
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    garnrag (9:44:22 PM): interestingly enough, this leads into some thinking i've been doing about the right to arm bears
    garnrag (9:44:41 PM): after all, jefferson himself said that clause was in there to ensure that the citizenry could overthrow a tyranical government
    Jack Manycoats (9:44:44 PM): I just don't think it's a good idea.
    garnrag (9:45:01 PM): and it was the state militias that provided the initial armies for both sides
    Jack Manycoats (9:44:58 PM): I mean, seriously. They already have claws and teeth.
    Jack Manycoats (9:45:05 PM): What the fuck do we want to go giving them guns for?
    garnrag (9:45:44 PM): but after the war with the centralization of power in the federal government's hands, the state militias were replaced with detachments of the national guard who were made available to the govenors
    garnrag (9:45:51 PM): but they're NATIONAL guard
    garnrag (9:46:14 PM): the private citizen's right to arm bears doesn't really measure up to much in the face of the standing army, the reserves, and the guard
    Jack Manycoats (9:46:11 PM): I mean, sure, it's handy to have some armed bruins every now and again, but in this day and age, do we really need a bunch of grizzly's running around packing?
    Jack Manycoats (9:46:17 PM): Grizzlies, ratehr.
    Jack Manycoats (9:46:20 PM): Rather, rather.
    garnrag (9:46:47 PM): and the war's outcome kind of changes the legitimacy of a 'peasant rebellion' as well
    garnrag (9:47:02 PM): furthermore, any government has an obligation to 'keep the peace', which includes preventing armed revolt
    Jack Manycoats (9:47:09 PM): Especially armed revolt by bears.
    garnrag (9:47:17 PM): so, i think i'm with you on this one. i say we should get rid of that right to arm bears. it's irrelevant these days
    Jack Manycoats (9:47:41 PM): How do they even use guns, anyway? Do bears have thumbs?
    Jack Manycoats (9:48:51 PM): One of us should post the last bit to the boards. I nominate you, on the basis that I am currently unable to copy and paste from AIM.
    garnrag (9:49:21 PM): starting from where?
    Jack Manycoats (9:49:29 PM): Interestingly enough, I think.
    garnrag (9:49:57 PM): righto
    Jack Manycoats (9:49:54 PM): That would make a good Tripod, I think.
    garnrag (9:50:41 PM): what, armed bears overthrowing Boardania?
    Jack Manycoats (9:50:52 PM): Indeed
    Jack Manycoats (9:50:58 PM): It should be Doors' fault, naturally.
    garnrag (9:51:12 PM): naturally.
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    But surely... bears already have arms. How can they reach the honey otherwise ? :shock:
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    You know, all the way through all three books of His Dark Materials I couldn't stop thinking of the armoured bears as been big brown things, instead of the white Polar Bears that the author repeatedly describes them as.
  4. spiky Bar Wench

    Are we talking like this


    Or like this


    Or possibly an outside chance of this

  5. Roman_K New Member

    A most interesting debate. ;)

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