Happy Birthday Victimov8

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by missy, Jul 2, 2006.

  1. missy New Member

    Well the day has arrived, there is a banner on the front door and Dave is asleep, Bless him. Presents opened at spot on midnight, Hard copy of "wheres my cow" now on the shelf, and a look of happiness i don't think iv'e ever seen before.

    So just a short note to say Happy Birthday honey, heres hoping you have many more and that all of them are spent with me!

  2. Electric_Man Templar

    Happy Birthday Dave! Hope your day today is as good as yesterday - you're allowed to forego the long car trips though ;)
  3. happy birthday friend. have a good one :cooler:
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    Happy birthday. :)
  5. Dane New Member

    Happy birthday, have a good one :D
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay, Happy Bidet Dave, have a great day with your great girl, having a birthday on a sunday is already a present in itself.
  7. Hex New Member

    Happy Birthday Dave! Yay!
  8. jaccairn New Member

    Happy Birthday Dave. :D
  9. Marcia Executive Onion

    Happy birthday Dave!
  10. Victimov8 New Member

    Thanks everyone - I have a brilliant weekend!

    Not a lot of sleep overall, but great all the same.

    Bum - I do feel old now!
  11. spiky Bar Wench

    Happy year-older-feeling. I hope you get over it quickly.
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hey, just noticed it was Tephlon's birthday on saturday, Happy birthday too you to Teph ! (still unsure whether this deserves its own thread, so I'm piggy-backing Dave's... feel free to split the thread if this is wrong, and optionally stab/burn/disembowel/throw smelly and/or spiky things at me... more than usual that is :D )

    Edit: spllng as youzual
  13. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Happy belated birthday to both Dave and Bauke!
  14. Angua_rox New Member

    Happy birthday to all of yez!
  15. Hsing Moderator

    Happy birthday to both of you, and belated in both cases, too!
    I had actually phrased a birthday limerick for each of you, but the phone rang, and I forgot about it. Next time? :)
  16. TheJackal Member

    Yay, more birthdays!
  17. Electric_Man Templar

    Happy belated Phlonic birthday. Hope it wasn't as painful as that sounds.
  18. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Many happy returns to the both of you :)
  19. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Happy Belated (-:
  20. Roman_K New Member

    Happy belated birthdays, you two. As usual, I am late. Go me.
  21. :drinkers: [color=red:30c71ef970][size=12:30c71ef970]Happy late Birthday Dave & Teph!!![/size:30c71ef970][/color:30c71ef970] :drinkers:
  22. Delphine New Member

    Happy birthday Dave and Bauke, hope your days were great. if they weren't, there are new ones coming up in less than a year!

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