If Christmas was nearing...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Hsing Moderator

  2. Maljonic Administrator

    It's my birthday next year, someone could get it for me now instead. :D
  3. Electric_Man Templar

    Wow! It's my birthday next year too!
  4. spiky Bar Wench

    Well its my birthday in a week. I get one first!
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    :shock: Holy Pie, Batman, it's a giant furry tortoise ! :shock:

    Also, thanks to another link on that page, I found out that the game "Carcassonne" exists... it's a beautiful medieval fortified town about an hour from here that I love to visit, and now it's a game... weird !
  6. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    WOW! It's my birthday in October, and a lot of you will be coming to visit... [i:56b28a4e23]hint hint[/i:56b28a4e23].
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:f3baf92a4a="Buzzfloyd"]WOW! It's my birthday in October, and a lot of you will be coming to visit... [i:f3baf92a4a]hint hint[/i:f3baf92a4a].[/quote:f3baf92a4a]
    Ok, I'll bring you something from Carcassonne then... Eh ? Missing what point ? :D
  8. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Actually, in all seriousness, I have often thought that game looks rather interesting.
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    From the description, it looks a bit like [i:8ca9d9366e]The Settlers of Catan[/i:8ca9d9366e], a german game that's quite popular over here...

    And Carcassonne is a beautiful place... And Ryan Air flys there cheap :D
  10. aegron New Member

    [quote:5fae8c9830="Katcal"]From the description, it looks a bit like [i:5fae8c9830]The Settlers of Catan[/i:5fae8c9830], a german game that's quite popular over here...

    And Carcassonne is a beautiful place... And Ryan Air flys there cheap :D[/quote:5fae8c9830]

    It is somewhat alike to Settlers, but actually quite different. Every player draws a card in turn and adds it to the playing field. By putting city-tiles, road-tiles etc together you can score points.

    Overall it is quite easy (the basic-version at least, I haven't played it with any add-ons) and quite fast (20 minutes if playing with 2 persons).
  11. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I just went back to that article and actually read the text this time, sorry guys, but the giant discworld was a home-made one... So just go out and buy yourselves one big plush tortoise, 4 smaller elephants and a plush flat world with fluffy blue cascading water edges and stick them together like everyone else does ! :D
  12. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:bdb337d79a="Katcal"] one big plush tortoise[/quote:bdb337d79a]
    Turtle, surely.
  13. Maljonic Administrator

    I think most countries apart from the UK don't distinguish a difference between a tortoise and a turtle, the fools that they are, but usually call both creatures a turtle (or their language's equivalent). Having said that the word 'tortoise' looks a bit French, so I wouldn't be surprised if they are all toroises in France. :)
  14. Hsing Moderator

    The Germans don't. It's all "[i:e38ccc7913]Schildkröte[/i:e38ccc7913]" to them. ("shield toad")
    I could always only guess what's the difference... Size?
  15. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I think it's got something to do with water and land. Turtles are land creatures and tortoise are water creatures. I think....Buzz will correct me if I'm wrong, surely.

    Edit to say: Acctually it may be the other way around. Like the tortoise and the hare, I wouldn't think of saying ther turtle and the hare. Hummm...dunno. Now I've got myself confused.
  16. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:4221f5e0f9="OmKranti"]I think it's got something to do with water and land. Turtles are land creatures and tortoise are water creatures. I think....Buzz will correct me if I'm wrong, surely.

    Edit to say: Acctually it may be the other way around. Like the tortoise and the hare, I wouldn't think of saying ther turtle and the hare. Hummm...dunno. Now I've got myself confused.[/quote:4221f5e0f9]

    Tis the other way round: Turtles are aquatic and have flippers. Tortoises are land dwelling and have legs and feet.

    Think of Great A'Tuin the space turtle swimming through space and Om the tortoise plodding through the desert.
  17. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Yes. I figured as much. Thanks E_Man.
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:3d76465aea="Maljonic"]I think most countries apart from the UK don't distinguish a difference between a tortoise and a turtle, the fools that they are, but usually call both creatures a turtle (or their language's equivalent). Having said that the word 'tortoise' looks a bit French, so I wouldn't be surprised if they are all toroises in France. :)[/quote:3d76465aea]
    No, it was just me being tired, I [i:3d76465aea]do [/i:3d76465aea]know the difference, I just need my brain to be running to actually manage to use the right word. If I had posted any later in the day I probably could have called it a soap dish and not notice :D
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh and the french call them both tortues, but distinguish them by saying "land turtle" or "sea turtle".

