I cant belive it!!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by koshu, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. koshu New Member

    FRIDAY THE 13th!!

    I cant belive that no one has made a thread about today yet.

    I know most people belive it to be superstision but i know some freaky stuff tends to happen on friday the 13th.

    so if this thread is a double of one made before i apologise and if its not then i say why not share some stories that you have either experienced or heard of about happening on FRIDAY THE 13th....

    yes i know its stupid but im hyper so leave me alone *runs around the room drinking bi-plus and coke*
  2. Hex New Member

    I had a freakishly GOOD day.

    Does that count? Or does it just have to be unlucky or unfortunate?
  3. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i won 18 quid off a lotto ticket.
  4. koshu New Member

    well i was working at the zoo and one of my mates got bit by one of the adult crocks...in hospital. we had another guy bit the other day but i guess that dont count casue it wasn't on friday.

    i think they're trying to tell us something......"DONT BECOME A CROCK DENTIST"
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yesterday, the whole corporate network went down, nothing was working except internet and of course each individual computer, but no connections ofr servers were running. I went to ask our tech manager and he just shrugged and said "bah, it's Friday the 13th, I don't even know why you bother to ask :D "
  6. plaid New Member

    i hit a deer yesterday on my way to work.
  7. Nester New Member

    My ex girlfriend who moved to Arizona came home to surprise me. That's about it :D
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:cd115a8dc3="plaid"]i hit a deer yesterday on my way to work.[/quote:cd115a8dc3]
    Woah plaid, are you and the car ok ? (and the deer, come to that ?) A friend of ours once hit a stag, driving really fast on a country lane (idiot) and his Merc was almost folded in two... the stag just got up and ran away...
  9. plaid New Member

    the deer ran off. i assume it'll be fine. my car's hood is dented nicely but the thing still runs just fine.

    i was slightly shaken but not harmed in any way whatsoever.
  10. Hsing Moderator

    My sister was involved in a car accident and my grandfather's cellar was flooded. I, though, had the first day in three weeks were I was not at all sick, after sleeping until 12 o'clock.
  11. inwig New Member

    :shock: Sorry to hear about all of you having difficulties with Friday 13. I usually have a good day - Monday 13 is another story.
  12. Roman_K New Member

    My own Friday was actually quite good, but then Jews consider Thirteen to be a *lucky* number. ;)

    In any case, I once read into the various theories that have cropped up to explain the whole Friday the 13th is Evil thing. One I liked (years before The Da Vinci Code came out, I might add) was the one regarding the Knights Templar. On Friday, October the 13th, 1307, King Phillip IV of France had all the Templar Knights in his dominion rounded up simultaneously, accused of numerous herecies and tortured until they "confessed" said herecies. This allowed Phillip to effectively close the matter of all the money he loaned from the Templar Knights, as well as confiscate a fair deal of their lands and money.

    In conclusion, the French are to blame once again.
  13. Jinxted New Member

    Friday the 13th was a good day at my house this year, I got an e-mail from UPS ( United Parcel Service ) they would like to interview me on monday to drive one of their big trucks through the Holidays, which is nice. My Tigers won game 3 of the ALCS which was better, Saturday was wonderful as they won Game 4 and now are in the World Series for the first time in 22 years, last time this happened I was a sophmore in High School and could'nt get a ticket 'cuz of my age, now 'cuz of my job situation I cant afford a ticket, oh and Bob Seger tickets still remain woefully out of reach, with ebay running a pair of tix at around 300.00 dollars american for 55 dollar seats. The Karma rollercoaster keeps on a running.

    Watch this space for a clever anectdote.
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:abc6249cb2="Roman_K"]My own Friday was actually quite good, but then Jews consider Thirteen to be a *lucky* number. ;)

    In any case, I once read into the various theories that have cropped up to explain the whole Friday the 13th is Evil thing. One I liked (years before The Da Vinci Code came out, I might add) was the one regarding the Knights Templar. On Friday, October the 13th, 1307, King Phillip IV of France had all the Templar Knights in his dominion rounded up simultaneously, accused of numerous herecies and tortured until they "confessed" said herecies. This allowed Phillip to effectively close the matter of all the money he loaned from the Templar Knights, as well as confiscate a fair deal of their lands and money.

    In conclusion, the French are to blame once again.[/quote:abc6249cb2]

    Actually, the French seem almost equally divided between thinking it's lucky or unlucky anyway... The Loto (National lottery) always has a big draw on Friday 13ths... Meh, whatever sells...
  15. spiky Bar Wench

    I don't remember friday. It was too long ago and no memory exists of its occurance... this leads me to conclude that it is currently Thursday!

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