Hey Kids! Brain Washing is Fun!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Rincewind, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. Rincewind Number One Doorman


    A bit scary. But then at the same time we've all been a bit brain washed. Only some of just have been brain washed to believe reasonable stuff or stuff that has been backed up by evidence and these people haven't.

    Thanks God/Karma/Science I wasn't born in bible belt america.
  2. spiky Bar Wench

    But but the minister actually sounded Australian. If my country produced that fruit loop I think I'm going to have to go and slit my country's wrists in shame.
  3. redneck New Member

    The Australian guy was Ken Ham.

    I disagreed with several aspects of the video. One was the questions that were thrown at the kids by the interviewer. "Do you believe in evolution?" What kind of answer was she expecting a five year old kid to say that had just sat through a seminar about the truth of creation? "What do you believe?" has the same answer as the previous question. "Why?" was kinda shouted out next. The first few kids were pretty young and any kid that young would give whatever answer they had heard most. The older kids are more responsible for themselves, so they should be able to answer any of the questions that the interviewer asked.

    The second was the video's label, "Evangelical War on Science". I think it would have been more appropriate if it had been labeled "war on evolution" because even though evolution is defined by science, science isn't by evolution.

    I've read and listened to several things that Ken Ham teaches and he is definitely a scientist. A kid's seminar is not the best place to try and ascertain a scientists credentials. Think of any scientist trying to teach kids anything. The lectures are very simple and straightforward.

    When Ken Ham addresses older audiences he doesn't hold with baby talk. He also disagrees with a lot of other creationists as to their feelings about science. Ham was a noted scientist before he became a lecturer on creationism. He has said something to the effect that, "The Bible doesn't contradict science, nor does science contradict the Bible, but they are complementary."

    Anyway, I'm not trying to start anything, just giving a little more background than what was given in the video. If you can't tell, I was raised as a creationist. Now I don't know what I think about the origins of the universe and don't really give a shit. The only thing I know is that something happened a long time ago and now I'm living in a fucked up world. That's the long and short of it.

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