Guild Publishing / Gollancz

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Mincewind, May 15, 2008.

  1. Mincewind New Member

    Firstly, hello. I'm new. :neutral:

    I've been collecting the Discworld books (1st Ed. Hardbacks) since 5th Elephant first came out. Yesterday I was fortunate to stumple upon 2 1st edition 1989 copies of Pyramids in a charity shop in Bedford. They were ridiculously cheap, so I picked them both up (along with several others to almost complete my collection :razz:). When I got home I noticed that they were not identical. One is the typical Gollancz publication, the other published in the same year by Guild Publishing. The books are almost identical, but the Guild Publishing copy has no price printed inside the dust jacket and the publishers info page reads "...published 1989 by Guild Publishing by arrangement with Victor Gollancz Ltd". They both appear to be official UK copies, but I am no expert.

    Does anyone have any information on this Guild Publishing copy that they wish to share with me?
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    Hi, like the name. There were 12,000 copies published by this company. There, I know that. :)
  3. spiky Bar Wench

    As the proud owner of not one first edition I'm of no help whatsoever.

    I just like to add drivel inconsequential to threads.
  4. TheJackal Member

    I was also confused by this in the past. As far as I could ascertain, Gollancz published the first true edition. Guild Publishing then printed another first edition but not first impression later in the year.

    This also happened with Moving Pictures
  5. Mincewind New Member

    Great stuff. I would like to thank everyone for their input, particularly spiky.
  6. mazekin Member

    And we all appreciate it. ::serious head nod::
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yep. Stick to what you're good at my grandma always said.
  8. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    In that case... *stabs Katcal*

    I've never liked the fact that different publishers can produce different 'first editions'. Ah well.

    You said these two were nearly identical, did that include the same cover art?
  9. Mincewind New Member

    Yeah, identical. The only noticeable difference is the publishers logo on tho top of the spine, and no price mark inside the DJ.

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