Hex's Summer-New-Experience Challenge!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hex, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. Hex New Member

    Okay, I put this challenge to all denizens of Boardania.

    This summer I became bored with my final vacation before University.
    So I resolved to try something new every day, and this is how my week has gone so far:

    On Monday I watched The Birdcage and ate chocolate covered popcorn for the first time.

    On Tuesday I Listened to outdoor Jazz at the University and tried Baklava.

    On Wednesday I told a good friend a big secret, and went to Juice Stop for the first time -- (the fact that I have never been was considered a sin by my friend Nate, Nebraska kids are funny).

    On Thursday I enrolled in University and signed up for 16 credit hours! That might just kill me, but I wanted to have an adventure.

    And Today I tried a shot of Wheatgrass juice. It tasted a bit like the way freshly cut grass smells, but its really good for you apparently.

    So, that's the general idea of the challenge I put before you all.
    Simply, try something new every day. Do something you've never done, watch a movie you've never watched, go somewhere new, try something different! Big or small, go for it!

    Then post them up here! We'll compare stories and get inspired for our own ideas.
  2. chrisjordan New Member

    I locked myself out yesterday. Does that count?
  3. Hex New Member

    Only if you've never done it before.
  4. chrisjordan New Member

  5. Katcal I Aten't French !


    The other day I tried out my stolen and adapted recipe for frooty dumplings, and they rocked awesomely despite the small amount of Froot.

    This afternoon/evening, I will try going to a celtic music festival and not go home at 8pm because I'm tired.
  6. missy New Member

    Yesterday i tried to burn down Daves house, not on purpose you understand, i forgot i had put the dinner on to cook and went out to a friends house for coffee.

    I have never done this before (in any house) so i would like to think this can be my "something new" for yesterday.
  7. Electric_Man Templar

    I shall soon be going to a pub that I've never been to before, to watch England's first match in the 2006 World Cup.

    OK, so it's not as interesting as Wendy's tale, but it's definitely less dangerous.
  8. Hex New Member

    Well, today I'm watching the first World Cup match that I've watched somewhere that wasn't England. This will be my new thing unless I do something more exciting.
    It is indeed fun. Yay England!

    But a word of advice to everyone: don't drink wheatgrass juice. I was nauseous all day yesterday. It's just too healthy for me!
  9. Tephlon Active Member

    Inspired by your post I went for the Kangaroo steak for lunch today.
    No bad, actually.

    Also we bought a house yesterday, which was another first.
  10. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i had a nap today...
  11. Dane New Member

    I got up at 3 in the afternoon and had breakfast and lunch shortly after eachother. That can be my new thing of today :badgrin:
  12. Hex New Member

    I changed my mind about my new thing.

    My new thing is that I made my boyfriend cry when we talked today.
    And not in a good, tears-of-joy way.

    Yeah, pretty sure I suck right now.
  13. Angua_rox New Member

    Can I ask why?

    Well obviously I just did, :)
    but can I get an answer?
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:baa5bd1990="Tephlon"]Inspired by your post I went for the Kangaroo steak for lunch today.
    No bad, actually.

    Also we bought a house yesterday, which was another first.[/quote:baa5bd1990]
    I know Kangaroo meat is yummy but... putting it before buying a house ? :D Now ostrich meat, yeah, but Kangaroo really doesn't deserve it... ;) Oh, and congrats !

    Well, yesterday we did only leave about an hour befor the end of the festival, which is a record since my student years have been over, but still, something I have done before, so did another one.

    I tried drinking freezing cold Guiness. It sucks awesomely, no taste whatsoever. :drinkers: :vom:
  15. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    [quote:2082b4a065="Hex"]I changed my mind about my new thing.

    My new thing is that I made my boyfriend cry when we talked today.
    And not in a good, tears-of-joy way.

    Yeah, pretty sure I suck right now.[/quote:2082b4a065]

    Well, not commenting on the specifics of your situation, since i don't know em, but while making someone you love cry definately sucks major portions of ass, it doesn't mean YOU suck as a person.

    Usually in my case, its either a matter of lost temper or blatant selfishness and a calm and sincere apology goes a long way to redeeming myself for such unfortunate moments. the moments suck, but so long as i make up for them, i presume that *i* remain suck free.
  16. Hex New Member

    I suppose I don't suck per se, but I did blow something small way out of proportion.

