Chris, our resident pirate/muffin/24aholic is now an official adult, having turned 18... a few days ago. Happy belated birthday Chris, time to buy some anti aging cream.
Parabéns! **GRUMBLE** Damn Youth stealing my Dutch happy birthday post. And Get Of My Damn Lawn!**GRUMBLE**
Many congratulations on becoming able to vote and (if things are like in Greece) eligible for a driver's licence. So, is Jack Bauer going to shoot anyone in the thigh for you as a birthday present?
Joyous Bidet, Chris ! Oh and if Jack Bauer wants any suggestions for people to shoot in the thigh, I already have a list ready and waiting
Grattis i efterskott, Chris. It's downhill from where you are, take it from me. And that's not in a good way.