Happy Birthday TheJackal

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, May 28, 2008.

  1. Maljonic Administrator

    Just noticed it was your birthday, so happy one to you. :)
  2. TheJackal Member

    Cheers. First time anyone on the board has remembered on the day itself! Got a belated one once! (Edit: Re-read this & makes me sound a bit miffed! I do appreciate all offerings of well wishes!)

    Unfortunately, it is not to be a most pleasant birthday experience as my professional accountancy exams start tomorrow so studying all day :( Shouldn't even be online now; been on a break for ages...
  3. jaccairn New Member

    Happy Birthday
    Good Luck with the exams!
  4. lipi New Member

    Happy Birthday, Jackal! I join in the wishes for good luck with the exam. After you pass it, you'll have one more reason to celebrate :)
  5. mazekin Member

    Happy Birthday - and good luck!
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Good luck Jackal, Happy Birthday, and make sure you celebrate as soon as you're clear of those exams...
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    Good luck! Although I have to ask: Why would you want to be an accountant?

    Happy birthday anyway.
  8. redneck New Member

    Everyone needs an accountant sometimes, Spiky. Who else can fob up so much money that the CEOs get away with embezzling millions?

    Congratulations and good luck.
  9. TheJackal Member

    Finished exams :) Went okay; shouldn't have to repeat any.

    No more for another glorious 12 months!

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