    I'm just all neurotic because in just over a month I'll finally get to see him after a whole year of being apart, and now that I'm on vacation I have fewer things to distract from the fact that I miss him so much!

    We talked again, and it's been determined that I don't suck, I just need a hobby so I don't get all stressed out about the little things.

    So now I'm on the search for a hobby. Preferably something that gets me out of the house. I may take up Ultimate Frisbee.

    As for today's New Thing, I helped my mom make potato salad for the first time.
    I like potato salad.
  17. redneck New Member

    I went to a family reunion this weekend (not a new thing) but saw and met cousins that I've never seen nor met. While there I woke up early (2 AM) and couldn't get back to sleep, so I drove to town and read a book at the "Kangaroo Crossing" gas station/diner. I had never been there before.

    and Garner does suck. Don't beleive his presumations. I, however, am completely sucky free, with no presuming involved. :)
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yesterday's try-something-new : making salmon risotto with only beef oxo cubes left. Hmm... well, not as bad as I thought it would be. Note for next time : check list of ingredients before starting recipe.
  19. fairyliquid New Member

    I got a new hair cut...I now have a fringe type thing (i believe the word is bangs). Plus it's red :)
  20. Electric_Man Templar

    The new thing today is a guy at work. Ok, so I'm not 'doing' something new, but I think that would be quite disturbing.
  21. Perdita New Member

    Yesterday's something new:

    I used a Body Shop Brazil Nut hair repair moisture stuff on my hair ... unbelievably it does what it says on the tin.

    The instructions stated that you could leave it on for 20 minutes or leave it on overnight (overnight didn't really appeal.)

    So I left it on for a couple of hours.

    Unlike past hair disasters this seems to have semi- relaxed my hair (which is usually fraught, anxious and in a semi afro-like state)

  22. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:f3ebfc1866="Electric_Man"]The new thing today is a guy at work. Ok, so I'm not 'doing' something new, but I think that would be quite disturbing.[/quote:f3ebfc1866]

    Have you at least [b:f3ebfc1866]tried [/b:f3ebfc1866]him ?

    Perdita : yep, Body shop brazil nut is the only thing that works on my hair too... that and Monoi oil, but that's even more expensive and the last bottle solidified for no apparent reason... Damn unwanted frizzy hair !

    Today, I am trying out some new software which hopefully will mean that my current task will take a couple of days instead of six months of banging my head against any solid vertical surface. Fingers crossed, eh...
  23. Angua_rox New Member

    I tried nargulay on Saturday for the first time, and drank alcohol for the first time on Friday, and the second time Saturday.

    Yesterday I observed the damage guys can do to girls without even realising, as I consoled a friend with a broken heart.

    Today was my first day at French College (I'm on an exchange).

    Tomorrow. . . .who knows!

    I'm also keeping a proper diary for the first time while on said exchange!
  24. Dane New Member

    Well my first for today was completly sucking at an exam. I have never sucked quite so bad :( The majority of the paper was (Spling?) Trigonometry and that was one of the few things i didn't revise enough of :cry:

    I'm predicted a B for Maths, with the non-calculator paper last week I was going for an A. with todays disaster i think I'm back on my B :( Not to happy about that. Its a terrible feeling going into an exam and knowing next to nothing.

    It was a first and i sincerly hope a last for me.
  25. Angua_rox New Member

    I HATE doing badly in exams, I'm sorry for you Dane . .

    I just had my first MSN conversation in French :)

    *is proud of her linguistic abilities*
  26. sampanna New Member

    This isn't exactly a first .. but it's the first time I've done this in fifteen years: I combed my hair with a comb.
  27. Dane New Member

    well done angua!

    OK Heres another first, I've just been totally ignored by my girfriend for the first time. I sent her a message (on myspace) telling her a few things includeing that i needed her to either ring me or come on MSN to talk about when we're to meet and stuff. But not only did she not ring or come on MSN she didn't even reply on myspace :(

    Meh it's only a little thing but its gets to me. also a first.
  28. Dane New Member

    [quote:e0d3976073="sampanna"]This isn't exactly a first .. but it's the first time I've done this in fifteen years: I combed my hair with a comb.[/quote:e0d3976073]

    what do you useually comb your hair with then? :D
  29. missy New Member

    My first for today was switching off my mobile phone. I don't do it EVER but due to circumstances as they are i felt i must.

