Happy Birthday Doors!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Delphine, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. Delphine New Member

    24 years ago today, in some small hamlet in the previously warm and sunny Scottish Highlands, a flame haired baby was born. And then it started raining and didn't stop, and the townspeople did cry "I blame that baby".

    That may not be totally true, but anyway. Doors is 24 today.

    Happy Birthday :)
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I totally blame you for turning 24, and doing it today of all days, you scottish person, you.

    Have a Happy Birthday or else.
  3. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Happy birthday, Doors. :drinkers:

    =+= Lang may ye lum reek =+=
  4. KaptenKaries New Member

    Grattis på födelsedagen!
  5. Angua_rox New Member

    Lá Breithe thona duit, A Duirse!
  6. Hsing Moderator

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
    Here's your personal birthday thread, oh criticiser of birthday threads! ;)
    I hope the there's a party for you, and I hope it rocks.
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:32ae39d82f="Hsing"]Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
    Here's your personal birthday thread, oh criticiser of birthday threads! ;)
    I hope the there's a party for you, and I hope it [b:32ae39d82f]involves [/b:32ae39d82f]rocks.[/quote:32ae39d82f]

    You missed a word out there Hsing, no need to thank me :D
  8. jaccairn New Member

    Happy Birthday Doors. Hope it's a great day. :)
  9. Maljonic Administrator

    I just got the Friendster announcement, happy birthday Doorors. :)
  10. Electric_Man Templar

    Happy Birthday Rodeos, or something spelt like that.
  11. lipi New Member

    Vse najboljše za tvoj rojstni dan, Doors.
  12. mowgli New Member

    S Dnem Rozhdenia, Dveri! Cake, love and happiness to the baddest Feegle of them all. :)

    ::ducks whatever projectile comes at my head as a result::

    (Lipi, does "vse najboljse" mean "all the best"? ) :D ::proud proud::
  13. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    have good one.
  14. chrisjordan New Member

    Merry Christmas, Doors. :cool:

    Thought I'd be a bit different. :razz:
  15. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    go to hell ya mangey sheep shagger.
  16. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Happy Birthday, Doors!
  17. Nester New Member

    Happy birthday. Have a fun one :)
  18. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Happy birthday, may it be a good one.
  19. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful year as you reach out and touch the quarter century mark :shock:
  20. Marcia Executive Onion

    Happy birthday! I hope it was a good one. :)
  21. Orrdos God

    Thanks, dudes :)

    I got slightly tipsy last night, for the first time in aaaaaaaaages.

    It was good!

    I got some money, which is handy for the new computer fund.

    My work mates also got me DANGERMOUSE on DVD. And a t-shirt, and some cufflinks!
  22. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    [quote:7a202e08d4="Orrdos"]...And a t-shirt, and some cufflinks![/quote:7a202e08d4]

    Duh? Now I know Scots are strange:)
  23. missy New Member

    A person sat not too far away from me just said "what, but he's Scottish, i thought all Scotts were hatched not born"

    Bless him, Happy birthday (belated) Doors. Hope this year is the best one yet for you.
  24. lipi New Member

    [quote:1cda04895a="mowgli"]S Dnem Rozhdenia, Dveri! Cake, love and happiness to the baddest Feegle of them all. :)

    ::ducks whatever projectile comes at my head as a result::

    (Lipi, does "vse najboljse" mean "all the best"? ) :D ::proud proud::[/quote:1cda04895a]

    Yes, it does. Give yourself a nice pat on the shoulder, you deserve it! :yawinkle:
  25. spiky Bar Wench

    *Wonders in late, sees Doors watching Dangermouse while wearing a T-shirt and cufflinks*

    Happy birthday?

    *Wonders back out again*

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