Happy Pi day!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. Katcal I Aten't French !

    March 14th!

    Happy Pi day to all, may there be much pie for all...
  2. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I knew there was something about today. I suppose I'm celebrating properly as we've been running around in circles moving house with Mrs pensioner (Joculatirxssss's mum).
    Sh'e just moved (at 84 y.o.) into a bungalow with a big greenhouse in the garden. I'm already thinking of all those lovely home-grown tomatoes. Yummy! :D
  3. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Happy Pi Day! The Garnerite Church would like to make Ba the traditional gift of ceremonial crackers.
  4. Gypsy New Member


    Happy Pi day!
    Will this change the Plaid Identity I wonder...no pie on Pi day seems blasphemous, even for a god.
  5. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba thanks all for the well-wishes. He spent Pi Day in fervent celebration of the truth of the holy pie.
  6. Tephlon Active Member

  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    It's an American thing... you know how those crazy folks get the whole day/month order thing all mixed up because of their soft mushy brains? 3/14, 3.14, Pi... Pie... Hmm.
  8. spiky Bar Wench

    Celebrating on the inside. Honeslty.

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