I know it's a little early...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by drunkymonkey, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. drunkymonkey New Member

    < but anyone wanting to give their avatar's the Christmas spirit? Murray looks awesome with a Hogfather hat on. ^^
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    Not yet, it's a little early. :)
  3. Orrdos God

    As longer term posters will know, I have a variety of festive themed Fred avatars which i use through the festive period.

    But, not until the start of december!
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    I'm a strictly butter-side-up twelve days of Christmas guy myself, then I'll probably get my reindeer out. :)
  5. redneck New Member

    Einstein doesn't believe in Christmas. I've tried giving him Chritsmas trees, a Santa hat, and reindeer antlers but he just won't let them stay. Maybe he will let me put tinsel in his hair this year, or maybe some garland around the edges. We will see.
  6. KaptenKaries New Member

    On that note, here's a christmas greeting from me and a couple of colleagues. Don't follow this link if you're easily offended by women in underwear.

    Ho ho ho

    I have no idea why the girl in red looks so frightened. Also, I would like state for the record that I wasn't blushing, it's makeup.
  7. Pixel New Member

    Drunky - are you involved in advertising or a retail trade? You seem to be working on the same basis as the people who start with the television adverts for summer holidays from the 26th December, the shops that start selling Easter eggs in February and as I saw today, a shop selling artificial Christmas trees already! I don't put William (my avatar) into his Christmas rig until about the third week in December - that seems early enough to me! :)
  8. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:13eecaa25f="Pixel"]Drunky - are you involved in advertising or a retail trade? You seem to be working on the same basis as the people who start with the television adverts for summer holidays from the 26th December, the shops that start selling Easter eggs in February and as I saw today, a shop selling artificial Christmas trees already! I don't put William (my avatar) into his Christmas rig until about the third week in December - that seems early enough to me! :)[/quote:13eecaa25f]

    No, I just like the spirit of Christmas to come quickly. As soon as it's cold outside, it's Christmas time. It's my favourite time of year.
  9. fairyliquid New Member

    meh, Christmas decorations started going up here around October 28th or 29th.

    The plastic Christmas trees are up and the lights will be switched on soon enough.

    Singapore is ridiculous with its decorations though. They buy new ones every year that go along the (rather long) main road (called Orchard Road) as well as down a lot of side streets.

    [quote:a14fd51ef8="drunkymonky"]No, I just like the spirit of Christmas to come quickly. As soon as it's cold outside, it's Christmas time. It's my favourite time of year.[/quote:a14fd51ef8]

    Try living in the tropics...
  10. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Like the others, my mean ole avatar, Syntax, has her own Christmas gear that she puts on each year. I think last year she was, inventively, Father Christmas. The year before, she was a reindeer. I can't remember before that.

    I don't change my avatar until the start of Advent (which doesn't necessarily coincide with the beginning of December). So you'll see a return to a Christmas-themed Buzzfloyd-drawn Syntax then.
  11. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I've never done a christmas themed avatar, but perphaps I might do this year.

    I wish I could make the bindi flash red. That would be cool.
  12. Mynona Member

    Advent-y things in when Advent has arrived. Lucia-ish things after the 13th of december. Christmassy things around the 20th. But that's just me.

    Maybe Lucia will be a good thing to try. Morbid, strange and bloody. Just like I am. minus the blood of course.

    and yes, I'm on a posting spree.
  13. Hsing Moderator

    That's good. :) There are people who should have posting sprees more often.
    You could continue by giving us info on Lucia, and how we could celebrate accordingly.
  14. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Yeah, I've never heard of this and am interested. (it was the morbid, strange and bloody that got me)
  15. Hsing Moderator

    Well, I remember the date and a white clad young woman with long wavy hair and a crown or corona with candles on it.
  16. Mynona Member

    Lucia is the only saint celebrated by us Swedes, who really shouldn't pay any attention to saints at all. She was a girl on Sicily who got her eyes either plucked out by the evil guys or by herself to give to her boyfriend. Both stories are considered 'valid'. Anyways God gave her her sight back, by providing her with a crown (or corona) made from candles. She's also a sign to us, who live in dark-wintery areas, that light is coming, returning again.

    You celebrate this day by getting up really early, dressing in a long white nightshirt, tie it around the waste with a red-silk band and put a crown of candles on your head. I advice you to use electric lights and not real candles, unless you want your hair destroyed. Get youself a collection of 'maids' also dressed in white nightshirts/dresses but with christmas tinsel in hair and around their waste. They should carry one candle each, in their hands.

    Now, slowly walk forward and sing about light returning to the lands, the comming of christmas and Lucia. And don't forget to give gingerbread cookies and saffron-buns to the people you meet.

    Have I missed anything?
  17. Electric_Man Templar

    Is that before or after you slap yourselves with twigs, under the watchful eye of a moose?

    Swedes are weird...
  18. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I love it!!
  19. sampanna New Member

  20. Maljonic Administrator

    It's not just you this time, the forum doesn't like displaying album pictures.
  21. OmKranti Yogi Wench

  22. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:53cbea1a62="Mynona"]Lucia is the only saint celebrated by us Swedes, who really shouldn't pay any attention to saints at all. She was a girl on Sicily who got her eyes either plucked out by the evil guys or by herself to give to her boyfriend. Both stories are considered 'valid'. Anyways God gave her her sight back, by providing her with a crown (or corona) made from candles. She's also a sign to us, who live in dark-wintery areas, that light is coming, returning again.

    You celebrate this day by getting up really early, dressing in a long white nightshirt, tie it around the waste with a red-silk band and put a crown of candles on your head. I advice you to use electric lights and not real candles, unless you want your hair destroyed. Get youself a collection of 'maids' also dressed in white nightshirts/dresses but with christmas tinsel in hair and around their waste. They should carry one candle each, in their hands.

    Now, slowly walk forward and sing about light returning to the lands, the comming of christmas and Lucia. And don't forget to give gingerbread cookies and saffron-buns to the people you meet.

    Have I missed anything?[/quote:53cbea1a62]

    Boys usually dress up in a pseudo Ku Klux Klan dress with a big pointy hat that has golden stars on it, or alternatively for the less conservative, as a gingerbreadman.
  23. Hsing Moderator

    Hm. Today was St. Martin's day, is that being celebrated by some of you? Guys on horses, children with lanterns, and so on?
  24. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I was involved in a couple of St Lucia celebrations as a child. Since I had loads of flossy blonde hair, I quite looked the part.

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