I thinks the Books page needs to be updated.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Ninereeds, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. Ninereeds New Member

    Where's Wintersmith?

    ((his newest book, starring Tiffany Aching and the Nac Mac Feegle.)) 8)
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    Wintersmith is in the books section in the younger readers bit, with all the other younger readers' books. :)
  3. Ninereeds New Member

    Oh. :oops:

    Hm. I read it, and it seemed a bit older-reader type to me.
    Guess it's all in your perspective, eh?

    That book is one of my favorite Pratchett books now. It was [i:1aedee9a7d]so[/i:1aedee9a7d] good!
  4. Dane New Member

    I havn't read any of the Tiffany [somethingorother] books but i was thinking of getting one or all for my little sister. I was wondering whether people that have read it might think it a little advanced for a six year old? I'd probably be reading it to her at night but would the language still be a little hard? She's quite bright but she has her limits as any six-year-old will.
  5. Hsing Moderator

    That's more a decision made by the publishers than by "us" (or Mal); it is being sold as
  6. plaid New Member

    nah, Tiffany's not too advanced for a six year old.

    and if it is, it won't hurt the kid, will it?
  7. Dane New Member

    I should hope not. Well I'll be buying that for her... as soon as i have money :( damn student like wallet*

  8. Angua_rox New Member

    My God.

    Dane, you just made me realise that despite the fact I try to hook everyone I know on pTerry, I haven't started my sister on it!! And she's seven!
    What am I like.

    Anyway, thanks for making me cop on! (albeit unintentionally!)
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:bdb978a2cc="plaid"]nah, Tiffany's not too advanced for a six year old.

    and if it is, it won't hurt the kid, will it?[/quote:bdb978a2cc]

    Meh, I was read The Lord of the Rings at age 5 (at 4 it was the Hobbit, logically) and I turned out perfectly normal... **twitches and drools a little then goes back to rocking back and forth and muttering.**

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