Interesting Statues

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Sep 13, 2006.

  1. Maljonic Administrator

  2. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    A lot of those statues are really interesting.
  3. Hsing Moderator

  4. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I like the first one. I picture the man saying :'In your face children! Watch me crush you!"
  5. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    they haven't got the cricketter, from Hastings. shame.
  6. drunkymonkey New Member

    Good grief. It's insanity! I wish my town had some of those statues...
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    This is the best one from Canberra. I can't get a good angle but there is a whole in the sheeps bum...


  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    A whole what ? :D

    Here are a few from Toulouse.




    The guy who did the last 2 does a lot of these "monumental sculptures" that are little scenes of life, and they are exhibited on the streets of towns and cities around France, I really like them... There are people sitting on benches, riding bikes, sheltering from the rain, leaning off balconies, and all sorts of scenes.
  9. Nester New Member

    [quote:bf37e54fcf="Rincewind"]I like the first one. I picture the man saying :'In your face children! Watch me crush you!"[/quote:bf37e54fcf]

    Ah yes, the great Oslo Baby Demon Infestation of 1917...that brave soul defended the world.
  10. jaccairn New Member

    I love the troll of Seattle :D .
  11. Hsing Moderator

    *laughs hard*

    :D :D
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **Laughs too**

    Damn babies invading the world...
  13. Faerie New Member

    This hand is on a beach in Uruguay and its supposed to symbolize the last thing you see before someone drowns.
    There is a picture of it at sunset with people on it. If you read the caption you'll find out that wasn't very smart.

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