Happy Birthday Wendy !!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Dec 8, 2006.

  1. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I don't know if you'll pop by here Wendy (miss whiplash for those what don't know 'er ;)), but I hope you're having the happiest birthday ever, and may it be the first of many many happier birthdays to come ;) We miss you and Dave round here, just hoping it means you guys are too busy being lovey-dovey to hang around us dull people ;) :D

    Enjoy ;)
  2. KaptenKaries New Member

    Happy Birthday Wendy, hope you have a good one! :)
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    Yes indeed, Happy Birthday. :)
  4. fairyliquid New Member

    A very Happy Birthday indeed
  5. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Happy Birthday. Hope its the biggest and best yet.
  6. mowgli New Member

    S Dnem Rozhdenia, Whiplash :). Come back soon!
  7. :drinkers:[b:e8e1d3c340][color=blue:e8e1d3c340]Happy Birthday Miss Wendy!!![/color:e8e1d3c340][/b:e8e1d3c340] :drinkers:

    I hope you have (are having? d*mn time difference) a great day hun.

    I miss you!!!! (And Dave too of course! :) )
  8. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    gratis amatis.
  9. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Happy birthday, Wendy!
  10. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I hope you are having a wonderful day and that this year is one to treasure.
  11. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Happy Birthday! May you be lovey-dovey for many years to come!
  12. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    (-: Happy Birthday!
  13. Hsing Moderator

    Happy belated birthday!
  14. missy New Member

    Just a quickie to say thank you all sooooooo much.

    It was the best day yet in my short time of having fun. My Mom stayed for the weekend and we had a party, a real live birthday party, just for me......WOW. It was cool. I got so many cards.

    I miss you all aswell, thanks for that. We are still lovey dovey *blushes* but thats not why we are not on as often. Just too busy or knackered.

    I finally have a life and am living it to the full.

    Thanks again guys. Its nice to know i have friends.
  15. Victimov8 New Member

    Happy birthday Missy! (Waaay Late!!!!)
  16. missy New Member

    [quote:ceaaea2395="Victimov8"]Happy birthday Missy! (Waaay Late!!!!)[/quote:ceaaea2395]

    eeejit, you said several times on the day (even when i had a tantrum during party prep)
  17. Victimov8 New Member


    It was a nice day - Although a little on the stressful side

    As Wend said though - Sorry that we neglect y'all - Life gets in the way
    (Told you we shouldn't have got a television...)

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