Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by missy, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. missy New Member

    This is only my 3rd ever thread on this board but i just had to say it to you all and since no one else had got there first...........


    May 2007 bring you all your hearts desires.

    Stay well and live life to the full this year.
  2. mr_scrub New Member

    Happy New Year to you as well. I posted a Happy New Year post on another thread at 1 in the morning.
  3. Angua_rox New Member

    Bliain nua shona dhiabh!
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Happy new year to all, and Yay to missy popping in to see us ;)

    Hubby and I have just got back from a weekend with some friends on the mediterranean coast. I'm an atlantic coast fan myself, but I must admit that that particular bit of coast was really beautiful, calm and unspoilt, and the weather was beautiful for the few days we were there...
  5. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Happy New Year, one and all.
  6. Maljonic Administrator

    Oh go on then, happy new year. :)
  7. KaptenKaries New Member

    Gott Nytt År!

    I stayed home on new years eve, I was hung over from a party the day before and didn't feel like doing anything.
  8. Victimov8 New Member

    Merry new year to all y'all
  9. mowgli New Member

    С Новым Годом! :)

    (literally "with new year", short for "congratulations on the new year!")
  10. Ekke New Member

    Happy new year to all!!

    May the best of 2006 be the worst of 2007!
  11. Marcia Executive Onion

    Happy New Year's.
  12. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Belatedly, Happy New Year, everyone!

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