I met Garfunkel today...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Nester, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. Nester New Member

    (note: mildly sober right now. Sorry about spelling and probably the whole post)

    I met Art (I think that's his name..) Garfunkel today and I walked away with only one impression.

    He stinks.

    Yes, you heard it here. Garfunkel reeks in bad ways.

    Apparently he goes to the hospital about a block away from our bookstore for these chemical skin treatments or something like that and they cause him togive off this horrible stench. I had the closing shift today so I was walking up the escalator (yes, walking. It moves too slow) and when I neared the top the smell hit me. It nearly physically knocked me back. It seriously smelled like when I lived out in the country and we used to burn our trash.

    Garfunkel smelled like garbage on fire.

    He was sitting on a chair reading a magazine and all of the employees refused to go near him because we were afraid of brain damage. Finally being the one who grew up with hogs and thus having the most burned out sense of smell, I walked up and from a decent ways away called out, "You finding everything okay?"

    He looked up for a second and gave a gruff "Mhmm." And with that I retreated.

    I nearly died today because Garfunkel smells like trash....on fire.

    That is all.
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I have a colleague who smells that bad naturally, poor guy... And there's a guy on the ground floor of my block of flats who is a hoarder, and he stinks, his flat stinks (you can tell hours later if he has opened the door because you have to run through the hall holding your breath and pray for the lift to be there first time or you faint) and he uses his car as a fridge (he keeps all sorts of food in there, including meat and milk... yummy !).

    Oh dear, poor Garfunkel...
  3. redneck New Member

    So that's why Paul split from the duo. It's all coming clear to me. Liked paul better anyway. And you were correct, Garfunkel's first name is Art.
  4. Electric_Man Templar

    Was he just in there reading or for some kind of booksigning?

    I pity his fans, those who want his signature and those who go to his concerts too...
  5. Maljonic Administrator

    Has anyone read Flying Dutch?

    It's a comedy about these immortal sailors who keep trying to kill themselves because they stink so bad, owing to a curse, that they have to stay out at sea on their old ship. I think every seven years they get to spend a day not being smelly.
  6. Perdita New Member

    [quote:7d59f0bd4a="Maljonic"]Has anyone read Flying Dutch?

    It's a comedy about these immortal sailors who keep trying to kill themselves because they stink so bad, owing to a curse, that they have to stay out at sea on their old ship. I think every seven years they get to spend a day not being smelly.[/quote:7d59f0bd4a]

    Yes- Tom Holt's great - Highly recommened - I've read quite of few of his - most recently - the portable door and whos afraid of Beowolf .

    I was at a Simon and Garfunkel concert a while back - I didn't notice any smell but I was at the back of the concert arena. :p

    You don't really think of famous people smelly bad do you?
  7. Nester New Member

    [quote:92fe709ba0="Electric_Man"]Was he just in there reading or for some kind of booksigning? [/quote:92fe709ba0]

    He was just there readig. We're about a block away from the Mayo Clinic which I guess is considered one of the best hospitals in the world. A lot of celebrities come in. I just started at this store last week but already I've met Garfunkel and Robert Jordan. Jordan was nice enough to come in and offer to autograph a few of his books.
  8. Orrdos God

    Man, this is the best topic I've seen in I don't know how long!

    "I met a famous person, and he smelled like garbage on fire!"

  9. Angua_rox New Member

    It really is.

    Famous people smelling.

  10. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    And it's great to see Nester. Where you been man?
  11. spiky Bar Wench

    If this is the skin peeling treatment thats supposed to make you look younger then Garfunkel deserves to stink. It is his punishment for being vain. There is a god and there is such a thing as natural justice.

    *sits back and smiles contentedly at the universe*
  12. Nester New Member

    [quote:d805344b15="Orrdos"]Man, this is the best topic I've seen in I don't know how long!

    "I met a famous person, and he smelled like garbage on fire!"


    There's a reason I'm a Doorman. :)

    As for where I've been that's for me to know and the government to declassify when they're darn well ready 8)
  13. Ba Lord of the Pies

    [quote:e4c7f5031c="spiky"]If this is the skin peeling treatment thats supposed to make you look younger then Garfunkel deserves to stink. It is his punishment for being vain. There is a god and there is such a thing as natural justice.

    *sits back and smiles contentedly at the universe*[/quote:e4c7f5031c]

    He has Psoriasis. One would imagine it's fairly severe if he's taking such extreme measures.
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ba is not human, Ba is Google.
  15. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Psoralenes are medications that are absorbed by the skin and make it more sensitive to UV radiation. This slows down the skin cell proliferating that is the cause of psoriasis. The side effects include higher incidence of skin cancer and high risk of catarrhact (hence the space-age sunglasses the patients are required to read during the treatment).

    Flying Dutch rocks supreme! If only all of Tom Holt's books were like that, Falling Sideways and Grailblazers didn't exactly rock my world.
  16. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Good Grief! the more I find out about treatments for psoriasis the less I want to even try them. I've been dealing with psoriasis for more than 20 years but the best thing I've ever used was plain old free sunshine. Last week I did buy a $20 jar of cream with "natural" ingredients that at least feels nice. I usually have to at least try these things because psoriasis is really a pain to have, I can understand why someone would even do something that would stink to find relief, especially since you wouldn't really have to smell it yourself :badgrin:
  17. spiky Bar Wench

    Nestor how do you know it was the skin treatment causing the smell? He could just have bad hygiene?
  18. mowgli New Member

    Poor Nester for having a scary olfactory experience.

    Poor Art for causing a scary olfactory experience.

    If... it really WAS Art, and not some ill-smelling lookalike! :)
  19. Ba Lord of the Pies

    It likely was. Art Garfunkel does indeed get treatment at the Mayo Clinic.
  20. Nester New Member

    [quote:5c641cee4e="spiky"]Nestor how do you know it was the skin treatment causing the smell? He could just have bad hygiene?[/quote:5c641cee4e]

    One of our part time workers is also a nurse. She said something about the treatments have that sideaffect.

    Of course maybe she was just lying and Garfunkel doesn't shower.
  21. Hsing Moderator

    Hm. My former home town's spa hotels have specialized on psoriasis treatment and are receiving very good results, with the water out of the brine spring that our city happens to sit on top of (it contains mineral salts a lot like those in the Dead Sea, and brimstone, but you don't smell like it afterwards) and special solaria designed for psoriasis patients - not to be compared with your usual commetrcial ones. Don't ask me for details, but it seems the "good-old-sunshine" principal.
  22. Nester New Member

    Today I met formor Senator and Vice President Walter Mondale. Real nice guy. His wife was really friendly, too. I love going home from work and being able to say "I helped a former Vice President find 'The Little Engine That Could.' :)

    And no, he didn't smell.
  23. inwig New Member

    [quote:417f83f9f1="TamyraMcG"]Good Grief! the more I find out about treatments for psoriasis the less I want to even try them. I've been dealing with psoriasis for more than 20 years but the best thing I've ever used was plain old free sunshine. Last week I did buy a $20 jar of cream with "natural" ingredients that at least feels nice. I usually have to at least try these things because psoriasis is really a pain to have, I can understand why someone would even do something that would stink to find relief, especially since you wouldn't really have to smell it yourself :badgrin:[/quote:417f83f9f1]
    I agree with most of that. The problem is that once I have had to have a treatment I have that dratted stench imprinted in my sinuses for at least two weeks.
    Poor Nester has my sympathy. Even old fashioned carbolic soap smells better than the creosote-like stench of a psoriasis stripper.

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