Guards! Guards! in Edinburgh

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by randywine, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. randywine Member

    At long last I have managed to get off my backside and am going to see a Discworld play on Thursday night at the Bedlam theater.
    Mrs R wasn't too impressed though as she grunted a grumpy 'Aye. Ah suppose so." When asked if she wanted a ticket...poor dear though, she did just give up smoking yesterday.

    Apologies if this post is in the wrong place, just want to vent a Hurrah or two*.

    Hurrah (again).



    * This sort of excitement is a bit sad considering I'm 37, 6'2'' and weigh in at over 19 stones.
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hurrah for you !! Enjoy !
  3. IgorMina New Member

    Yay! I hope you enjoy it. :)

    I was almost in it, but didn't see where they put the recall list until it was too late. *ooops* :rolleyes: :redface: But I'm planning on going to see it one of these nights.
  4. jaccairn New Member

    Which play is it?
  5. randywine Member

    Guards! Guards!
  6. jaccairn New Member

    That's a good one. My brother and sister-in-law who have never read any Pratchett saw a production and thoroughly enjoyed it.
  7. randywine Member

    Nice one...We are going to see it tonight so I'll post my thoughts on it tomorrow. And some pics if they let me take them...

  8. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Hope you enjoy the show, Randywine! Let us know how it was.
  9. randywine Member

    The play was excellent.

    The acting was enthusiastic and all of the lines were delivered with aplomb - the actors came across as though they were having a really good time.

    Got to have a special mention to Ed Sheridan who played Nobby(his ground-in grubbiness and the wonderful way in which he skulked and sidled around the stage totally made the character for me) and also to Felix Trench who played the Librarian - he was just great!

    One one thing was a bit off for me and that was when Lord Vetinari gave a 'mmwwaaahahahah' type laugh a couple of times which I felt was a bit out of character - but hey it was all good.

    Mrs R. and myself had thoroughly good time.


    Sorry - no pics.
  10. Rewr New Member

    Glad you both enjoyed it.

    I'll need to check when there's a DW play near me. Edinburgh's not too far, but once you add up all the pennies - ouch. I'm saving up (meant to be for a plumber) but the DW Con is my priority.
  11. IgorMina New Member

    Thanks for the review, I'm really looking forwards to seeing it now. :)

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