I spy, with my little eye...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Roman_K, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. Roman_K New Member

  2. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Very interesting, I hope there are more like him. Maybe the world has a chance yet to experience peace, I'll not be holding my breath just yet, though.
  3. Roman_K New Member

    I'm trying to find out more about this guy, but so far all I have is unconfirmed rumors that he's currently being debriefed in a European country, possibly Germany, that he was raised from forced retirement a few years back (the forced retirement was due to uncovering some corruption cases that some Iranian higher-ups didn't want revealed) only to decide on spying and defection in 2003.

    If this is true then the guys who brought him back from retirement are in deep... trouble.

    Some of this was possibly relayed by an official US intelligence source to the Washington Post.
  4. Roman_K New Member

    Found the relevant article on the Washington Post.

  5. Roman_K New Member

  6. Tephlon Active Member

    yay, finally a "reason" to invade Iran!

    Oh wait, when did anyone need a reason?
  7. Roman_K New Member

    No, and I daresay Iran gaining an active nuclear arsenal is reason enough. This is just cutthroat politics, Middle-Eastern style. Iran will pressure to get back its arrested personnel who were detained in rather compromising circumstances in Iraq, or even demand General Asgari back, who in the Iranian media is said to have been kidnapped by Western intelligence.

    My guess? The general knew enough to get some people to panic. So far, Iran was playing its nuclear project fairly smart, stalling continuously, not getting any painful sanctions, playing invisible games of supporting this or that resistance without truly revealing itself as the puppeteer.

    Then you get this. Someone panicked and went for the old-fashioned pressure method. No one will go to war over this if the Iranians keep the sailors alive. But if some moron there goes through with the threatened trial for espionage, which will have the all too expected results...

    Well, I daresay that some people in the UK will get a little angry. It will most likely not lead to a war still, something along the lines of a naval blockade maybe.

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