Jobs, Jobs; Careers, Careers

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by TheJackal, Oct 25, 2006.

  1. TheJackal Member

    It's my final year in college & I was hoping to enjoy it. Alas the past two weeks have all been about jobs & careers.

    Apparently I'm supposed to know exactly what I want to do in life this week because deadlines for applications are now. Can someone explain why all accounting firms required graduates to apply last week for jobs not starting til next Septemer 2007!

    The annual on-campus Recruitment Fair is on today & tomorrow and it seems all recruiters require you to apply within the next month as well. Why so early like!

    Oh the Stress! So much for enjoying my last taste of college life!

    Is anyone else feeling the 'Get a job' strain?
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Nope. I'm feeling the "got a job" strain... :(
  3. Hex New Member

    I need a job by next September, because then my parents stop giving me a living allowance and I have to start saving for study abroad.

    I put in an application at a little independent bookstore, but they said they weren't hiring until February or March. :(
    Do I wait and get a totally awesome job at this place, or find somewhere decidedly less awesome?
  4. Tephlon Active Member

    Just keep your options open.

    Find another job in the meantime and if you want, apply in Februari again.
    Gives you a nice negotiating point too.
  5. drunkymonkey New Member

    My mam's telling me to get a job, which is annoying (I do need one though). Right at the minute, I'm just relaxing with my EMA 30 quid a week.
  6. spiky Bar Wench

    I know in Australia graduate recruitment starts early because some companies get over 10,000 applications (the US has got to be even worse)... Thats a lot of applicant's to tell "the computer says no" to...

    When I went through it I'd only been back in the country for a little over a month... Head wasn't really with it and hence bombed out on all graduate jobs. Woe was me. But it wasn't the end of the world and I like what I do now so much better :)

    Although if your trying to become an accountant I don't if there's any hope for you. Ever.
  7. QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:2d0ad64ccb="Katcal"]Nope. I'm feeling the "got a job" strain... :([/quote:2d0ad64ccb]
    And I am feeling the "get into a good university so I can get a job" strain.
  8. Andalusian New Member

    I have a casual job at a coffee/cake shop. Definitely not feeling the stress - I love it.

    My advice to anyone looking for a casual job... just print out a bunch of resumes and hand them to every shop in your area. Don't be picky now. You can be picky when you get a couple of job offers.
  9. sampanna New Member

    [quote:47271b3ce4="Andalusian"]resumes and hand them to every shop in your area. Don't be picky now. You can be picky when you get a couple of job offers.[/quote:47271b3ce4]

    Words of wisdom.
  10. Watchman New Member

    I'm with Andalusian, love my job, In the last month I've been sent to Singapore, written messages for the Queen, briefings for the deputy Prime Minister and met two high commissioners and an ambassador at receptions amongst other things. The civil service trully does rock mightily. You spend so much of your life working you really need to find something you enjoy, dont get stuck in a rut doing something you hate.
  11. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I'm just feeling the 'pay the bills' strain.
  12. Roman_K New Member

    Me, I'm feeling the 'get better grades in my last year in the university because I really, really need them' strain.
  13. redneck New Member

    I have many different strains of strain. My most pressing though is the "work 12 hours a day" strain. But I only do that to meet my "pay back the college loan" strain. Which I accumulated to meet the "make a lot of money" strain. That brought on the "I'm such a dumbass for amassing a small national debt to get an education that would make me money and now I'm not using the education at all" strain. I keep waiting for the "ahh, what shall I have to drink on this particular cruise" strain. Or even the "Damn, they're out of caviar again" strain.
  14. spiky Bar Wench

    Poor redneck...

    *hands over the caviar*

    Although I don't know why you'd want it, that stuff tastes like salt soaked crap.
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:cc99fc9fd0="spiky"]Although I don't know why you'd want it, that stuff [b:cc99fc9fd0]tastes like salt soaked crap[/b:cc99fc9fd0].[/quote:cc99fc9fd0]
    Are you speaking from experience here spiky, or are you just guessing from what vegemite tastes like ? :D
  16. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:a1f3a354fc="Katcal"][quote:a1f3a354fc="spiky"]Although I don't know why you'd want it, that stuff [b:a1f3a354fc]tastes like salt soaked crap[/b:a1f3a354fc].[/quote:a1f3a354fc]
    Are you speaking from experience here spiky, or are you just guessing from what vegemite tastes like ? :D[/quote:a1f3a354fc]

    From experience... At least Vegemite is a byproduct of beer, so if you squint you can pretend its the real thing. Caviar is just salt with a dirty taste and the guilt of eating baby fish.
  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:e21664150b="spiky"][quote:e21664150b="Katcal"][quote:e21664150b="spiky"]Although I don't know why you'd want it, that stuff [b:e21664150b]tastes like salt soaked crap[/b:e21664150b].[/quote:e21664150b]
    Are you speaking from experience here spiky, or are you just guessing from what vegemite tastes like ? :D[/quote:e21664150b]

    From experience... At least Vegemite is a byproduct of beer, so if you squint you can pretend its the real thing. Caviar is just salt with a dirty taste and the guilt of eating baby fish.[/quote:e21664150b]
    No, I meant experience from tasting salt soaked crap... :roll: :D
  18. Hobbes New Member

    Caviar isn't supposed to tatse really salty. You probably had some cheap stuff.
  19. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Our students start working 6 months a year until graduation after their first 4 quarters. So yeah, there are always stressed out students aroubd ne trying to find jobs.

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