Happy Birthday, Faerie and Cynth!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. Hsing Moderator

    I hope you don't mind being packed in one thread -

    Happy Birthday and another good year for both of you!

    And if the calender gremlin struck again... woe me.
  2. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Prettige verjaardag beiden! :)
  3. Toaf New Member

    Happy birthday, both of you. :)
  4. lipi New Member

    Happy birthday you two, and enjoy youself immensly!
  5. Ecksian New Member

    Here's a traditional Ecksian birthday geeting for you both.

  6. KaptenKaries New Member

    Grattis pÄ födelsedagen! :)
  7. Dane New Member

    Happy birthday you two, Have a good one
  8. mowgli New Member

    Weeee, another case of long-lost twins finally finding each other after many, many years! Boardania is good for that sort of thing ;)

    Best wishes, Cynth and Faerie!
  9. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    (-: Happy birthday both
  10. Hex New Member

    Happy Birthday!! Have a great day :)
  11. Electric_Man Templar

    Have a double Happy Birthday

    *insert punctuation where you'd like it*
  12. Maljonic Administrator

    Happy birthday people. :)
  13. SunshineDaydream New Member

    Happy birthday to both of you. Have a fabulous day!
  14. sampanna New Member

    Here is a Snails' greeting:
    Heptyg Birhaday! :)

    Edited: because I can make grammar mistakes in really short sentences :oops:
  15. spiky Bar Wench

    Happy birthday :)
  16. Andalusian New Member

    Have a good one :)
  17. Faerie New Member

    Thank you, thank you. The youngest of all my friends, I have finally turned 18! I recieved 4 new Discworld books which I am going to go read, after my physics...and precalc...and english paper is done. *sigh* No homwork would have been a nice present.

    Happy Birthday Cynth.
  18. Smoking_GNU New Member

    Sorry for this being a bit late, but: Happy Birthday Faerie! Let there be many more.

    I already said H B to Cynth in a more personal manner, but you can't get enough of it, can you? So: Happy birthday Cynth, and don't spend all of your huge birthday bonus on your paycheck on shoes, please. 8)
  19. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Happy belated birthday, I sure hope you have a fine year ahead of you both.
    (did you understand that? I'm tired but I do wish you well)
  20. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Many happy returns to the both of you :)
  21. colonesque10 New Member

    Happy belated birthday folks. I hope you had great days. :)
  22. Tephlon Active Member

    Aigh. Been away from the boards for a bit, but happy belated b-day to both of you.

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