Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Rincewind, Aug 5, 2006.

  1. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I just realised i've gone past the 1000 post mark. Go Me!

    I celebration I thought we could construct a list of a 1000 reasons why i'm great.

    1. In a five mintue period i could probably eat more cheese that 5 mice.

    2. I once made my friend get a tic-tac lodged up his nose.

    3. If I travelled back in time I'd know more about how things work than olden day people. Stupid olden day people.

    4. I invented tab clear.

    5. I have bowling shoes that are taken from a REAL bowling alley!

    mmmm, this might take a while....
  2. Orrdos God

  3. chrisjordan New Member

    Congrats, Rinso. Although not on the face.
  4. Rincewind Number One Doorman


    That ain't pretty.

    Though, my mum says i'm special.
  5. edster New Member

    Rincewind i dont think that there is not one person that thinks your "special"

    7.do some very weird stuff with your face :D
  6. Hex New Member

    8. You know the true powers of the spoon.

    Congrats on the posts Rinso.
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **dances and smirks because she got there first** nananannaanaaaaa !

    Although I must admit, that pic is particularly daunting.

    9. Was a hamster in a previous life.
  8. Electric_Man Templar

    10) You wear your mum's shirts

    11) You stink

    12) You smell

    13) You pong

    14) You reek

    15) Yet we still allow you to go to doormencons!
  9. Ba Lord of the Pies

    16. Rincewind is flammable.
  10. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    that is the most horrifying photo i've ever seen.
  11. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    17. You have the best story about a goat I have heard so far.

    18. You have a genuinely open mind.

    19. You are always half an hour late at Doormencon, which has become a ritual.

    20. Exciting events are due to happen to you in my boardfic.
  12. Hsing Moderator

    21. You often say the right thing at the right time. That sometimes makes one forget about the stuff you post otherwise.

    And Katcal, you got there [i:195ad7ee5f]after [/i:195ad7ee5f]me. You overhauled, though.
  13. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    22. I once I woke up an hour before I had to actually I get up. In my half sleep I believed this made me omipotent, the feeling was nice.
  14. spiky Bar Wench


    23. Looks most naturally like a Discworld character than anyone else on the board.

    24. Loves all creatures great and small. The smaller the better.
  15. Ba Lord of the Pies

    *Edits Doors' post, both because it stretched the boards and because no one should have to look at that face*
  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

    *worships Ba's kindness*

    Hang on, that's not right :shock:
  17. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba is always kind and good! *Smites Kat*
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ah, I feel much better now. :D
  19. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    25. Introduced me to Peep Show (which is bloody brilliant by the way)

    26. Once asked me to marry him after being rejected by doors. (this was a long time ago on the old board, that was a great convo)

    27. Likes Paramahansa Yogananda (although I doubt he has finished the book yet)

    28. Wears cool scarves.
  20. Angua_rox New Member

    26. Serves as the butt (sp?) of a lot of jokes. Always useful to have someone like that around :)
  21. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    That must have been #29.
  22. chrisjordan New Member

  23. spiky Bar Wench

    Who Grace? Or was that supposed to read:

    #30. Conformist
  24. chrisjordan New Member

    Yep, Grace. :)
  25. spiky Bar Wench

    So it should read.

    #30 Non-conformist within the boundaries of societies expectations
  26. Ba Lord of the Pies

    #31: Rincewind is smarter than dirt, albeit marginally.
  27. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    In your face dust.
  28. Ba Lord of the Pies

    No, no, not dust. Just dirt. Dust remains smarter than Rincewind.
  29. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yey, for readily out of the dust cometh the dustbunnies. In your face.
  30. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    If dust is so clever let it avoid the might of my hoover.
  31. chrisjordan New Member

    Well, only if Rinso was the one I was calling conformist. :p
  32. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:225fac906d="Rincewind in Members' news"]Rincewind sitting on the fence scince 1902.[/quote:225fac906d]

    #32 : Rincewind has a fence up his bum.

    #33 : Rincewind is like, really ancient, like.
  33. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:b65f058be0="Rincewind"]If dust is so clever let it avoid the might of my hoover.[/quote:b65f058be0]

    Pff, as if you have a hoover.

    I would be disappointed if you had anything other than a 'Henry' vacuum.
  34. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I am torn between believing that his vaccuum cleaner sucks... or not :D Because if it doesn't suck, than it sucks doubly, and therefore we are faced with a paradox... or a pair o' socks...

    I need a weekend. Right now.
  35. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I have the awesome power of DYSON!

    After an unfortunate incident involving ham radio and 12 pounds of fish guts 'Henry' and I are no longer on speaking terms.
  36. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:0943155026="Rincewind"]I have the awesome power of DYSON!

    After an unfortunate incident involving ham radio and 12 pounds of fish guts 'Henry' and I are no longer on speaking terms.[/quote:0943155026]

    Uhhh....I think we'd rather not know about that one.
  37. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:322861759f="OmKranti"][quote:322861759f="Rincewind"]I have the awesome power of DYSON!

    After an unfortunate incident involving ham radio and 12 pounds of fish guts 'Henry' and I are no longer on speaking terms.[/quote:322861759f]

    Uhhh....I think we'd rather not know about that one.[/quote:322861759f]
    You're just no fun, Om, you realize that don't you ?
  38. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:cfadc06cd5="Katcal"][quote:cfadc06cd5="OmKranti"][quote:cfadc06cd5="Rincewind"]I have the awesome power of DYSON!

    After an unfortunate incident involving ham radio and 12 pounds of fish guts 'Henry' and I are no longer on speaking terms.[/quote:cfadc06cd5]

    Uhhh....I think we'd rather not know about that one.[/quote:cfadc06cd5]
    You're just no fun, Om, you realize that don't you ?[/quote:cfadc06cd5]

    Yeah, stodgy old bag, thats me. All the way.
  39. spiky Bar Wench

    Leads me to...

    #33 Rincewind making Om feel like a stodgy old bag since 2006.

    #34 Rincewind owner of a dyson, but never a user of a dyson because his body is a temple and such products would violate the purity of his spirit (Scotch for preference)
  40. McLaren New Member

    #35 Rinso has spent the last year in my closet of unrequested love yet still enjoys being there as much as he did the day I locked him in.
  41. Hsing Moderator

    Hey! Hello there! Nice to see you back!
  42. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    #36 Forces Dale to post after too long an absence.

    Hi Dale!
  43. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    huzzah! Dale is back. I can only assume your recent absence is due to the alien spawn finally devouring your brain leaving you a gibbering, yet camp, wreck.Where did you get new brain-off a drunk tramp? Ive been wondering where commie joe has been lately.
  44. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:96094750fc="Rincewind"]huzzah! Dale is back. I can only assume your recent absence is due to the alien spawn finally devouring your brain leaving you a gibbering, yet camp, wreck.Where did you get new brain-off a drunk tramp? Ive been wondering where commie joe has been lately.[/quote:96094750fc]

    I've been trying all day to think of a witty retort to this comment. But, I can't. How can you top that? It's got everything, alien spawn, brains, drunk camp tramps and communists. Wow.

    #37 Rinso is a genius, a random insane genius.

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