In 1492. . .

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by QuothTheRaven, Oct 14, 2006.

  1. QuothTheRaven New Member

    In honor of Columbus day, we watched a video on the famous explorer. Acording to this video, he was not from Genoa (as is commonly believed), but actually from Catalunya (north eastern spain), but lied about his nationality because he did not want his patrons to know that he had previously fought against them in the Catalan revolution. It also asserted that he couldn't even write in italian.

    What are your views on this?
  2. spiky Bar Wench

    He probably had syphilus, chlamydia and warts. No wonder he didn't know where he was coming from...

    (this is posted as an Australian who knows very little about Columbus. Hell, for all I know he could be a nice man with a penchant for silky lingerie)
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    I like the bit where they arrive and the anchor drops in slow motion, and you kind of think "Good God, that's where it all started. From that first splash in the water to sky scrapers and fast food in 500 years, amazing!" Then there's that bit where the guy gets shot through the helmet with an arrow, or was it a bullet? I can't remember much else, was the lead role a Frenchman?

    Anyway, that is my full knowledge on the subject of Columbus. :)
  4. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Mal, you speak as though you were there when it happened, you time-travelling monk.
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I think he was talking about 1492, the movie ;) And yeah, if I remember correctly, it was France's worst actor (and that's saying something) Gérard Depoopoo... err, Depardieu...
  6. Maljonic Administrator

    That's right, I was talking about the movie.

    And just for the record I have never journeyed backwards through time, I never will journey backwards through time, no one has ever seen me travel through time in any way other than in the normal slow-progress forwards fashion of all linear beasts. And I most ceretainly will not be voyaging back to a week last Thursday to pick up some ham sandwiches before I continue on to oversee the settlers establishing Chicago in 1833!
  7. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:8f2637b280="Katcal"]I think he was talking about 1492, the movie ;) And yeah, if I remember correctly, it was France's worst actor (and that's saying something) Gérard Depoopoo... err, Depardieu...[/quote:8f2637b280]

    Barnaby and I have this joke about him, France is not allowed to make a film with out him in it. Much like England is not allowed to make a film without Brian Blessed. :)
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:14e908d331="OmKranti"][quote:14e908d331="Katcal"]I think he was talking about 1492, the movie ;) And yeah, if I remember correctly, it was France's worst actor (and that's saying something) Gérard Depoopoo... err, Depardieu...[/quote:14e908d331]

    Barnaby and I have this joke about him, France is not allowed to make a film with out him in it. Much like England is not allowed to make a film without Brian Blessed. :)[/quote:14e908d331]

    Alas, there are far to many Depoopoo films and no where near enough Brian Blessed ones :D Apart from that, yes it does sometimes seem like that...

    Damn you Om, now I'm going to have to watch Flash Gordon again... :roll:
  9. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Damn you Om, now I'm going to have to watch Flash Gordon again... :roll:[/quote:cf75134561]

    I have never seen Flash Gordan, but I found a picture once that made me think of Doors... Look at the smile

    I really must see this show sometime.
  10. KaptenKaries New Member

  11. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Damn you Om, now I'm going to have to watch Flash Gordon again... :roll:[/quote:78d0652773]

    I have never seen Flash Gordan, but I found a picture once that made me think of Doors... Look at the smile

    I really must see this show sometime.[/quote:78d0652773]
    Wow he really loves that lines, doesn't he !! He also does a bit of voice acting for Virgin Radio and Orange, and that line does seem to crop its way into every ad ! :D But yes, when you can see his teeth, he does have a Doors smile !
  12. spiky Bar Wench

    Damn you Om, now I'm going to have to watch Flash Gordon again... :roll:[/quote:7da6385ce4]

    I have never seen Flash Gordan, but I found a picture once that made me think of Doors... Look at the smile

    I really must see this show sometime.[/quote:7da6385ce4]

    Well in true Doors style, he's grnning like a fool while wearing leather... which for some reason has a nice cleverly placed gap in which to shove a knife or sword... Easy ways to die are in the detail.
  13. QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:f9796be236="spiky"]He probably had syphilus, chlamydia and warts. No wonder he didn't know where he was coming from...