    But *shock horror* i survived the experience. If someone wants me they can text and i will get back to them! all the important people have the home number here so sod it!

    OH MY GOD, i survived.
  30. Katcal I Aten't French !

    My first for today will be a once and only experience.

    My 1000th post on this board.

    Man I talk WAY too much... :roll:
  31. missy New Member

    [quote:7e58fea03f="Katcal"]My first for today will be a once and only experience.

    My 1000th post on this board.

    Man I talk WAY too much... :roll:[/quote:7e58fea03f]

    Honey, you can say that again, and i don't doubt you will over and over and over........lol
  32. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Today, I will try not to smack Wendy with a large wet kipper.


    Nah, can't win 'em all... :cooler:

    (and I did say it for my 500th too, I know I'm not original, it's mean to point out people's handicaps :p )
  33. missy New Member

    Thank you Kat, i have had enough of pain today, My first for the day was actually 3 things.

    I have a friend here that is learning to be a beautition, I know i know, for all of you that have seen my photo and are thinking "whats the point in going to her, she can't help you" well she needs the practice!

    I have had a very painful leg wax, a very very painful eye brow wax and a not so painful but nerve wracking eyelash tint!

    All of which was completed in her living room while she had work men putting tiles up in the kitchen making sarcastic comments about them wanting to be waxed and me screaming in agony!

    All in all iv'e had a bad morning, so a Kipper in the face is nothing Kat.
  34. Katcal I Aten't French !


    Hang on, I was feeling sorry for you there, but if I understand right, you have had a free leg wax and additional [s:f58ad2d1a2]torture[/s:f58ad2d1a2] beauty treatments, [b:f58ad2d1a2]and [/b:f58ad2d1a2]you get a free kipper ? And you call that a bad day ? :shock:

    There, I miss my kipper now... :(

    (**hugs Wendy anyway, avoiding sensitive waxed areas**)
  35. missy New Member


    Hang on, I was feeling sorry for you there, but if I understand right, you have had a free leg wax and additional [s:15ca565f79]torture[/s:15ca565f79] beauty treatments, [b:15ca565f79]and [/b:15ca565f79]you get a free kipper ? And you call that a bad day ? :shock:

    There, I miss my kipper now... :(

    (**hugs Wendy anyway, avoiding sensitive waxed areas**)[/quote:15ca565f79]

    I did get the free [s:15ca565f79]torture[/s:15ca565f79] beauty treatments, but A)she was training so i was helping her out and B) i don't do beauty at all so i'm gonna look even worse than before when all the waxed bits grow back! oh and C) i now smell of fish......Feel sorry for me! you should cos you caused the latter problem!
  36. Angua_rox New Member

    Had a guy tell me he loved me for the first time today . . .
    He was half messing, which is good, because a) hes a year younger than me, b)i don't like *in that way* his personality, and i don't like *in that way* his looks, so . . .

    Also had fried, not grilled sausages in for the first time in ages . . .

    Also went kayaking in France for the first time. . .

    Also wore a normal skirt (very short, denim, lacking rips, holes, piercings, rather than a long, gothic, black one) for the first time in like 2 years, practically . . .

    Watched a friend burn a troll doll on a webcast yesterday, that's a first . .

    I'm doing pretty well at this!
  37. QuothTheRaven New Member

    I went to the dentist today. . . and for the first time in as long as I can remember, did not get lectured by a dental hygenist about to virtures of flossing.
  38. fairyliquid New Member

    My new thing of the day...

    I went down town Jakarta to mangga dua (fake handbags, shoes, watches, etc, galore), I went around the Jakarta museum which was sadly very empty (most of the stuff was looted during riots in the 90's...i think it was 97...so none of the original stuff was inside) The building was facsinating...there from the dutch occupation. Not the best preserved place but still interesting. It's a shame its so badly kept up.

    I also went to a puppet museum and saw all the Indonesian puppets...very intricate and lovely things. The artwork is amazing really.

    Tomorrow I am going to Krakatau for the day...should be fun.
  39. randywine Member

    New things -
    last week - got new kitchen fitted.
    Yesterday - Bought expanding foam hole filler for the holes in my new kitchen walls
    Today - Used expanding foam hole filler for the first time-
    (made a mess (not for the first time) girlfriend mad (not for the first time) spent ages clearing up after myself (definitely not for the first time)):roll:

    In the future - Going to do my first Munro (in about 10 years) in a couple of weeks (if I'm allowed out that is...) :D


    Edit - spelling mistake
  40. QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:529b638404="Katcal"]Today, I will try not to smack Wendy with a large wet kipper.


