Happy Birthday Mowgli!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Bradthewonderllama, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Happy birthday to a wonderful wife!
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Curses, I even logged on specially this morning and got side-tracked... Oh well, at least Brad gets the glory of remembering his own wife's birthday first :D

    Happy Birthday Inna, hope you have a great day! Thinking of you both (all three, even)
  3. jaccairn New Member

    Happy Birthday. Hope it's a great day.
  4. TheJackal Member

    Happy birthday :)
  5. randywine Member

    Hoppy Mirthday.
  6. redneck New Member

    Happy Birthday, Inna.
  7. mowgli New Member

    ::hugs everyone:: :smile:

    P.S. Holy crap, I'm 30! ::initiates 1/3rd-life crisis sequence:: My kingdom for a motorcycle!
  8. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Not quite belated, but well meant. A motorcycle at 30? Pah... amateur!
  9. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Happy birthday, Inna! Enjoy your remaining sprogless time! :)
  10. mazekin Member

    Happy Birthday!
  11. spiky Bar Wench

    Nearly had a computer moment but its all sorted out and it turns out I'm stupid.

    Mowg's expect to hit 30 and become a moron.

    Happy birthday!
  12. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Have a happy traditional Witdan birthday celebration.
  13. mowgli New Member

    ...Prepping a pie for the sacrifice...

    Thanks again, everyone :smile: And Spiky - I've grown quite accustomed to the notion that my "baby brain" is going to devolve gently into "new mommy sleep-deprived brain", after which senility is not too far away... So yeah, I'm done :wink:

    (Grace - our sproglet is waving to your sproglet!)
  14. Maljonic Administrator

    A late happy birthday from me mowgles. :)
  15. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Happy belated birthday, I know this year will be full of wonderful events that make wonderful memories. Keep warm and if you get a motorcycle, I hope you also get a good helmet and snazzy leathers and cool kick butt boots. Personally I'd wait until after the kid comes , that'll probably be a big enough change and enough extra excitement anyway.
  16. mowgli New Member

    :smile: Thank you, thank you! And Tamyra, I agree about waiting until after the kid's born to get the motorcycle... seeing me attempting to drive one in my current shape will cause too many fender-benders!
  17. Roman_K New Member

    I'm late, as usual, but oh well...

    Happy birthday, Inna. :)
  18. mowgli New Member

    Spasibo :smile:
  19. Gypsy New Member

    Happy ((belated)) Birthday Mowgli!
    Time seems to fly by, but we just have to snatch some of those priceless moments as we race on through.
    This will surely be one unforgetabble year what with the little one coming along! xxx
  20. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    That's no way to talk to Roman.
  21. mowgli New Member

    Thanks, Gypsy :smile:

    (And it's okay Grace - someone's gotta keep Roman in his mother tongue... apart from his family, friends, and half of Israel's population, of course!)

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