    (this is posted as an Australian who knows very little about Columbus. Hell, for all I know he could be a nice man with a penchant for silky lingerie)[/quote:f9796be236]

    Acording to the video, he was completely syphilus free, thought he did have goute.

    As for leif Erikson day, no, though we probably should.
  14. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Mind, while Columbus never suffered from the disease, it's theorized by many that syphilis was first brought to Europe by Columbus' crew (this being one of two major theories for its origin). The first recorded major outbreak was in 1494, in Naples. There is some evidence to link Columbus's crew to this outbreak.
  15. inwig New Member

    Uh huh. :badgrin:
    Evidence then that the new world attacked the old first and the subsequent introduction of killer influenza and smallpox strains to the New World was justified retaliation? Hey someone could develop a theory on natural occuring biological clearance of indigenous populations to aid colonization following that research path. And some pharmaceutical would probably give you a grant to research it too. ;)
  16. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Barnaby and I have this joke about him, France is not allowed to make a film with out him in it. Much like England is not allowed to make a film without Brian Blessed. :)[/quote:284068d30d]

    I met Brain Blessed, I've got a photo of him signed 'The worlds loudest man.' Which he is. He also said that oliver Reed is a 'complete C*nt.' Brain Blessed is possibly the best person in the world.EVER.
  17. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Barnaby and I have this joke about him, France is not allowed to make a film with out him in it. Much like England is not allowed to make a film without Brian Blessed. :)[/quote:2448a93f3c]

    I met Brain Blessed, I've got a photo of him signed 'The worlds loudest man.' Which he is. He also said that oliver Reed is a 'complete C*nt.' Brain Blessed is possibly the best person in the world.EVER.[/quote:2448a93f3c]

    I agree with everything you say.

    Except, who is Oliver Reed?

    Edit to say: Tell us a story Rinso, about meeting Brian Blessed? Please?
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Barnaby and I have this joke about him, France is not allowed to make a film with out him in it. Much like England is not allowed to make a film without Brian Blessed. :)[/quote:a192570751]

    I met Brain Blessed, I've got a photo of him signed 'The worlds loudest man.' Which he is. He also said that oliver Reed is a 'complete C*nt.' Brain Blessed is possibly the best person in the world.EVER.[/quote:a192570751]
    Damn you Rinso, it's unnatural to make people envious of you... :(
  19. Pixel New Member

    Barnaby and I have this joke about him, France is not allowed to make a film with out him in it. Much like England is not allowed to make a film without Brian Blessed. :)[/quote:2c587b7916]

    I met Brain Blessed, I've got a photo of him signed 'The worlds loudest man.' Which he is. He also said that oliver Reed is a 'complete C*nt.' Brain Blessed is possibly the best person in the world.EVER.[/quote:2c587b7916]

    I agree with everything you say.

    Except, who is Oliver Reed?

    Edit to say: Tell us a story Rinso, about meeting Brian Blessed? Please?[/quote:2c587b7916]

    Oliver Reed was an English actor who died of a heart attack in 1999 after a major lunchtime drinking bout, who narrowly missed following Sean Connery as James Bond due to his drinking, was one of the two actors involved in the first full-frontal male nudity in a mainstream British film, and was a total liablility on TV chat shows, with a tendency to try to kiss feminist fellow guests, take his trousers off or fall over drunk. I think Brian Blessed knew what he was talking about!

    No English film to be made without Brian Blessed - that goes with "No BBC Radio drama can be made without Martin Jarvis" and "Helen Mirren will only keep her clothes [i:2c587b7916]on[/i:2c587b7916] for a film if it is absolutely required by the script"!

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