Happy Birthday, Ella -Says it with flowers, but then I am an old softie - Now you tell us, when its nearly over.
Happy birthday, Ella. I hope this year brings you all the good things and hardly any of the bad things.( just enough to make the good things stand out)
Happy birthday Ella, oh and happy birthday Doors, because I forgot to say so in your birthday thread.
Thanks I spent it at work. It was my second day. On my first day, the company had a letter bomb sent to their head office. That can't be a good omen
Animal rights activists? Obviously they think it cruel to employ Snails... Also: Happy Belated Easter!
I'm with Capita, but not at their head office. I thought it was more likely to be car based than anything to do with animal rights. There's been quite a few now, to different places. Congestion charging is nothing to do with me though. The woman that opened the envelope was hurt, but not really badly. Apparently they're designed to shock, not maim :shock: and I only waved at that cow. Doors gave it a funny look though.
S Dnem Rozhdenia, Delphinella . Cake, love and, um, may whoever mailed your company those letters come down with a sudden and complete case of amnesia as to where the next posting box is. (Seriously, that story freaked me out... Don't letter-bomb senders know that most important people out there have perfectly innocent secretaries opening their letters for them? Hope the lady recovers soon - glad to hear you're all right)
Happy very late birthday! (I always enjoy late congratulators, because it makes the birthday seem much longer...)
Oh shizzle. With all my questions, I actually forgot to say happy birthday. Very very very belated happy birthday, mofo.