guild of ankh morpork scouts jamboree

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by weatherwaxeslovechild, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. just wondering if any of the posters on this site are intending to go to the jamboree next week and if so what badges they are hoping to achieve.
    i cannot get as kids are on holiday and for some unknown reason the discworld does not appeal to them,what is the world coming too!
  2. AuntieM New Member

    Yes, I'm going. I will be busy recruiting people for the Bad Ass troop and helping on the Mother's Institute stall so I may not get time to join in a lot of activities but I have made a costume for one of the synchronised swimmers so I hope to get a seamstress badge for that. I'm also a First Aider so I hope to get a badge for that and I'm in the Gangshow so I hope to get an entertainers badge for that too.
    I've got a very fetching Boy Scout uniform with the big round hat, belt, necker and woggle and shorts to show off my baby faced knees which Bernard has promised a badge for if I expose them all weekend.
    I will wear the uniform at Wadfest now too it's perfect for camping.
  3. TheJackal Member

    I was all set to go to the Jamboree. Researched flights, trains, the whole shebang.

    Then I get told I have to work that weekend; gutted :(
  4. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I'm afraid only half of the sentences in this thread make sense to me.
  5. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Let us know which words you understand and we'll try and help with the rest. :biggrin:
  6. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Ho ho. I specifically said sentences - it's not the words that are the problem!
  7. just tell me what sentences your stuck on and i promise i'll try to help

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