Why do I get the feeling that Garner has too much time on his hands at the moment? Maybe he could try to beat this - everyone should have a hobby! (Check out the video to see what I mean)
Dear Doors, How are you? Doing bad, I hope. How would you like to join me for a week long fesival of 'Wail-on-Pixel'. It'll be fun. We can wail on pixel with bats and clubs. Lots of love, Garner.
[quote:ae16011fc9="Garner"]Dear Doors, How are you? Doing bad, I hope. How would you like to join me for a week long fesival of 'Wail-on-Pixel'. It'll be fun. We can wail on pixel with bats and clubs. Lots of love, Garner.[/quote:ae16011fc9] Well, i do have that bat i've been saving for a special occassion...