    And this occurs to me at this important cultural high point of the conversation : why TMNTurtles not Tortoises ? I mean, no, the word tortoise is not as "sexy" as "turtle" but they were land welling beings, and in the illustrations, they were tortoises before they got teenage mutant ninja'd, so WTF ?
  20. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I believe because Americans call them all turtles. Garner and I went through this in some irritated detail at the zoo...
  21. Angua_rox New Member

    Imagine calling them TMNtortoises, it just doesnt sound as good at all at all.

    At all.
  22. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:b493234e31="Angua_rox"]Imagine calling them TMNtortoises, it just doesnt sound as good at all at all.

    At all.[/quote:b493234e31]
    No, that's what I meant by "it doesn't sound sexy" but why not TMNTerapins or even TMNBunnies ? :D
  23. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    LOL. TMNTerapins. Haha. Love it.
  24. Ba Lord of the Pies

    [quote:8792cd3fbe="Buzzfloyd"]I believe because Americans call them all turtles. Garner and I went through this in some irritated detail at the zoo...[/quote:8792cd3fbe]

    It's largely true. However, creatures of the family Testudinidae would almost always be called tortoise. On the other hand, species of the genus terrapene are called box turtles, even though they live on land. Terrapin is almost never used, except for the diamondback terrapin (whence the word terrapin comes from, incidentally).
  25. spiky Bar Wench

    I'm waiting for TMNMongooses cos the song would be cool

    [i:29dff1026e]"Teenage mutant ninja mongooses
    Teenage mutant ninja mongooses
    Teenage mutant ninja mongooses
    Heroes in the brown fur
    Mongoose power!"[/i:29dff1026e]
  26. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:08dc4b91ea="spiky"]I'm waiting for TMNMongooses cos the song would be cool

    [i:08dc4b91ea]"Teenage mutant ninja mongooses
    Teenage mutant ninja mongooses
    Teenage mutant ninja mongooses
    Heroes in the brown fur
    Mongoose power!"[/i:08dc4b91ea][/quote:08dc4b91ea] :D Awesome :D Reminds me of my first computer artwork when I was in 1st year in England (1st year of Secondary/High school, i.e. about age 11) with my best mate, we invented the TMNBananas, and I did a great illustration on one of those really elaborate pixel-by-pixel black and green graphic programs :D

    And Ba should stop pretending to be clever, or we shall end up thinking he is an animal lover. :cooler:
  27. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:deb340bed9="Ba"](whence the word terrapin comes from, incidentally).[/quote:deb340bed9]
    Ba! I refer you to this important piece from Boxjam's Doodle.
  28. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Perhaps ironically, Ba had already removed an errant "from" that was in front of whence for precisely that reason, before he put it at the end of the sentence. He blames his lack of sleep and unceasingwork on Ravelwoods.
  29. spiky Bar Wench

    Excuses, excuses. Ravelwoods can't be that brain capacity draining, can they? Although it may be the lack of initial capacity causing the problem.
  30. Ba Lord of the Pies

    *Lobotomizes Spiky*
  31. spiky Bar Wench

    pfft I had all non-functional and superfluous bits of brain removed years ago (alcohol is the surgery of choice in these cases). Ba will find nothing but empty space in his attempts to lobotomise me. I now run on 50% of normal brain capacity all the time...
  32. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, you are Australian, so it probably doesn't show :D (sorry, this is all my brother's fault :D )

    Ba's avatar looks like it has already had a lobotomy, and a messy one too !
  33. Ba Lord of the Pies

    If there were nothing Ba could remove, then Spiky wouldn't still be typing, or able to drink beer. Spiky has plenty of motor skills left he can take away!

    And Ba chose the avatar because it reminded him of Watchmen. Go read Watchmen. Now.

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