Just starting ..

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by sampanna, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. sampanna New Member

    Drawing inspiration from xkcd.com, I've decided to try my hand at some comics. I've only two so far, but ideas for a few more.


    I'll maintain a complete list here: A Geeky Life « Eclectic
    What do you all think?
  2. Hsing Moderator

    Hm... I don't know wether this is constructive, but I hope it comes across as that:
    The dialogue in the last panel of the first comic are a bit aprubt, as if that had been the starting sentence... If I got the point, this is how time was passed the whole evening though, isn't it?
    If so, one might indicate that time has passed and how, say, by having the candle burnt down to a stump in the last panel, or by adding a clock in the background, or by adding the classical "hours later"...

    In the second one, I just don't get the punchline, but that may be due to my lack of knowledge. If you do a webcomic for a certain audience that would get it, it doesn't have to matter that not everyone gets it... I am sure that even Dorktower contins a lot of stuff non-gamers won't find funny due to a lack of geek knowledge.

  3. sampanna New Member

    Thanks Hsing, all feedback is good - like I said, just starting :)
  4. mazekin Member

    I liked the first one. It reminded me of a date I once had where we both had nothing in common and most of it was spent in silence. Interspersed with the odd, irellevant comment. Hsing has a point, but I think the good thing about panels is that they show that time does pass. But you are the artist! Do what you feel works!
  5. sampanna New Member

    A longer reply this time - I was typing from my phone then.

    I guess the major difference is in the viewpoint. Programmers tend to do things like this - in the middle of an unrelated conversation - or a companionable silence as I was trying to show - a thread of thought running in their mind will come to conclusion and the result has to be made available immediately, never mind the circumstances. That is what I was showing really - almost every programmer I know recognized the situation immediately - and some actually said that they read it without realizing anything is wrong, it seemed normal to them :)

    The second one - well, I have an OCD - and I count things. I've actually done this once, thankfully never again. Thought it was funny ..
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well I got them both first time if that's any consolation to you... although I'm wondering if it shouldn't be more of a worry to me ^^
  7. sampanna New Member

  8. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I like the simpe style. Very nice. :)
  9. sampanna New Member

  10. IgorMina New Member

    I'm more worried that I noticed that the number of stairs in the second one goes from 12 to 14 to 17. Hmmm... *looks worried*

    Good comics though, I like! :)

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