Hog watch The Film

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by John, Dec 3, 2006.

  1. John New Member

    In case anyone is not of The Discworld.... Terry´s "Hogfather" the film starring David Jason is being televised on Sky 1 on Sunday the 17th of December at 8:05pm and again on Monday the 18th at 8pm.
    I can´t wait.
  2. Hsing Moderator

    Thanks, John; in case you want to join the ongoing discussions about the event, check out the "Death Books Forum" below. There are four or five threads circling around the making and airing of the film. :)
    Edit to add: Also, in case you plan to stick around - a small introduction in the respective Introduction Forum and a quick look at the Code of Conduct would be good.

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