    Nah, can't win 'em all... :cooler:

    (and I did say it for my 500th too, I know I'm not original, it's mean to point out people's handicaps :p )[/quote:529b638404]
    *Smacks Kat with a live fish*
    When will people stao trying to steal my job?
  41. Pixel New Member

    Erm... Hullo? Anyone there? Erm...somebody? Speak to me! Why do I just hear an empty echo?

    In other words, my first for today is that it is the first time I have logged on to the Board and found that I am the only member logged on. OK, I know it is just after two o'clock in the morning where I am (got home late from a friend's (and fellow Pratchett fan) birthday celebration*) - but with time zones, that doesn't excuse the rest of you slackers! :)

    *Which was in a Mexican restaurant - slices of lime in the beer and so on - now, I have been used to using citrus juice - usually lemon - to get rid of the onion smell from my fingers after cooking, but how do I get rid of the lime smell? I suppose I could try the half-onion in my fridge - no, maybe that would be counter-productive - anyway, that thread died out some time ago! :)

    Edited to add footnote and correct spelling.
  42. QuothTheRaven New Member

    It is raining. . . In the Summer. . . In California.
    That is not something that has ever happened to me before.
  43. spiky Bar Wench

    Drove myself out of Sydney for the first time today... I may have lived there for 7 years but not owning a car limits the opportunity to drive in Sydney traffic. Not something I feel I will miss.

    I have students sitting an exam I wrote by myself for the first time. They're gonna hate me.

    Pixel with timezones that would be me but as I've been away for a couple of days i wasn't online. I apologise for any inconvenience caused but feel I should point out that I am often the only one online. I'm like the lonely ghost of the graveyard board shift.
  44. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Poor lonely spiky ghost... **time-zone-delayed-hug but not too tight because of the spikes**
  45. fairyliquid New Member

    Happens a lot to me too Spiky...We can form a club of eastern time zones and form a timetable of when we should be signing in so none of us feel like sad losers on our own in a message board. :D

    Technically I didn't make it to Krakatau yesterday...the guide said we probably wouldn't get back but he'd take us anyway for 3,000,000 rupiah...174 pounds) so my new thing was being held hostage in a hotel who wanted 400,000 rupiah (23 pounds) to get out of the car park.

    Another new thing for me was becoming a hotel in the middle of nowhere's first customers (as we needed the bathroom and they didn't actually open for a week)

    Today...I bought a new top - it is stripy and i don't have a stripey t-shirt. (It's a dull new thing but I think yesterday makes up for it)
  46. Dane New Member

    My new thing for Yesterday was playing twister with my girlfriends (I'm not sure which thread was debateing it but after playing it again i must agree that it certainly is a very *close* game) at a friends party that I technically wasn't invited to... But yeah it was a lot of fun.

    my new thing for today was having my girlfriends mum steal my boxers infront of my girlfriend, her sister and her dad. It wasn't a pleasant thing i can tell you. I had to run upstairs with a cushon for protection :shock: :shock: :shock: :oops:
  47. Katcal I Aten't French !

    My new thing for saturday was my first ever head-pounding stomach-lurching real true-blood migrane. It's hell, don't try it at home... or anywhere !

    My new thing for yesterday was picking raspberries in the hot summer rain... That was much more fun !
  48. QuothTheRaven New Member

    My new thing was geting my grades back, and finding that I had a 4.0 GPA.
  49. Perdita New Member

    [quote:bf69d8080f="QuothTheRaven"]My new thing was geting my grades back, and finding that I had a 4.0 GPA.[/quote:bf69d8080f]

    I don't really know about education systems in other countries- is 4.0 good?
  50. Hsing Moderator

    [quote:148251ea58="Katcal"]My new thing for saturday was my first ever head-pounding stomach-lurching real true-blood migrane. It's hell, don't try it at home... or anywhere !

    It's not quite normal to get them out of nowhere that relatively late in your life. You normally are the type for it, or you aren't, so if this is new to you, get yourself checked maybe... not that it can't happen, but still.
  51. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:c308fd20d8="Hsing"][quote:c308fd20d8="Katcal"]My new thing for saturday was my first ever head-pounding stomach-lurching real true-blood migrane. It's hell, don't try it at home... or anywhere !

