Happy Birthday Spiky

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Joculator, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Have a good 'un. The less you remember the next day, the better the celebration must have been.:cool:
  2. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Have a super birthday and don't skimp on the fun, have some all year!
  3. redneck New Member

    Happy Birfday.
  4. Rewr New Member

    Happy Birthday!
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Strewth! Another year already? Still, no worries, right? Hope you're having a proper beer and barby t'nite mate! (sorry, just happen to be reading The Last Continent at the moment...)
  6. spiky Bar Wench

    Thanks guys... It would be even better if I didn't get food poisoning last night and spent the day feeling rubbish but hey I'm getting old, I'll just think of it as practice.
  7. jaccairn New Member

    I hope you're feeling better quickly. Happy Birthday!
  8. TheJackal Member

    Happy b'day :)
  9. Maljonic Administrator

    Happy birthday. :)
  10. Tephlon Active Member

    Happy B-day Spikester!

    I hope the B by now stands for Birth, not Barf... :)
  11. IgorMina New Member

    Happy Birthday! Have a great day, and I hope you feel better as soon as possible! :)
  12. mowgli New Member

    Mnogie leta, Spiky! As soon as your stomach heals, have lots of cake/ice cream/Vegemite to make up for the food poisoning! :smile:
  13. Gypsy New Member

    Happy Birthday Spiky!

    A shiame about the food poisoning, but think of it this way: Now you have an excuse to celebrate again!


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