is my humble diagnosis
  22. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    all in favor of a group hug for katcal to prove we still love her, even if she IS a hyper little bunny sometimes?
  23. Electric_Man Templar

    *is englishly reserved and profers a hand to shake*
  24. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    *throws hot tea on ben*
  25. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Roman K says:
    Garner says:
    Roman K says:
    Immediately clarify that the whole 'smart' business directed just at Inwig.
    Roman K says:
    Read her edits.
    Garner says:
    whose edits? what edits? whats' goin on... where am i?
    Roman K says:
    Katcal's edits to her post.
    Garner says:
    ah, gotcha. missed that first one...
  26. Angua_rox New Member

  27. Hsing Moderator

    I second that!
  28. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Roman K says:
    Heh, I see you decided to save on typing.
    Garner says:
    yup. laziness, you see...
    Roman K says:
    Post, please: "Unlike Ben, I'm from Russia originally, and we're big on hugs. *hugs*Also, as you can see most of Garner's post was directed at Inwig. You just need to try to be a little more serious, that's all. "
    Roman K says:
    I hope you can endure another copy-paste.
  29. Hsing Moderator

    And now to Inwig: I know that intelligence and what I shall decribe as "social intelligence" can be asymmetric. I've met quite a few idiots with well earned academic degrees. But asymmetric to that degree?

    Sorry, but about a third of your posts center around your extreme intelligence, and not only that, but even more annoyingly around your superiority about the majority of mankind. From some point on, it didn't come across very intelligent anymore to me.

    If you were really that smart, Inwig, your posts would prove it by themselves, and you wouldn't have to rub it into our noses.
  30. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:89f22f0412="Hsing"]If you were really that smart, Inwig, your posts would prove it by themselves, and you wouldn't have to rub it into our noses.[/quote:89f22f0412]
    Especially since you're probably just on an equal footing with nearly everybody here, as I tried to hint earlier this week. No one wants to make you feel bad or unwelcome, Inwig, this is just people saying, "Dude, simmer down a little, m'kay?" You don't have to talk about your intelligence or act superior all the time, and doing so actually tends to have the opposite to the desired effect. That's all. In other words, pretty much what Hsing said.

    Katcal, I'm sorry that you were left feeling crap. :( On this board, due to our history, we like to do everything publicly (one side effect is that everyone knows what went on, so you won't get 16 PMs asking you to tone it down right after making an agreement to do so with someone else). This is not to humiliate you. We value your presence and don't want you to shut up. We're just asking you to cool down the silliness and up the seriousness. If we didn't think you had something worthwhile to say, we wouldn't be asking it! So, sorry to have upset you. ::hugs::
  31. Maljonic Administrator

    Katcal's sillyness doesn't really bother me, but very little does. I can understand how it bothers others sometimes. It's just the same as the advice a few months ago really, everything in moderation. Definately no need to go away for a bit like last time though, please stick around Katcal - it wouldn't be the same. :)

    As for inwig straddling that tall equine, I either tend not to notice such things and/or the ones doing it subconsciously slip slowly onto my people-to-ignore list. After this I skip past their posts as if they're not there, too childish and insignificant for me to read. There, nice and condescending.
  32. inwig New Member

    :oops: Sorry all of you especially to Kat, because I see where I am to blame so you shouldn't all pick on her. I didn't mean to be annoying and thanks to all for pointing it out. I wasn't intentionally showing any intelligence except in about ten to fifteen percent of the comments. The rest were just my own views or experiences. If they upset people I'm sorry. I'll be more careful in future, and not let things wind me fingers up so quickly.
  33. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **accepts group hug, aiming a bowl of custard at Ben on the way**

    Sorry guys, looking back at my posts over the last few weeks I can understand that it can have annoyed some of you. (except for SuperMal the Zen Monk of York :D ) For the last month or two I have had to be extremely serious and sometimes even sad, or angry, in places that used to be just for fun, so I guess the extra sillyness just poured out here... This is not an excuse, but part of an apology, thank you to all those who saw past the annoying silliness and saw I could do better, I shall endeavour to do so as much as possible and take my silliness out on penguins (the kind that yetis play with) or maybe even freefalling feegles.

    Special thanks to Clay for the pep talk, it was needed and greatly appreciated.

    Inwig, don't feel too bad, even genii have room for improvement ;)

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