Happy Birthday Hsing!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Cynical_Youth, Oct 2, 2005.

  1. Cynical_Youth New Member

    Prettige verjaardag! Herzlichen Gluckwunsch*!

    I hope your allergic reaction didn't spoil your day. :)

    *How do get an umlaut on this thing?
  2. Roman_K New Member

    Yom Huledeth Sameah, Hsing. Here's to many more to follow.
  3. lipi New Member

    Vse najboljše za tvoj rojstni dan! Hertzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! Sve najbolje za tvoj rodj;endan! Happy Birthday! :D
  4. fairyliquid New Member

    buenos cumpleaños :D
  5. Toaf New Member

    Tanti auguri Hsing! Have a wonderful day. :)
  6. chrisjordan New Member

    Wjefbwheq ifngprgev omtpefw! Happy birthday!
  7. Tephlon Active Member

    Happy birthday!
  8. Andalusian New Member

    Have a bonza birthday, Hsing!
  9. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Happy birthday, Hsing! Hope it's a good one. :)
  10. Orrdos God

    Happy birthday :)
  11. jaccairn New Member

    Happy Birthday Hsing.
  12. Trollmother New Member

    Grattis på födelsedagen! I hope you have a nice day with many gifts and lot of cake.
  13. Electric_Man Templar

    Happy Hirthday Hsing!

    *stops taking liberties in name of alliteration*
  14. Hsing Moderator

    Aw, Hsank you all! :)
    It was quite a nice day after all. I still look like I lost a boxing fight, but I slept til 11 this morning, was awoken by the scent of a layer cake that was all mine, got the mp3player I couldn't afford to buy myself, and about two times more birthday calls than I had expected! Good day. The only sad thing is that it's another til the next round.
  15. redneck New Member

    Yeah, I know I'm late, but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday any way. Hope it was enjoyable and that you made the best of it.

    Edit: I only missed having my post beat yours by one minute. That counts for something, right?
  16. Maljonic Administrator

    Happy birthday! :)
  17. Marcia Executive Onion

    Happy birthday Hsing!
  18. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Happy Birthday, I hope this year is one you treasure always.
  19. Bob New Member

    Happy birthday ! :)

    Hope you get lots of lovely presents :D

  20. mowgli New Member

    S Dnem Rozhdenia, Hsing! :) Many wonderful things to you and yours!
  21. sampanna New Member

    Belated Happy B'day Hsing! :)
  22. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Happy Birthday Hsing :)
  23. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Happy Birthday Hsing.

    May you have a brilliant year!
  24. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    A very happy birthday and year Hsing.

    And, God bless you, Mowgli
  25. Venerico New Member

    I already congratulated you your birthday. But now officialy:
    Srecan rodjendan - that's my language
    Happy birthday - english
    Gluckwunch geburtstag - german language.
  26. Hsing Moderator

    Again, thanks to you all! Today way family day, with cake, and singing children, and presents to be unwrapped and all. No big party, though, this year.
    And--- aren't a lot of you people still missing in the birthday calendar? How am I supposed to congratulate [i:58060ff9d8]you [/i:58060ff9d8]then? :)
  27. colonesque10 New Member

    Happy birthday hsing :)
  28. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Well better late then never? I hope this past year was a good one and the present one even better. I hope your family will soon be reunited and you won't have to settle for cyberhugs.
  29. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay for post recycling :D

    Happy Birthday Hsing ! Have a great day and many more of them to come !
  30. KaptenKaries New Member

    Grattis på födelsedagen! Are you going to celebrate the Oktoberfest?
  31. fairyliquid New Member

    selamat hari jadi!

    I finally learnt to say happy birthday in malay :)

    Hope it's a good one Hsing!
  32. Maljonic Administrator

    Happy birthday Hsing, a day late sorry. :)
  33. Tephlon Active Member

    Happy birthday Yvonne!

    I have 2 friends that were born on the 2nd of October. 3 now... :)
  34. Hsing Moderator

    Aw, thanks all. ;) Really.
    No Oktoberfest though, that's more a Bavarian custom. I'm going to have a late celebration this year, at the end of October; a few old friends of mine are going to be in town, and I'll take the oportunity. Yesterday, we only had a small cake-and-coffee with my family. It was nice, though.
  35. Hex New Member

    Happy belated birthday!! :)

    *gives cake*
  36. koshu New Member

    ok i know its really late but i thought i would say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you anyway

    Hope it was an awesome day
  37. Hsing Moderator

    Na, it's not that late -at least over here, it's still only a day delay. Except you're now congratulating me for last year. :)
  38. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Happy Birthday!
  39. mowgli New Member

    Pozdravliayu, Hsing :)

    (I found a website which lists "Happy Birthday" in 161 different languages, and it had 10 different variations of German!... Wow)

    In case you're curious,
  40. Orrdos God

    Happy birthday!
  41. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I know I said it via email, but happy birthday again, anyway! ::hugs::
  42. Feliz Cumpleaños!

    (sorry I'm a day late, hun. Better late than never, though, right?)

    PS Thanks mowgli for the link. I always wondered how to say Happy birthday in spanish)
  43. spiky Bar Wench

    Once again wonders in late...

    Happy Birthday!

    I hope your family treat you well on this day AND that you get at least one meal in bed.
  44. Nester New Member

    Happy birthday Hsing :)
  45. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:0c1b94849c="spiky"]Once again w[b:0c1b94849c]o[/b:0c1b94849c]nders in late...[/quote:0c1b94849c]
    Good old Woltzing Mothildo... :D
  46. jaccairn New Member

    A belated Happy Birthday.
  47. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:800ebe9e18="Katcal"][quote:800ebe9e18="spiky"]Once again w[b:800ebe9e18]o[/b:800ebe9e18]nders in late...[/quote:800ebe9e18]
    Good old Woltzing Mothildo... :D[/quote:800ebe9e18]

    Your petty joke has no affect on me...for I am a jolly swagman comped by a billabong...
  48. inwig New Member

    Veels geluk vir 'n gelukige verjaarsdag Hsing. (Jammer ek is laat).
    [size=7:523fe5ae51]Transl: Best wishes for a happy birthday Hsing (Sorry I'm late).[/size:523fe5ae51]
  49. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I can't believe that I missed this. Happy birthday Hsing!

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