I will kill you. With a tray.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. Katcal I Aten't French !

  2. randywine Member

    Quality stuff Kat.

  3. jaccairn New Member

    That does cheer up a grey Friday afternoon.
  4. redneck New Member

  5. mazekin Member

    I haven't belly laughed in a long while - thanks guys!
  6. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    the ventriloquist's lips moved an awful lot.
  7. sammi New Member

    I haven't laughed so much in ages!
  8. Maljonic Administrator

    I had a young kid crying with laughter when I recited that a few months ago, he said I did it better than Eddie Izzard.
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well then you must come to Dublincon just so I can hear that. I can arrange for weepy kids to be present if that flatters your ego.
  10. randywine Member

    I have just this morning (no less) taken delivery of the MMVI Eddie Izzard box set. Ordered right after I watched the link as I had forgotten just how funny the guy is ... Hurrah for play trade (and Kat of course).

    I'll now be quoting Eddie Izzard lines to all my friends.*


    *If I can find any ...
  11. Maljonic Administrator

    Oh come off it, I'm sure you can find loads of lines. :)
  12. randywine Member

    Fabulous Mal ... LMAO :smile:
  13. Tephlon Active Member

    Best Eddie Izzard line probably: (From another bit I watched on YouTube)

    "We say herb like that because there's a fucking 'H' in it..."
  14. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Funny, they say the 'h' in herbs but just you watch the average (at least, around here) person try to say an H in any other word and you'd need an electron microscope to find it in that glottal stop.
  15. Roman_K New Member

    Both videos are great.
  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Garner, the H is pronounced in another important word: Haich, as in the letter Haich. I always found that to be the supreme irony of that particular accent.
  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Have just noticed that today's dish of the day at our Canteen is Beef with Arabiata sauce, served with penne... Oh how I laughed...
  18. LadyBlurp New Member

    dam I'm jealous... we got served um... soggy spagetti with some sort of sweet chicken (I tied not to think about what gave it it's sweet flavour) served with a side of undercooked mielies and overcooked veggies... mmm... yum... *holds up sarcasm sign*
  19. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    sugar, probably. i'm constantly surprised by how many otherwise sane and decent cooks put sugar in spaghetti sauce.

    i don't care if it IS authentically italian, its still disgusting.
  20. Katcal I Aten't French !

    The highlight of the whole lunchtime was having my Ewan McGregor lookalike colleague act out the whole sketch, word perfect, in the middle of our staff canteen. Which is actually an amazing place, a 5-storey deep courtyard with a glass wall to the outside on one side the glass lifts going up and down on the opposite side, and the remaining walls looking into the offices, topped off with a glass roof, so I never really feel right just calling it "the canteen". If the Jedi had a high-tech HQ on a green and potato-growing moon, their canteen would look something like that.
  21. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Garner, I am wholly with you on sugar in Spaghetti sauce, I don't like it at all.

    Katcal, I'm jealous, we have duct tape holding the countertop together in our break room. And you have an Ewan McGregor looka like?, while our cute nice Lucas is moving back to Coeur D'Alene next week.
  22. spiky Bar Wench

    Sounds like a place you'd want to spend time Kat. the school tea room is a dark dungeon with no windows, no seats, a bad smell and a microwave. People even feel the need to get out of it while their food is cooking in the microwave because the 2 minutes spent waiting in such a place leaves one with a feeling that they've had an encounter with 1984.

    No hotties or look a likes on staff but lots of young male students :)
  23. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I must say, though, that the last place I worked had a canteen that smelled of mould, had cracks in the walls, ants, mice, 1 dirty microwave and 2 ancient smelly fridges that were never cleaned or defrosted, so maybe Karma is making up for that. The place before that had plants growing in through the cracks in the wall along with all the above.
  24. LadyBlurp New Member

    oooh so it was like a garden canteen then? :p

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