It came out all wrong!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by missy, Jun 4, 2006.

  1. missy New Member

    I was allowed to take my dog on holiday to Nottingham last week, We really enjoyed ourselves.

    On waking up one morning, Dave happened to say that Charlie was sniffing round his side of the bed. Without realising he said:

    "i'm gonna have to keep my bed clothes covering me otherwise i'm gonna end up with a wet arse on my nose"

    I was in hysterics. Couldn't stop laughing, he went bright red, covered his face with his hands and shook his head.

    Has anyone else ever made people laugh at them by messing up a sentence? can anyone remember any famous faux pas?
  2. chrisjordan New Member

    Thanks for making me spill my drink.
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, as most of my everyday conversations are in French, I can't think of any obviously translatable ones. One of my favourite typing mistakes ever (not made by me, I hasten to add, it's just one of those things that get sent around by mail... ) involved a missing letter L that made the difference between a finger and a phone book, which makes one hell of a difference when it's being used in a certain way... :roll:
  4. Victimov8 New Member

    Just now and again, I do have slight problems with speaking.
    Another fairly recent one while travelling along the M69 was a Spoonerism of Window Lickers which became Lindow Wickers - Which was a little odd

    My Dad had an intentional one though - Which turns Dirk Pitt (Clive Cussler) into Pert Dick... Sad man really...

    A fairly famous one was from a UK Soap Opera - Which turned a feline into 'Cooking Fat' - Intentional Spoonerism!
  5. SolidJackson New Member

    There's nothing worse than getting your words in a mucking fuddle.
  6. spiky Bar Wench

    When in Malaysia I was at the doctors talking about my symptoms and instead of saying "sakit kepala" meaning sick head (or head ache) I said "sakit kelapa" which translates as "sick coconut" which has got to be a dangerous disease for anyone to have...
  7. redneck New Member

    One we always said growing up was "That's just nucking futs!"
  8. Electric_Man Templar

    An e-mail I got at work (exactly as written):

    [quote:75d1172f1e]i have got a new pc and can not find my dick to install it i have tried to do it through the pc and it will not let me. could you please send me a new disk so i can ius my printer.[/quote:75d1172f1e]
  9. Human New Member

    Heheheh. Fruedian slit.
  10. Angua_rox New Member

    You know those REALLY irritating people who turn everything you say around?

    Me:"God, its flipping FREEZING today"
    Irritating person:"I'll freeze you! Huh huh huh huh."

    The thing to say is "That'll come in handy"
    "I'll come in YOUR handy. . . . .Uhhh"

    Hee hee hee.

    Gets them everytime!

    *remembers the last time she used this one*
  11. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I have just realized that when ever I get the song Paradise City stuck in my head, it gets stuck all wrong...

    "Take me down to paradise city where the girls are green and the grass is pretty..."

  12. koshu New Member

    i do it all the time esspecially in class when a teacher asks a question and you've been daydreaming and u just asya the first answer that come to your head. I was going to say "nucking futs" but i see Redneck has already said it so im out of things. will add more when i remember :eek:
  13. aegron New Member

    [quote:5636659a35="Katcal"]I have just realized that when ever I get the song Paradise City stuck in my head, it gets stuck all wrong...

    "Take me down to paradise city where the girls are green and the grass is pretty..."


    Isn't that what they are singing? :shock: I've always heard them singing that line!
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:a37151f297="aegron"][quote:a37151f297="Katcal"]I have just realized that when ever I get the song Paradise City stuck in my head, it gets stuck all wrong...

    "Take me down to paradise city where the girls are green and the grass is pretty..."


    Isn't that what they are singing? :shock: I've always heard them singing that line![/quote:a37151f297]
    green girls and pretty grass ? Err, nope, I think it's meant to be the other way round ! But then, hey, you never know, maybe they're trekkies in disguise... very [b:a37151f297]good [/b:a37151f297]disguise...

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