kat's invasion of the world

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by spiky, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. spiky Bar Wench

    I think the bunny has started its invasion plans...


    You can read the full story here

    Edit: to add story link
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **evil laugh**

    Haha !!! I told you so !!! THE WORLD I TELLS YA !!!
  3. fairyliquid New Member

    I saw this in the newspaper a few days ago....and took a second glance. I couldn't help but think Katcal was watching me, so I placed the newspaper aside and stuck a bowl of fruit on top of it...feeling slightly bemused.

    Katcal has entered all of our lives...

    edit to fix stuff
  4. Angua_rox New Member

    The bunny is coming!
    The bunny is coming!

    Katcal, I'd just like to take this moment to remaind you that I have always really respected you, and that I think you are a truely lovely person.
    #Sucks up#

    :p :D
  5. Maljonic Administrator

    I still can't believe it's meant to be a rabbit.
  6. randywine Member

    That's more scary than Scary McScary from Scaryland in a scary mask on halloween. :evil: (Thinking about 'I, Robot.' A bunny in every home...just waiting for the signal :shock: )

    But Katcal if you do inherit the earth may I have a small island?

  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Randy, [i:c375188df7]when[/i:c375188df7] I gain control of the planet, you may have scotland.

    **smites Mal with the holy carrot**

    And you can have York too, it's almost scotland anyway :D

    Angua, for your sucking up, you wil get the Faroe Islands. They suck too.
  8. edster New Member

    Can i suck up as well?
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Don't all start, there are only so many places that suck :D
  10. randywine Member

    Randywine slaps himself on head and repeats "WHEN not if, WHEN not if..."
  11. Ba Lord of the Pies

    *Plans on taking it all for himself*
  12. Angua_rox New Member

    Faroe Islands eh?
    All right then.

    Not that bad I suppose.
    A lot like Ireland, or so they look.
    Don't suppose I could swap?
    Ireland sucks too.
  13. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **smites Angua with the holy carrot**

    Ireland never sucks !!! :shock: Ireland has Guiness !

    For that, I shall send all the folk dancers from Ireland to the Faroe Islands !
  14. Pixel New Member

    I want Luxembourg - even though it sucks if you spend more than a few days there, it's conveniently next door to Belgium, and it's where all the rich Belgians hide their money! :)
  15. Candeleena New Member

    If nobody wants the Faroes - I"ll take them pretty please, no matter if they suck or not. I can put up with Irish dancers too.
  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Pixel will not get Luxembourg, or Switzerland, or the Caiman islands. If pixel doesn't suck up a bit more, he will get Walloonia. And that never gets better even if you [i:c83b7293ad]don't[/i:c83b7293ad] pick at it.

    Candeleena, Angua has already been given the Faroe Islands, and she's stuck with them. You can have Corsica. It has polyphonic singing and bombs and stinky cheese.

    Edits for holy spelling.
  17. Candeleena New Member

    Wow! Have I sucked up enough to get such a nice place? :oops: I will learn polyphonic singing out of sheer gratitude, then.
  18. spiky Bar Wench

    pffft I'm claiming the entirety of Australia. If I'm gonna get an island I want the biggest one available...
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    If spiky wants Australia, she will have to prove herself worthy. Australia does not suck. It has kangaroos. And koalas.
  20. edster New Member

    i don't want my home run bye spiky, not that the current guy is that great.

    edit# stuffed up some stuff
  21. fairyliquid New Member

    Can I take Indonesia...cause then I can claim lots of little islands...if I can only have one I'll go for Bali though :p
  22. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:f80fb761df="Katcal"]If spiky wants Australia, she will have to prove herself worthy. Australia does not suck. It has kangaroos. And koalas.[/quote:f80fb761df]

    Well it doesn't rain much 90% is either desert or in draught...

    Koalas aren't all they're cracked up to be, they're constantly stoned because of the eucalyptus oil and their mating call is just scary (not at all cute).

    And kangaroos aren't like Skippy, their in plague proportions and can kick your kidneys through your spine...

    And I haven't even metioned the really dangerous animals yet...

    Ed is just going to have to accept my rule, I have seniority and I promise to retire before I die unlike our current PM... ALthough I don't promise not to embezzle millions of public funds and retire to the Caymens :)
  23. edster New Member


    Ed is just going to have to accept my rule, I have seniority and I promise to retire before I die unlike our current PM... ALthough I don't promise not to embezzle millions of public funds and retire to the Caymens :)[/quote:564e3ee401]

    huzzra :D
  24. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Spiky dear, Koalas are cool, one or them once bit Mrs. T. ! Hot is cool, sand is cool, surf is cool, anything that can kill you with a kick, is cool. Dangerous animals are cool. Actually, I'm beginning to think that Australia is the perfect place for Ba.

    Also, I want a koala mating call as my ringtone :D
  25. Angua_rox New Member

    Ireland doesn't suck most of the time.
    But occasionally it does.
    What with the rain.
    But I love it anyway.
  26. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    *reminds Katcal that novices don't get to divide up global territories without high priestess's permission first*
  27. Katcal I Aten't French !

    *reminds Garner that clergies of Garner and suchlike are purely boardfictional fun things, and that world domination is real and for life. This is serious stuff here !*
  28. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    *orders mynona to put katcal on some sort of suitable novicey kind of chore when she has a moment*
  29. Ba Lord of the Pies

    *Reminds Katcal that the second she takes over the world, she will be assassinated and replaced with one of Ba's agents, who will serve as puppet dictator for life*
  30. Katcal I Aten't French !

    That's what Ba thinks :cooler:
  31. Ba Lord of the Pies

    That's what Ba [i:3b1c8424df]knows.[/i:3b1c8424df]

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