Heavy drinker?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, May 5, 2006.

  1. Electric_Man Templar

  2. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Pickled people rum?

    I'm sure that someone would buy it.
  3. mowgli New Member


    You'd think it was more expensive to ship a barrel of rum than a dead body?
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    Umm, a 'special taste'; sounds like a special parcel from the butcher in Royston Vasey. :)
  5. Guest Guest

    [quote:79d20c4050="Maljonic"]Umm, a 'special taste'; sounds like a special parcel from the butcher in Royston Vasey. :)[/quote:79d20c4050]

    Did they ever tell us exactly what Mr Briss was selling to his special customers?
  6. Maljonic Administrator

    I always assumed it was human meat, not sure if they ever said that though?
  7. QuothTheRaven New Member

    Why exactly did the wife leave the body in the barrel? The only reason that I can think of is if she died before she could take it out.
  8. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Talk of tapping the admiral...
  9. Pixel New Member

    Well, if the stories about the leg of pork in the fermentation stages of scrumpy (a West Country strong cider, for the benefit of non-Brits, and I am sure the inspiration for scumble, which is also made from apples - well, mainly apples) are true, then this could be a natural extension - after all, do not wine lovers sometimes refer to a "full-bodied wine"? (OK, OK - [i:fac0e640b3]someone[/i:fac0e640b3] had to say it! :) ) Of course, they may know something we don't! :)

    Edited to add extra comment.
  10. spiky Bar Wench

    Ew. And Pixel - Double ew.

    The moral of the story is: Don't drink out of strange barrels of alcohol.
  11. Angua_rox New Member

    Personally I think the moral of the story is: a) don't drink out of humoungous barrels of alcohol that you know nothing about, and b) avoid shipping your partners body home in rum that will later be drunken by workers.

    Important life lessons. :snakeman:
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Never drink your rum from any container you can't see through !

    Although it is probably one of the healthiest alcohols, as it doesn't cause cirrosis (splg ?) so although he was dead, I'm sure his liver was fine :D

    Did they say his name was Davey Jones ?
  13. spiky Bar Wench

    Wasn't Nelson shipped home in a barrel of rum to preserve the body? Although it may have been honey, I've heard of honey being used but I don't know if it was on Nelson... Although he would have tasted good once he got home *bad taste*.
  14. roisindubh211 New Member



  15. Angua_rox New Member

    Personally I get more of the ew factor off that horrible :vom: smiley. . . no, it's not a smiley.
    Smileys are cool. :D
    It's a pukey. Not cool. :doubt:

    But yeah, it's ewey.
  16. colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:27d1fab3a5]We're sorry... this story is not currently available[/quote:27d1fab3a5]

    NO WAY! How could such a story occur. I'm totally gob smacked! ;)
  17. Hsing Moderator

    [quote:dc2c1aabc4][size=18:dc2c1aabc4][b:dc2c1aabc4]Hungary workers get shock at bottom of rum barrel[/b:dc2c1aabc4][/size:dc2c1aabc4]

    BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian builders who drank their way to the bottom of a huge barrel of rum while renovating a house got a nasty surprise when a pickled corpse tumbled out of the empty barrel, a police magazine website reported.

    According to online magazine www.zsaru.hu, workers in Szeged in the south of Hungary tried to move the barrel after they had drained it, only to find it was surprisingly heavy and were shocked when the body of a naked man fell out.

    The website said that the body of the man had been shipped back from Jamaica 20 years ago by his wife in the barrel of rum in order to avoid the cost and paperwork of an official return.

    According to the website, workers said the rum in the 300-liter barrel had a "special taste" so they even decanted a few bottles of the liquor to take home.

    The wife has since died and the man was buried in a proper grave.[/quote:dc2c1aabc4]
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I just saw the same story in the Geneva daily free newspaper... man I felt SO superior nodding in the tram saying to my gobsmacked husband "oh, yeah, I knew all about that, hadn't you heard ?" :D
  19. Ba Lord of the Pies

    It'll be interesting to see where it turns up next. The story, for those not in "the know" is one that appears every few years in some newspaper around the world, edited slightly for whichever place it's currently in. It's one of those stories that transcends the fact that it never happened.
  20. mowgli New Member


    ::isn't technically supposed to set Ba on fire, being a weaponry wench in his church and all, but does it anyway::
  21. Ba Lord of the Pies

    *Is on fire anyhow, and thus takes no notice*
  22. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Aww, come on Ba, how do you know it never happened ? I mean it's not as if it was as gruesome and 'orrible as that one about the woman and the lobster eggs... **shudders**

    No, I'm sure it's actually a secret society thing, getting yourself embalmed in a rum cask and getting your family to make poor innocent workers drink the rum twenty years later, stands to reason... (why the heck would workers drink a whole cask of rum in a place that's not theirs and risk getting fired and probably reported to the police for it, after all, a cask big enough to fit a body in it is quite a big thing to empty !)

    I want to be buried in a raspberry sponge cake.
  23. Angua_rox New Member

    I want to have either "Wake me up, before you go-go" or the Monty Python's version of "Always look on the bright side of life" played at my funeral. :)
  24. roisindubh211 New Member

    [quote:802d333654="Katcal"]I want to be buried in a raspberry sponge cake.[/quote:802d333654]

    That reminds me of one of my friends saying : "I want to be pickled in a dramatic pose."
    Odd boy.
  25. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:683bdc84b9="roisindubh211"][quote:683bdc84b9="Katcal"]I want to be buried in a raspberry sponge cake.[/quote:683bdc84b9]

    That reminds me of one of my friends saying : "I want to be pickled in a dramatic pose."
    Odd boy.[/quote:683bdc84b9]

    I want to be buried inside that shark thats in Fermaldahyde (*sp?) and then you can call me art... I'd just have my feet sticking out of its mouth. I think thats a dramatic enough pose for me :)
  26. mowgli New Member

  27. Pixel New Member

    I want to be buried in as many graves as possible (other peoples'), plus one urn - in other words when I go I want to be broken up for spares - as much of me as is useful for transplants to be harvested, and the rest to be cremated.
  28. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba's not likely to die, being immortal. But if he were to do so, he would prefer to die in a rapidly-expanding cloud of plasma, forming a mushroom cloud over a city with a formerly high population.
  29. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Why Ba, how Slim Pickens of you.
  30. spiky Bar Wench

    It turns out this story is either an urban legend or at least 10 years old...

    Last night's Media Watch program covered it here.
  31. Nester New Member

    When I die, that's how I want to be preserved. Keep your cryogenics, Disney!

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