Happy Birthday, Buzzfloyd!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Oct 25, 2005.

  1. Hsing Moderator

    Have a great day (I'm sure you will), and start into a good year!

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

  2. sampanna New Member

    Happy Birthday Buzzfloyd!

    (Hsing's thread is it because it was here first!) :)
  3. Tephlon Active Member

    Happy birthday Buzzfloyd!
    Van harte gefeliciteerd!

    Are you doing anything special today?
  4. Willmolly3 New Member

    Happy Birthday!
  5. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Geniet van je verjaardag! :)
  6. Smoking_GNU New Member

    I said it once and i'll say it again: [b:9da2f616e0][i:9da2f616e0][u:9da2f616e0]HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUZZFLOYED!!![/u:9da2f616e0][/i:9da2f616e0][/b:9da2f616e0] :D
  7. Venerico New Member

    [size=24:2daaaaa888][color=red:2daaaaa888]H[/color:2daaaaa888][color=yellow:2daaaaa888]A[/color:2daaaaa888][color=blue:2daaaaa888]P[/color:2daaaaa888][color=red:2daaaaa888]P[/color:2daaaaa888][color=yellow:2daaaaa888]Y[/color:2daaaaa888] [color=blue:2daaaaa888]B[/color:2daaaaa888][color=red:2daaaaa888]I[/color:2daaaaa888][color=yellow:2daaaaa888]R[/color:2daaaaa888][color=blue:2daaaaa888]T[/color:2daaaaa888][color=red:2daaaaa888]H[/color:2daaaaa888][color=yellow:2daaaaa888]D[/color:2daaaaa888][color=blue:2daaaaa888]A[/color:2daaaaa888][color=red:2daaaaa888]Y[/color:2daaaaa888][/size:2daaaaa888]
  8. Cynth New Member

    Happy b-day...!!!!!!

    Also "[[color=green:42063e361d]b]baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag en mag daar nog baie vir jou wees"[/b][/color:42063e361d]
  9. Rincewind Number One Doorman

  10. sleepy_sarge New Member

    Happy Birthday Buzzfloyd!

    Do you get a Boardanian cake? Or are all the spatulas reserved for pie making?

    [i:8d06d5dd20]Edited to add [/i:8d06d5dd20][color=green:8d06d5dd20]Co` latha breith sona dhuibh! [/color:8d06d5dd20]- because everyone else is going all linguistic.

    And no I don't speak Gaelic - I cheated and went here
  11. fairyliquid New Member

    ¡Buenos cumpleaños!

    Selamat ulang tahun
  12. Venerico New Member

    [quote:b2f6cd820c="Smoking_GNU"]I said it once and i'll say it again: [b:b2f6cd820c][i:b2f6cd820c][u:b2f6cd820c]HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUZZFLOYED!!![/u:b2f6cd820c][/i:b2f6cd820c][/b:b2f6cd820c] :D[/quote:b2f6cd820c]

    Sorry, but "BUZZFLOYED" :?: :!: :?:
  13. Andalusian New Member

    Have a good one :)
  14. roisindubh211 New Member

    Bon anniversaire!
  15. Maljonic Administrator

    Happy birthday, hope you have a nice day. :)
  16. chrisjordan New Member

    Happy Birthday, Grace! :supz:
  17. shadowgirl New Member

    have a wonderful day. don't eat too much cake. and l hope you get what you wanted for your birthday. :)

    by the way, l read about why you decided on your name and must admit that before then l had thought you'd taken it from Nirvana.

    Love [b:30213503bb] Buzz / Floyd [/b:30213503bb] the Barber
  18. Toaf New Member

    Buon Compleanno, Grace. :)
  19. davobanavo New Member

    Happy birthday!
  20. Perdita New Member

    Breith La shona duit!
  21. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Happy Day of Thy Birth O' Most Holy of The Gods Garner.

    As Highpreistess I decree that you shall not be made to work on this glorious day. Call your boss and tell him you have a special 'Gods Birthday' exemption.
  22. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    (-: Once again, may you enjoy your special day.
  23. lipi New Member

    Happy birthday, Grace!
    I'll go now and eat a piece of cake in your honour. ;)
  24. redneck New Member

    Happy Birthday, Grace. Enjoy this day that is yours by right of birth.
  25. Marcia Executive Onion

    Happy birthday Grace!
  26. Bob New Member

    Happy birthday ;)
    have fun for the rest of it :)

  27. Trollmother New Member

    Happy Birthday! I made a cake today but unfortunately I don't think it will be good if I send it to you. You must try to imagine you got it. Itis choklate on it.
  28. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I hope your birthday was fun and that this year is full of joy for you and yours.
  29. spiky Bar Wench

    Happy brithday to you...

    And the rest of the song which for some reason includes an old english ditty about black eyes and head butts. :D
  30. Hex New Member

    Happy Birthday! :D

    May you have fun and be happy all day and all year!
  31. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Happy birthday. May the day be filled with much pie.
  32. Faerie New Member

    Happy Birthday!

    If you jumped time zones you could make it last longer than the traditional 24 hours. :)
  33. SunshineDaydream New Member

    Happy birthday to you! (although it will likely be the day-after-your-birthday by the time you read this)
  34. jaccairn New Member

    A belated Happy Birthday Grace (yesterday was very busy at work). Hope you enjoyed your surprise party :D
  35. colonesque10 New Member

    A belated happy birthday Grace although I did say it properly on the day. :)
  36. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Thanks very much, everyone! I had two days off work, and I had a great time. :)

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