Happy Birthday Hex

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Venerico, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. Venerico New Member

    I wanted to be first to say this, so I got a bit early.


    And here's the cake...

  2. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Happy birthday! I hope you get to speak to Charles and have a very happy day. :)
  3. Tephlon Active Member

    Happy Birthday Hex!
    Van Harte gefeliciteerd!
  4. Andalusian New Member

    Have a good one :)
  5. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Congratulations and so forth.
  6. Electric_Man Templar

    Ha-ha! Hanother 'h'!

    Happy Hirthday Hex :D

    Hope hyour hentire day his hfull hof happiness :)
  7. Cynth New Member

    Enjoy your day!!!!!!!!!! :)
  8. Maljonic Administrator

    Happy birthday. :)
  9. fairyliquid New Member

    A very happy birthday!
  10. Smoking_GNU New Member

    I said it one, and i'll say it again!

    Happy birthday HEX!!!
    Enjoy the day as you should: :drinkers: :partyman: :rolleyes: --> :vom:


    Exept if your underage, then you should just eat yourself silly and THEN :vom: (This is for all you impretional youngsters out there reading this, DON'T drink untill you're old enought!)

    EDIT: added last bit...
  11. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Have a super good'un, Hex!
  12. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Have a very happy birthday Hex :)
  13. Venerico New Member

    How do you like the cake, Hex? ;)
  14. jaccairn New Member

    Happy Birthday Hex
  15. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Prettige verjaardag, Hex. :)

    [quote:2b17c4d225="Electric_Man"]Ha-ha! Hanother 'h'!

    Happy Hirthday Hex :D

    Hope hyour hentire day his hfull hof happiness :)[/quote:2b17c4d225]

    That was awful.
    And you missed the easy "Halloween".
  16. Roman_K New Member

    Happy Birthday, Hex. :)
  17. Dane New Member

    Happy birthday Hex
  18. Trollmother New Member

    Happy Birthday - Grattis på födelsedagen!
  19. Delphine New Member

    Happy Birthday. :)
  20. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Happy Birthday Hex.
  21. mowgli New Member

    Yippee! S Dnem Rozhdenia, Hex!
  22. davobanavo New Member

    Happy Birthday!
  23. Marcia Executive Onion

    Happy birthday Hex!

    Lucky you, to have a Halloween birthday.
  24. hermes New Member

    Happy birthday! :)
  25. Hex New Member

    Thanks for the Birthday Wishes everyone. Funny how I don't feel any different being 18. I'm sure that will change once I fill out the voter registration form (yes!!).

    I spent the morning at a Star Wars exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science, and got lots of photos and memorabilia as well as having a lot of fun trying to built a lego car that floated (using magnets).

    Then I went to my tour at Boston U, which was very interesting. It's definitely up there on my list!

    And now I'm back at the hotel, but my Dad is taking me to Cheers for dinner.

    Thank you for the cake Venerico. It looks yummy.

    So far I have had no presents, due to half of my family being in Nebraska, but I did finally get to open my gift from Charles (he made me promise not to open it until my birthday. It arrived ten days ago), which was a beautiful locket form the V and A museum. I got him a star wars t shirt in response, since he was insanely jealous to hear of my going to it.

    So, it has been a great birthday, and I hope that I can use it to gain TV channel rights in the hotel room. No more smelly American Football!

    Thanks again for the good wishes guys :)

    Oh, and I've been dressed as a pirate all day. ARRR!!! :D
  26. Toaf New Member

    Slightly tardy wishes for a happy birthday, Hex. :)
  27. Orrdos God

    Happy birthday Hex :)
  28. lipi New Member

    Happy belated birthday, Hex. I'm glad you had such fun!
  29. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Yarr, Pirates and thus, you, Rock! Good Call Hex.
  30. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I'm sorry I missed giving you my best wishes yesterday, I'm glad you liked your visit to Boston. You're going to love voting.

    edit: spelling
  31. chrisjordan New Member

    A belated happy birthday, Hex. :)
  32. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Happy Belated Hallow-birthday Hex!!

    I'll have a piece of chocolate for you.
  33. Hsing Moderator

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch! :)
  34. sampanna New Member

    Belated b'day wishes Hex .. hope you had a great day!

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