Hogfather on TV

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Anna, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. Anna New Member

    Hurrah! Sky One will be showing Hogfather on December 17th and 18th at 8pm. David Jason is playing Albert, Susan is Michelle Dockery, Mr Teatime is Marc Warren (who was in Hustle, he's a good actor, I just hope can be evil enough!), Death is voiced by Ian Richardson, and Terry Pratchett himself will be the Toy Maker. So there we are- we'll see if those of us who have faith in a tv adaptation not sucking will find out if we were right! :eek: [size=12:86260e8d15][/size:86260e8d15]
  2. Hsing Moderator

    You might want to take a look into the Death Books forum below, where you can find at least five threads about it. :)

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