How the hell do you tell time with this clock?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

  2. chrisjordan New Member


    It's weird, watching the birth count rise like that. So many babies...
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    It's not really like that though is it? In reality there might not be any births at all for an hour, then 87 might plop out all at once all over the country.
  4. chrisjordan New Member

    So it's not adding them as they go on record?

    I think a sudden plop of 87 babies is probably even more mind-boggling.
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    well, they would only go on record during office hours, so there would be no babies for the long 15 minute lunch break they probably get, and none during the night time. But yes, massive baby-plopping must occur, although, as chris so aptly put it, it is totally mind-boggling.
  6. Marcia Executive Onion

    They should add a death clock as well.
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    I wanna know how they plan to keep the population below 1.37 billion (see headline on the right) when they are already and 1.32 billion. What are they going to go around to the house of every person beyond 1.37 bil and shoot them?
  8. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    nah, they'll just drive a tank over them.
  9. Roman_K New Member

    Spiky, they have a forced abortion policy that applies until the baby draws breath, so they'll manage somehow. They may just change their one-couple-one-baby policy to a no-baby-unless-approved policy, mind.

    And yeah, a deaths counter would be a good addition to the site.
  10. mowgli New Member

    Oy vey...

    (And now I have to deal with a sudden and morbid idea of having the same counter applied to Russia, where deaths far outnumber the births - due to crime, alcoholism, and the fact that having kids is more expensive than not having them)
  11. Roman_K New Member

    Indeed, Russia is not a nice place to live in. I hear the skinheads are simply thriving there though, as do many other neo-fascist groups.

    And the new economic elites are basically the reborn Russian Mafia.

    And the alcaholism has started giving way to rampant drug addiction. As if Russian society hasn't been self-destructive enough...

    You know, I think I won't be visiting Russia any time soon.
  12. Dane New Member

    Is there a country other than Enlgand that having children isn't profitable? Over hear its practially seen as your first career choice.
  13. mowgli New Member

    :lol: I don't think having children is "profitable" anywhere, unless you intend to sell them to a highest bidder as soon as they come into being!... Basically, the dilemma seems to be whether you'll be totally bankrupt by the time the kids are old enough to earn their keep, or maybe still have a shirt or two on your back :smile:
  14. Dane New Member

    having a child is a welcome source of income for teenagers in England. I know several people who now live quite happily because of this... damn chavs.
  15. spiky Bar Wench

    You'd have to be stupid to think that having children is a good income move because of government subsidies. The little blighters are a hell of a lot more expensive to raise than the dole allows for...

    But in a most cynical of moments I think "Oh yeah, if you're stupid enough to have kids for the money you're probably too stupid to be a proper parent anyway"...
  16. Maljonic Administrator

    Chavs are very stupid, almost mind bogglingly so. :smile:

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