is it just me, or...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    is it just me, or would 'Banzai Bonobo' be an awesome name for a band?
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    I always thought it would be funny to make up a band that doesn't really exist, but make a website so it appears that they're huge!
  3. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:c9d7cd2dc2="Maljonic"]but make a website so it appears that they're huge![/quote:c9d7cd2dc2]
    They might be giants!
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    But didn't they actually have a record out in the charts?
  5. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i think, and i'm just speculating here, that grace was making a pun.
  6. Orrdos God

    They might be giants have had 2 songs of note.

    Firstly, the ever excellent "birdhouse in my soul" which is wackily excellent. Secondly, the theme tune to TV's Malcolm in the middle.

    Personally, I always thought "Aqua Chicken" was a great name for a band
  7. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

  8. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    TMBG have more than those two songs of note. "Istanbul" and "Particle Man" are better known than "Birdhouse in My Soul". Not to mention such other great songs like "Whistling in the Dark", and "Mammal".
  9. Maljonic Administrator

    Better known by who? [i:84a622c9de]Birdhouse in My Soul[/i:84a622c9de] is THE song that springs to mind for me when They Might Be Giants is mentioned, speaking as someone who isn't a follower of their work.
  10. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    As far as I'm aware, [i:9f917bced6]Istanbul[/i:9f917bced6] is a cover, not an original TMBG song.
  11. plaid New Member

    i love they might be giants lots. and they have many many quite cool and awesome songs. my sister got to see them in concert once and i was very jealous.

    birdhouse in your soul is my very favourite tmbg song, though. ella was listening to it earlier and i almost opened a conversation with her by saying 'i love that song' but then it switched so i couldn't really and ... yeah.
  12. Orrdos God

    [quote:bdde7fae41="Maljonic"]Better known by who? [i:bdde7fae41]Birdhouse in My Soul[/i:bdde7fae41] is THE song that springs to mind for me when They Might Be Giants is mentioned, speaking as someone who isn't a follower of their work.[/quote:bdde7fae41]

    Indeed. Other than the other song i mentioned, I couldnt actually name a single other one.

    So naturally, if I don't know about it, it's not really of note :)
  13. Delphine New Member

    Can you actually name the other one you did mention? Or do you just know it as the theme tune from Malcolm in the Middle?

    I don't know what it's called either, but a safe bet would be something like "you're not the boss of me" or something. I've never heard it all the way through.

    Birdhouse In Your Soul is a very cool song. Very catchy. I know nothing else about them. I may ask someone for one of their other songs. *looks beseechingly at plaid*

    I would start a band called The Dinnerlady Snafu Association. They would have a song called The Themometer Blues, about overheating chip fat. An educational fire saftey message and nutritional warning all wrapped up with some nice plonky bass and quavering saxophone. In fact, i like this idea so much I am going to patent it. Perhaps.
  14. plaid New Member

    i have always, ever since i saw it scribbled on somebody's whiteboard somewhere, thought Emotional Dandruff would make a cool band name.

  15. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i like The Dinnerlady Snafu Association. i'd be intrigued enough to buy their album.

    I think Emotional Dandruff would make a better album title than a band name though.
  16. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    At one time, my family and I planned to start a folk group called Scraping the Barrel.
  17. Saccharissa Stitcher

    Clay, have you been reading Dave Barry?
  18. Mynona Member

    I always wanted to start a band called 'Anonymabadkar' or as you would say in English 'Anonymous bathtubs'
  19. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    avgi, no, not for about 10 years, why?

    myn, great name for an indi band.
  20. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Dave Barry often used the aside, (Incidentally, _____ would be a great name for a band), where _____ was a phrase he'd used during the course of that particular column.
  21. Mynona Member

    Óf course it's a great name, I made it up!
  22. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:1dc3775533="Mynona"]I always wanted to start a band called 'Anonymabadkar' or as you would say in English 'Anonymous bathtubs'[/quote:1dc3775533]

    No space?
  23. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    There was an old guy named Wally that had been sober for 40 years, when I first came into AA he said in a meeting once "It's bad enough we got all the fucking homeless people and reprobates in here, but now we have to put up with drunken Hindu's" and he looked at me and everyone laughed.

    After I got over my embarassment, I thought, The Drunken Hindu's would be a fantastic name for a band.
  24. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    yes it would.
  25. Hex New Member

    There's an acapella group at my Uni called the Bathtub Dogs.
    That name always makes me smile.

    My friend from High school and I also said that if we were ever to start a really bad post-hardcore band we would call it 'Dirty Little Emo Babies'.

    How that name came about I cannot say.
  26. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I came up with a name that Hermia and I use all the time for our hypothetical indie rock band - Sourpussy.
  27. spiky Bar Wench

    I always figured that a band called 'To Be Announced' or TBA would get lots of free publicity at gigs everywhere...

    ALthough my favourite was The Drugs, an Aussie band who put on their t-shirt some reviewers comment "Noisy fucking nonsense"... Above this however, was Mr Noisy bum humping Mr Nonsense. I love that shirt.
  28. TamyraMcG Active Member

    We have a band around here that is named Free Beer, I'm sure there have been some disappointed people showing up at their concerts. One of my co-workers is in a band called RockBottom, I haven't gone to see them yet but another friend from work has gone and bought their t-shirt, it always makes me smile when he wears it, he is retiring in a week or so and he is about the last person you would think would be that into rock music.
  29. Mynona Member

    No, no space. Mostly because the rythm becomes diffrent when you say it and I like it that way.

    We have a political party called 'Cheaper Beer'
  30. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Amusing Name would be a good name for a band. Apropos of nothing, so would Apropos of Nothing.
  31. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I've always wanted to make a film called [i:ce502a7288]Coming soon[/i:ce502a7288], just to confuse people during the trailers...
  32. Tephlon Active Member

    I still think "Various Artists" would be the coolest bandname ever. For a coverband.
  33. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    From, the Alpha Polis RP thread - "Funky Nunchakus". That would be a kick-arse name for a band.
  34. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:26b8d0a550="Katcal"]I've always wanted to make a film called [i:26b8d0a550]Coming soon[/i:26b8d0a550], just to confuse people during the trailers...[/quote:26b8d0a550]Yes, I like that idea, play with their minds.

    I'd like to make a band called New that becomes so massively well-known that every time you hear the word 'New' you think of them, that way just about every commercial in the world would be advertising my band in their own language. Eventually 'New' would become yesterday's news and the word will be ruined forever!
  35. plaid New Member

    there is a band called Brand New, which i enjoy muchly. i don't think they've had that big of an impact on the english language as a whole though.

    which perhaps is a pity.

    ah well.

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