    It's not quite normal to get them out of nowhere that relatively late in your life. You normally are the type for it, or you aren't, so if this is new to you, get yourself checked maybe... not that it can't happen, but still.[/quote:c308fd20d8]

    Thanks Hsing, my Mum said the same thing, I'll mention it to my Doctor next time I see him, or sooner if it happens again ;)
  52. QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:029ac0c16f="Perdita"][quote:029ac0c16f="QuothTheRaven"]My new thing was geting my grades back, and finding that I had a 4.0 GPA.[/quote:029ac0c16f]

    I don't really know about education systems in other countries- is 4.0 good?[/quote:029ac0c16f]
    In the american education system, 4.0 means you have revieved 90% in all of your classes. This is very good.
  53. Pixel New Member

    [quote:3be59785cf="QuothTheRaven"][quote:3be59785cf="Perdita"][quote:3be59785cf="QuothTheRaven"]My new thing was geting my grades back, and finding that I had a 4.0 GPA.[/quote:3be59785cf]

    I don't really know about education systems in other countries- is 4.0 good?[/quote:3be59785cf]
    In the american education system, 4.0 means you have revieved 90% in all of your classes. This is very good.[/quote:3be59785cf]

    I had assumed that "GPA" meant "Grade Point Average" - is this not so? Does it mean that the average over all classes was 90%, or that in all classes you scored a minimum 90%?
  54. QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:1b305eed22="Pixel"][quote:1b305eed22="QuothTheRaven"][quote:1b305eed22="Perdita"][quote:1b305eed22="QuothTheRaven"]My new thing was geting my grades back, and finding that I had a 4.0 GPA.[/quote:1b305eed22]

    I don't really know about education systems in other countries- is 4.0 good?[/quote:1b305eed22]
    In the american education system, 4.0 means you have revieved 90% in all of your classes. This is very good.[/quote:1b305eed22]

    I had assumed that "GPA" meant "Grade Point Average" - is this not so? Does it mean that the average over all classes was 90%, or that in all classes you scored a minimum 90%?[/quote:1b305eed22]
    The second one.
  55. Katcal I Aten't French !

    My first for yesterday was trying feta cheese made with goats milk (it's usually ewe's milk) and it was nice.

    Today, I will try to understand what you guys are talking about, but then I did most of my schooling in a country where everything from kindergarten to university is a mark out of 20...
  56. Hsing Moderator

    We're marking from 1 to 6, and switch to 0 to 15 points in grade 11. Meh.

    I tried a new recipe. Does that count?
    And, also food related, I'm baking a lucky bread. Does anyone know the custom or is it German? (I don't even know. To explain: Its made of a sourdough that needs six days to work. You add an ingredient every day. At day six, you add the last ingredients, part the dough in three or four parts, pass on two or three to someone nice who owns an oven, and bake the part you kept. [i:d3e166fd40]Nothing [/i:d3e166fd40]bad at all happens to the people who don't work with their dough but just bake it, or throw it away. You're supposed to do this only one time in your life.)
  57. Katcal I Aten't French !

    No, that's pretty much a worldwide thing, mine was called "Joe"... Same principal, a living dough you have to care for, then share and pass on and eat your part... it tastes amazing... I have the recipe for starting it somewhere, you can just make it for yourself as a really nice bread/cake, if a little fastidious to make.
  58. Angua_rox New Member

    That sounds really cool, I've never heard of it before.

    I have heard of sourdough, if that helps.

    #Resolves to try this soon#
  59. Hsing Moderator

    I have one, too. Its a lot easier to care for one you got than to start it.
    I guess I'll just start a thread for recipes that shouldn't clog up other threads.. The dough and falafel would be on the list. (... my bread's called "Hermann", by the way.)
  60. missy New Member

    My new thing for yesterday was watching a family of swans while they sun bathed fed and played, two adults and a signet. After a discussion i found out that there was a second baby but no one has seen it since friday and people that work in the building next to the family pond think it's died.

    My new thing for today is nothing. doing absolutly nothing, zip, zilch, nowt all day! am feeling guilty now and think i will go do some cleaning or something! it was nice while it lasted though!

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