Happy birthday Gypsy

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. Maljonic Administrator

    Happy birthday to our recent returnee, has anyone watched The 4400 (the forty-four hundred) by the way? :)
  2. Gypsy New Member

    Thanks for the wellwishes!

    4400? Yeah i've seen it.
    Hahaha no special abilites, sorry....

    Unless you count being able to sing Karaoke for 6 hours and make it home via 4 trains at 6am while blind drunk! Hating mondays right now....

    I had a great time, it's my first birthday away from home, family, and friends, but I met a lot of randoms which kind of evens it out.
  3. Pepster New Member

    Happy Birthday:)
  4. TheJackal Member

    Happy b'day!
  5. jaccairn New Member

    Hope it was a great day and you can remember some of it!
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Happy Birthday *still minorly sulking*

    Yeah I saw the 4400 a while back, it was good, although not entirely original...
  7. Maljonic Administrator

    I like the theme tune, it makes me tearful. :)
  8. mazekin Member

    Happy Birthday!
  9. Gypsy New Member

    Thanks everyone....I can remember most of it and I can count the cringeworthy moments on one hand - i can live with that!

    ...suffice it to say the all-nighters are not so easy as they used to be. I don't understand how i used to be able to get up and do it all again the following night!

    Next year i'm staying in for my birthday. A glass of red (or 5) and a good book (no prizes for guessing the author).

    Take care!
  10. spiky Bar Wench

    Ah your just suffering the post-all nighter blues. Its the hangover talking, you'll get over it and I'm sure next year will be just as big, especially the 6 hours of karaoke, which is just a phenomenal effort.

    Happy birthday!

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